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#1  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

I approve of this.

And so does Hardcore Sideways Badly Drawn Aristocrat Dave.

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#2  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

@Brad: Now you've pointed that out, I've come to a conclusion. Prequel! That's what all the cool kids are doing right? Along with reboots.

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#3  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

@marioncobretti said:

What did stick out most from the final shot of Marcus and Anya was "Fucking hell Marcus Fenix has massive hands!"

Oh god yeah, they are ridiculous. But suppose they need to be in proportion to his equally massive arms.

Yeah the whole Dad plot just seemed to lack emotional punch, maybe it's because Marcus never seems vulnerable at any point in the series, he has always been a 'badass'. So when his dad goes all ash on him, I kind of just went 'eh, does he actually care?'.

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#4  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

So I just finished the Gears 3 campaign, and proceeded to laugh a little at Ice T's song in the credits..just wow.

Anyway the ending, all in all I'm quite satisfied with the ending, it gave nice closure overall. In all honesty I wasn't expecting it to be such a, not sure if happy is the right word, but happy ending, was expecting more last stand sacrifices ala Dom style (which in itself was a pretty great moment in the campaign, even if I saw it coming a mile off).

Also can someone explain to me why the Locust queen is human-like? Not up to date on my Gears lore ha.

Also any speculation on where the story goes from here? Cause I doubt this is the last of the franchise, just this story arc. Also if Epic do any single player dlc, what's the bet it'll be on where the hell Baird and Cole got the reinforcements from?

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#5  Edited By BeepBeepBoop
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#6  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

Hey all, this is my first time writing a blog on this site and ever, so go easy. Right after that preface, let me get into the meat of this and the purpose behind it.

My idea behind this blod is to talk about current UK bands and artists that I currently am passionate for and feel like I can blabber on about. Giving a little bit of background on myself, I'm 19 turning 20 in the next few months and going into my second year of university at Bristol (in the UK, not the 84th best place to live according to CNN). I've always had a love for music probably stemming from the very first cassette I owned of this beautiful lady (I hasten to add my music taste has changed, and I was young, please forgive me). Anyway onto the actual point of this blog entry Foals:

I thought I would start my blog with something familiar, the band hail from Oxford, my hometown and are probably my most seen band. Anyway here is a very brief history lesson.

Foals are a five piece consisting of member Yannis (lead vocals, guitar), Jack (drums), Jimmy (guitar), Edwin (keyboard, backing vocals) and Walter (bass, backing vocals). Jack and Yannis were in a 'math rock' band together. The original Foals was started by Youthmovies frontman Andrew Mears, but he left to concentrate on Youthmovies debut album. This lead to the current line up, and Yannis becoming the lead singer. That's a quite brief early history but leads me into their first album Antidotes.


Released in 2008 this was a burst of energy, it was raw. I say raw because it describes both the reasons why I love it, and why I don't. It is unrefined and harsh yet that isn't necessarily bad, it was my first foray into math rock and it captivated me.

My personal standout in the song ‘Red Socks Pugie’. For me what makes it my favourite is the way the crescendo builds up and ends with Jack literally destroying his drum kit.

Now would be a good time to explain what an amazing live band Foals are. They are. Right moving on...

Foals second album released in 2010 was Total Life Forever.

No Caption Provided

Total Life Forever

This album was most certainly my album of the year (and I wasn't the only one who thought it was good). This album showcased how the band had matured their sound. It was more delicate, better produced and an all round better album. While Antidoes was raw with harsh guitar, TLF was more subtle, with layered guitars and more refined vocals. My standout track would have to be 'Spanish Sahara'. You really should try listening to the whole album if you've liked any song I've linked so far (Billie Piper does not count), I'm sure it's all on youtube.

Also they still are really good live.

That was a very brief look at Foals, I hope some people will read this and discover a new band, or just comment on how they also like/despise Foals.

Hopefully this will be the start of a series of blogs as I've got a few more bands/artists I'd like to write about, most a lot less well known.

Anyway thanks for reading,


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#7  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

Loved this blog, as Room On Fire was the first CD I owned along with By The Way by RHCP. Used to listen to that album non-stop, so obviously I went and got This Is It? and it was amazing.

I do fall into the category of not being FIOE's biggest fan (in all honesty don't like it all that much) but I did enjoy Angles.

Saw them at Reading this year, and thoroughly enjoyed what I could remember of their set, unfortunately I got slightly too inebriated during Pulp so was a bit of a blur, but a good blur.

I was thinking I might start a blog about some of the more unknown UK artists around now, get them some love from our american buddies on the site.

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#8  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

I'm going to rate one person only...

...Kessler. And I give him pi.

But seriously that dude writes good reviews.

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#9  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

@EuanDewar said:

Frank Turner was fantastic at Reading. "Photosynthesis" in particular was a lovely Crowd-uniting performance.

I really enjoyed Pulp. Jarvis Cocker has such a great stage presence...


Where were we again?

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#10  Edited By BeepBeepBoop

Sounds good,

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