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#1  Edited By BoG

I didn't get it on Steam. I have a completed Kingdom Hearts 2 file on my memory card, and I don't remember playing the game for more than an hour.

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#2  Edited By BoG

@TheQuotedNegro: Fair enough. From our brief discussion, my conclusion is that we simply have different opinions. I don't think anything you said is wrong, it's simply your interpretation, and I respect that. The same goes for what I said, it's my interpretation.


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#3  Edited By BoG

@TheQuotedNegro: First, why do you keep typing D'jango? It's Django.

Django was never ok with racism. He never explicitly says "I HATE THIS." You see it in his face when he sees slaves being mistreated. You see it when his first reaction is to shoot and then whip the first of the Brittle brothers. We see how Django perceives racism when he acts as a black slaver. He doesn't want to, he says that black slavers are the lowest of the low. It pains him to play the part at times. You're right, though, his ultimate goal was not to change the world, it was simply to save his wife. His character arc was not overcoming racism. It was learning to control himself. On his first bounty, he simply shoots and kills. When he is in Candie's home, he restrains himself. In the end, it was the composed Dr. King who can't stay his hand. I think we agree that this was probably the most powerful scene in the entire movie.

I stand by what I said about the killing of Sam Jackson. I think it was a liberating scene. I'll defend it further when I have a chance to watch the movie again, and understand it more fully.

I don't think Tarantino was trying to portray slavery in a positive way when he shows a slave girl on a swing. I think that he was trying to portray the era the way it was. The fact that some slaves were treated differently just further illustrates how unjust, and unjustified, the practice of slavery was. There are still present in the film completely different scenes. The hot box, the wrestling, the dog attacks, all of which don't dance around the horrors of slavery. You're right, though. Slavery isn't the primary focus of the film. The film isn't about slavery, it's simply set in the era of American Slavery.

As for distorting the image of the racists, I think you're wrong. I think that Tarantino is trying to portray them as human beings. They're still villains, but not the "evil to the core and terribly efficient" villains we're used to seeing in movies. He made the klansmen just as human, and just as stupid, as anyone else in the entire film.

I've already stated why I think that Tarantino did a good job. He made us feel horrible when the man is torn apart, and excited when Django killed everyone. I do, however, understand why you don't like the scene. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate for Django to kill Candie.

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#4  Edited By BoG
"If you want to see a western movie that stars a great black lead character that is strong, smart, likable, looks racism and hate in the face without flinching."

I don't think that this was the point. The point was that Django was a liberated slave, ad he carried along with him all the emotional baggage that comes with that. He's not supposed to be smart, he was a slave. As for the others items, I think you're wrong. I liked him as a character and thought that he was a strong man. He was trying to read, and he was strong when he needed to control himself. At the end of the movie, he does look racism and hate in the face without flinching. This is how I interpreted the final scene, where he kills Sam Jackson's character.

The magic of Django is that Tarantino successfully created a lighthearted slavery movie. He doesn't make light of the most horrible aspects of slavery, he portrays them as terrible. There is a delicate balance of horror and humor, and Tarantino nails it. Even the violent scenes all have a different flavor. When the enslaved man is torn apart by dogs, we're disgusted as an audience. When Django opens up a can of whoopass (a scene far more violent than the dog one) we cheer for him. Tarantino crafted each scene to have a distinct emotional impact and, again, he pulled it off.

@FLYmeatwad: I just want to endorse everything this user just said.

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#5  Edited By BoG

You’re making a horrible mistake. You haven’t played any Final Fantasy games, and this is where you start?

I felt that the battle system was boring. The game essentially plays itself. I rarely chose my own attacks. The only real involvement you have in battles is changing paradigms. By the time my characters were well developed, I had crafted a team good enough that I almost never shifted. Your characters are hardly customizable, another big issue with the game. There are a few branches off of the main trail, but they're short, and really don't count as being a choice. And Snow is the worst character ever.

I had fun playing it, though, in spite of it being the worst FF game EVAR.

@Video_Game_King said:

@GrantHeaslip said:

Hope is the kid who, if memory serves, is irrationally mad at Lightning for the majority of the game.

It's Snow, and he has an OK reason.

Pfft. He doesn't have an ok reason. He should have confronted Snow about it early on. Even then, he shouldn't have been all mad about it. It's not as if...

Snow intentionally killed his mom. He was trying to save her! How did Hope not see that? He can be angry about his failure, but he can't blame him for her death. It was irrational for him to harbor that hatred for so long, especially after Snow was nice to him.
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#6  Edited By BoG

I always get the Lemon Grass Chicken.

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#7  Edited By BoG

Real Madrid is going to win the Premier League!

Ok, seriously. They won't even win La Liga.

I just want Arsenal to pass to Chelsea in points. Things have been looking better in December. I really wish that I could watch today's match, but it isn't broadcast where I live =(

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#8  Edited By BoG

@TheHumanDove said:

No option for future?

I think I'd fit in well with the 2050's.

Same. I just identify with 2050's culture far more than contemporary culture.

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#9  Edited By BoG

@Subjugation: Thanks for the link. Based on that, I'll jump right in to the third expansion. I did play a little bit, and it was fun.

I have one HUGE COMPLAINT, though. Seville. That isn't Seville. I have been to Seville. Who do the developers think they are, putting the city of Florence in the game and calling it Seville? My Spanish ancestors* are deeply offended by this.

*I don't have Spanish ancestors

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#10  Edited By BoG

Is Age of Empires III fun? I loved the second game, but when it was released, my computer couldn't handle III. Is it good? Because I bought it.