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Weekly Wiki Update - Saturday, August 2nd 2014.

So I am kicking myself for missing this last week, but to be honest I really did not do anything wiki related last week. I am down to one week left before I really have the time to dig back in and I am excited.

No real goals to speak of this week other than the same old Steam Trading Cards, but I did end up randomly putting some work into the balance indicator concept page. I was pretty surprised when I stumbled on it that it was completely void of any information. I was trying to rack my brain to add more games to it, but only had a handful. If anyone else out there can think of more, then please add them.

Another project I came across is when I was working on that balance indicator page is that the original Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater had no more concepts, characters, ect. linked to it. I added some of the ones I could think of at the time, but I am sure a lot more need to be added back.

Steam Trading Cards

Boy oh boy did I pay for letting this go for two weeks instead of one. There was a ton of games adding cards these past two weeks. Luckily for the sake of time a lot of them at least had pages already created for them, and some other folks had already added trading cards to some. I did end up working on some of the pages a little bit that were already created that were completely bare.

Also this past week they added cards to the only MMO game I ever got hooked on, Ragnarok Online.

As always here is a list of games that I had to add:

So there it is, a double week edition of the “weekly” wiki update. As I said at the top I am coming up on having more time on my hands again so I plan on digging into my list of pages I have created over the last few years and really filling them in.

Also an idea that I have been toying with including in this blog series is maybe adding a community wiki task type of deal where maybe I spotlight a wiki page in need each or something? If anyone has any thoughts on this let me know.

Anyone else out there doing some wiki work, let us know!