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Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, May 23rd 2014

Another Friday means another weekly wiki update. This week is the week of Steam. I actually did not mean to focus on all these PC games, it just kind of happened. Most all of my updates to the wiki this week involved PC games.


Steam Mania

Apparently I just can’t get enough of adding games because of the Steam cards that I needed to add other Steam games as well. I decided to go through Steam and see what games are there that are not in the wiki yet. Steam has recently been having games dumped on there like crazy, and it is hard to keep up on it.

Hidden Objects

So I decided after looking over the large amount of hidden object games I have acquired that it was time to finally make sure they are all in the wiki. I have a pretty sort of like/hate relationship with the games in that I actually do like some of them, but I have added so many of them on here. These games all start to blend together. The reason for acquiring so many of these is two-fold, one is because my wife loves them and plays them all the time and the other is a morbid curiosity I have for them. I have a lot more to add, but here are the ones I had to add to the wiki since they weren't already here.

Steam Trading Cards

The theme of Steam continues with even more games with Steam cards. Nothing really too interesting this week except for that new Gauntlet game jumped out at me as a surprise. I had totally forgotten that thing even got announced, let alone already is listed as having Steam cards. Here are the games I had to add to the wiki because they got cards.

Another week down and I can’t believe I have stuck to these. This week started with a bang for me but then got super busy. Speaking of which starting next week I will probably not be able to do very much wiki editing as summer brings a shift in my work hours.

I have been noticing people editing a wide variety of pages this week which is awesome. As always what are you fellow duders working on? Also I have been hearing that Steam has already had more games added to it this year than all of 2013, and I totally believe it.