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But half the fun would be hitting the animals... right?

Hey kids, 
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I promised myself to get some games out of the way this year, because I have a terrible habit of putting them off for the longest time. Maybe it's the amount of games that are in this bloody apartment, because I always have one game that seems to be leering over my shoulder wanting me to play it. Or you always get that urge to play something, because you know there's still stuff you can do. ( I keep thinking about that final hunt in FFXII.. ) 
Thankfully, a game I can scratch off my playlist is Afrika ( True story: REVIEW IS HERE ). Interesting that game. It's both pretty cool and pretty boring. there's more than a couple of times I knew I could be playing something else, because near the end of it's run I decided a fitting balance to that game was Demon's Souls (But I must be having RE5 on my mind instead, because my character looks a lot like Chris Redfield). There's probably a lot of things I could criticize about Afrika. It's a bummer how stiff it is, and there's a serious lack of personality. But I guess the game served it's purpose of killing my brain. It's boring enough to make you forget was the word tedious means, and I don't mean boring in a bad way. But I sure as hell don't mean relaxing :P
Coming up gaming wise, is Super Street Fighter IV and Nier. I am kind of being heckled to get the 360 version (Because why the hell not, right?) But I like the PS3 version for my own reasons. If all else fails, I'm probably going to end up getting both to keep everybody happy! hurhhurhur. In terms of who I'm maining, I'm going to keep my Final Fight Spirit Alive and Main Cody. I'm not sure if that makes me cool or un-cool I've only played street fighter alpha 3, two or three times before, and I'm not sure how much of his move-set is the same. You guys that are already playing it should give me a heads up, or any other advice, since I'm getting back into it.
That's all I can bring myself to talk about. Unless you want to hear about how I've accidentally installed Sims 3 onto my macbook, and pass the time controlling the lives of others. But.. come on, really?