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Not an Overwatch heroes guide.

Since I’ve been playing Overwatch for a very long time, and doing crazy shit like playing competitive matches regularly on the Twitch streams, (that's misleading because I'm always competitive.) My radar is being filled with “How-tos and best tricks” of all of my favorite characters.

Given my own experience, and considering I have the handicap of playing the PC version with a controller, I’m putting together some handy notes for myself (that you’re welcome to read) as an excuse to blog. They are probably also not at all useful. I’m not setting out to point out anything basic, but it’s my own general sense of play with every Hero.

Tracer: My reaction time is already not the greatest, so Tracer is a character that I typically want to avoid. Zippin' and Bippin' is a hell of a lot of fun, but I don’t add much to the team, and I’m really bad at standing beside cliffs.

Genji: I look like a bad-ass but play like Beverly Hills Ninja. I don’t expect to improve.

Doomfist: I was never good at Street Fighter and I miss 100% of the shots I take.

Mcree: When you have six bullets that you gotta make count, I distance myself from the action and line my shots up as best as I can. The slow cowboy is effective as long as nobody pays attention, but I might as well just pick the sniper class instead.

Pharah: What I’ve come to find is that flying in the air and shooting with a controller is a lot like patting your head and rubbing your belly. My best bet to really go up into the air, shoot a couple of rockets and immediately go back down instead of lingering. People are much more savvy at dealing with Pharah than I can anticipate. It’s a shit-show.

Soldier 76: If I’m bad at aiming that day, and the team still needs DPS, I switch to the guy with the AIMBOT. That "Since I’m not handsome I can at least be handy" attitude works wonders at distances and higher ground, But I’m always flanking, I can’t help myself.

Sombra: I think a good Sombra player is constantly moving around the map like a mosquito and hacks the enemy at every turn. Currently trying my best to learn her. Should always put a teleporter down, and always get behind them, but I'm occasionally forgetting about the teleporter, or cloaking myself. Thanks to her hack buff I can always walk up to Pharah and punch her in the head now.

Reaper: I know I choose him because of the tank counter, but I really choose him because I’ve given up on myself. I’m pretty sure I’m still playing Reaper the right way.

Junkrat: My Junk brings all the boys to the yard, and then I trap them and blow them up. Obviously favor this character because he’s less about aiming at them directly and really about playing a game of pool. Banking shots off the environment or anticipating where the opponent is going to be is pretty much key. Traps are only effective half the time, but usually work when I think I put them in the dumbest of places.

Mei: For a character with Anti-bully voice lines, She actually a huge one herself. Best at keeping the point alive as long as my team is right around the corner, cause I just have to sit there like a frozen paperweight. Ultimately though, I’m actually a better sniper with mei than I am with the actual snipers.

Hanzo: Worst Hanzo NA. Can’t aim for shit, can’t even E for shit. But when I get that headshot it’s the most satisfying feeling. Also happens to be the one character with the most skins that I really like. It’s conflicting to play so bad but look so good.

Widowmaker: Apply what I said about Hanzo to WM. While I at least try my best with Hanzo, I feel like I’m playing a prank with this character. To be fair though, I have been adjusting my analog stick sensitivity to get a better feeling with aiming. I think it has improved with other characters, but WM still has a long way to go.

Torbjorn: The creature of habit that I am means I always put the turret in the same places that I do in every map. Either it just works for me or I’m not adventurous enough. Also, Torb can sometimes be a secret weapon when it’s the last minute of taking the point that the opposing side has developed a false sense of security. Shatter their dreams.

Bastion: I forget this one all the time. Even when putting this blog together. Bastion is good at gatting, but is super low on my personal list of characters I would bother with on Defense. Again, it’s a controller thing.

Reinhardt: German engineering at it’s best, please don’t ask me to be a tank. Plz plz plz. If you remember the short about young Rein where he was super ambitious and headstrong, barely supporting his teammates, then you can imagine that’s how I play. I’m just never as successful at attacking the enemy. I’ve learned to not be too much of a hero, just keep my shield up and let the others do most of the work.

Roadhog: I think most of my hooks are by accident, but it’s the only skill I carried over from League of Legends. Self heal is set up as my itchy trigger finger, I’m never not self healing because it helps to be that cautious. Everyone who’s ever played hog knows how effective he is around edges and deep pits, but it sure as hell sucks to be on that receiving end.

Orisa: More fun than Bastion will ever be, but if anyone on the other team is fast, I will fall apart instantly. Just let me stay in the corner and shoot my gun. Therefore only effect when taking a point, don’t ask me to push a payload.

Winston: I can admit that I really hated this big ape at first. But I’ve come to realize just how effective he is against squishy assholes. (I clearly couldn’t have typed a better sentence.) Good Winston play is knowing when you’ve overstayed your welcome attacking the team, jumping back and forth between getting heals and attacking is sure to make you insufferable.

Zarya: I can’t lazer in a straight line to save my life. I have a pet peeve that a person just needs to jump up and down to avoid getting hurt. I suppose I should be applying the same methodology to her that I do with Junkrat. One of those characters that I moan and complain about but am actually decent with in Mystery Heroes. I don’t like the way she attacks, but I sure do love to fly at people and push them around. Rethinking this strategy because it's probably not the greatest, but I secretly like using when she’s out of meka more. So excuse me while I blow up my meka, Roadhog has a date with my pea shooter.

Ana: If my aim is good than I’ll take my chances. Ana is a really good mother and an even better sniper. Using the scope is actually harder for me, so most of the time I never bother. Just pay attention to the team and rarely try to shoot at the opponents.

Lucio: The day I found out you just need to hold the button down to wall ride was amazingly a year too late. I Like this kid, a lot of spunk, but I think if you’re playing him to be a healer and not being annoying to the other team, then frankly you’re playing him wrong. (because really, you can do both at the same time anyway)

Mercy: Nope. Causes me too much stress.

Symmetra: Fun in special cases. The kind of character that leaves a lot of people salty, and it’s really weird that the development team talks about how she’s going to get reworked because she’s not exactly hard to deal with. More fun in arcade mode than Quick play. Though I'm sure all you really need to do when playing Sym is by running laps with your gun out. It’s a lot like fishing.

Brigitte: New so I don’t have that much of an opinion. Fun when playing on my own, but zero confidence when being support for the team. If my play-style with Reinhardt is any indication, Don’t expect me to be helpful as I’m currently swinging my mace around like a maniac. IF I KEEP DOING IT AND YOU GET HIT, IT’S YOUR OWN FAULT.

Zenyatta: Typically the support I like to choose because I can be at a distance and see everything. Kinda like that whole Iris narrative. Charging up a shot is effective but rare in some cases, cause I don’t want to get caught being a sitting duck for either my teammates or I to be killed. Just keep discording everything and scream when you do.

Moira: For the same reason I choose Zenyatta. I actually switch between the two. If one isn’t working for me in a match then other one surprisingly will. Playing Moira is tempting to attack, but you’re better off focusing on healing. Don’t throw a death orb unless it’s a preemptive strike or the opportunity is too good to pass up. Left click and right click are perfect harmony though. I also have forever ruined Moira by relating her heal spray to pee. It just looks like it, but somewhat awkward to shout things like “Gimmie your pee!” Or “I’m out of pee!” I’ve made that bed and I willingly sleep in it.

That’s all I have for now. But like I said, I play a lot of this game on Twitch these days. Ensuring that I’m the only other person that plays Sombra. So keep fit and have fun.

Your pal,
