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I am thinking about doing a series of blog posts and reviews called "Brett's Backlog Blitz" where I work to play through my backlo...

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Game of the Year 2015

2015 was a solid year. I moved across the country with my partner, started a job that I really enjoy doing software development for a non-profit, and settled into a diet and lifestyle that makes me happy. I took some breaks from playing games in 2015, but I think that was for the best since it gave me perspective on what playing games means to me.

For me, playing games is entertainment, which I very much value. Games also challenge me to think in different ways. They inspire me. The community that exists around video games can be very positive and fun, and I think Giant Bomb is a good example of that community.

I was only able to play games on Mac OS X, 3DS, and Vita for most of the year, so I did not spend as much time as I would like with some console games, but I think overall I really enjoyed a handful of games in 2015. I am really looking forward to 2016 in terms of playing games.

Here are my top 10 favorite games of 2015:

10. Rocket League

My time with Rocket League was not much more than a dozen-or-so hours, but I found what I played of it to be incredible satisfying. I am not a competitive person, but Rocket League struck a balance with fun and teamwork that I enjoyed.

9. Galak-Z: The Dimensional

As a fan of Gundam, Space Captain Harlock, and Macross, so much about Galak-Z appeals to me. The style is spot on, the music fits, and the ship/mech controls so tightly. The feeling of getting into dogfight in Galak-Z and coming out alive is incredible. My only qualm with Galak-Z is that it lost me after a few seasons due to its difficulty.

8. Persona 4: Dancing All Night

Is it weird to enjoy a spin-off game for a game that I have not yet finished? I listen to the Persona 4 soundtrack when I work at least once a week. I really, really love the music. Persona 4: Dancing All Night takes what I enjoy about the Hatsune Miku rhythm games, combines that with incredible music, and layers in an interesting story. I can see myself playing through songs in Free Play for the months to come.

7. Her Story

Her Story holds a special place in my memory because my partner and I sat down and played through it in one afternoon. I took notes while they interacted with the game. It was such a special experience. I thought the way the game 'ended' was just right, and it was something my partner and I talked about for the days that followed.

6. Undertale

My thoughts on Undertale have changed over the weeks since I finished it, but I really did enjoy it. It is a genuinely funny game, and the characters really shine. I don't think that the combat is particularly enjoyable, and the path to sparing enemies is too samey once you figure it out. The final boss fight left a sour taste in my mouth as it was not enjoyable for me and just didn't resonate with me. Looking back on the game, it felt like the creator at every single design decision asked "how can I subvert expectations here?" which leads to a lot of the humor in the game. However, I believe it lead to creating a game that is essentially just a bunch of memes strung together and not a deep experience that one can dig into. Regardless of all of that, Undertale is still very charming and has fantastic music.

5. OlliOlli2: Welcome to OlliWood

OlliOlli2 makes playing the original OlliOlli nearly impossible. The addition of manuals may seem like an obvious and simple change, but THE GAME DONE CHANGED. Stringing together a combo for the entire level is such a good feeling. The music is also spot-on, at least for my tastes. OlliOlli2 is a great skateboarding game.

4. Super Mario Maker

Throughout my years of dabbling with game development, I have built level editors and used existing level editors. The Super Mario Maker level editor is simply incredible. It is very friendly, encourages experimentation, and has constraints that make it more accessible. Grabbing the Wii U Gamepad and starting with a blank canvas of a level and ending up with something that is fun to play is such a good feeling. Playing through the levels that others have played fuels the creativity of making more levels, and I find that cycle of play->create->play->create so engaging. I can't wait to see how Super Mario Maker holds up into 2016.

3. Axiom Verge

Every time I read about Axiom Verge I can't help but ask, "I wonder if someone can talk about or review this game with mentioning Metroid?" I have never played Metroid or Super Metroid. I have never played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I intend to play them, but to me, Axiom Verge stands on its own without comparing it to those games. It has an atmosphere that works. The setting is eerie and strange, unlike any other game I have played. The controls are tight, and the progression throughout the game feels so good. The boss fights are memorable, and the story is right up my alley. I really dug Axiom Verge. I found myself thinking about it a lot when I was not playing it, and I am excited to return to it again in the future.

2. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

Dark Souls II feels like more of Dark Souls, and I am really enjoying that. I am not finished with it yet, but what I have played of it, about 15 hours, has been so solid. The world of Drangleic has me pondering how the game is all going to come together, and the progression in the game is as good as it was in Dark Souls.

1. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The only Metal Gear Solid game that I have played a majority of before The Phantom Pain was Metal Gear Solid 4. I went into that game without knowing much of the world, characters, and legacy of the games that came before 4. I really enjoyed 4. I played it when I was a senior in high school, and it was one of the game that really impacted me. The story, I thought, was incredible. I thought the controls felt good, and it was wacky in the best ways. The Phantom Pain reminds me of 4 but in an open world with incredible controls. The sneaking feels even better, and the story has me excited to see what happens next. I have not yet finished The Phantom Pain, but from the dozens of hours I have played of it, it was my favorite game I played in 2015.


Outside of the main top 10, here are some games that I want to talk about that I did not get to play, want to play more of, and really enjoyed but did not come out this year.

Honorable Mentions

10 is a pretty small number of games, and there are a few other games I enjoyed this year but either did not play enough to have a solid opinion on yet or did not quite make the cut.

  • dreeps - A fun little iOS game centered around setting alarms and passively checking in on the game to see how the robot boy is progressing. I enjoyed playing this for a few weeks. The pixel art is very good, and I enjoyed the passiveness of it.
  • Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - I did not play nearly as much as this as I wanted to, but I really enjoyed what I did play. Playing Dark Souls has made me appreciate the Monster Hunter series more. I intend to play this in 2016 more.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - This game motivated my purchase of the New Nintendo 3DS, but I have only played about a half dozen hours so far. I have enjoyed what I have played, but I need to play more to get a better feeling for how it progresses.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X - This game motivated me to purchase a Wii U at the end of 2015. I have not played enough to have it land on my list, but I am digging it so far. The focus on exploring the large world is awesome. I can see how it has changed from Xenoblade Chronicles that came before it.

Games I Wish I Played

These are the games I am most excited to play in 2016 that came out in 2015. I'll have the time! Right?

  • Bloodborne - I decided to finish Dark Souls and Dark Souls II before playing Bloodborne, but it feels like the time is approaching to finally play this. Everything that I have seen and heard about it has me excited to play it. I am a bit cautious about overdosing on Souls games, so I may wait until a bit after Dark Souls III or something...
  • Tales of Zestiria - The Tales of series are games I always want to like, but I never really finish them. I am not sure if I will finish Zestiria, but I do want to play it! I picked it up on sale, so sometime in 2016 I am sure I will play it.
  • Splatoon - All of the Splatoon love during the Giant Bomb GOTY content has me so excited to play this game. I am not big on shooters, but this seems to be so cute and fun. I am going to give it a go!
  • Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below - I was never one for Dynasty Warriors games, but I dig Dragon Quest. I didn't have the chance to play this yet, but it looks pretty good.

Games I Played That Came Out Before 2015 That I Enjoyed

  • Dark Souls - It took me four years, but I managed to beat Dark Souls this year. What a game. I couldn't help but feel like I was lost in its lore, atmosphere, and challenge. I am very happy I finished this game, and I have been enjoying and am looking forward to the future Souls games.
  • Dust: An Elysian Tail - I started Dust in late 2014, but I think I finished it in early 2015. What an enjoyable 2D action game. I played the heck out of it, and I think one day I will go back and play it on Hard.
  • Bravely Default - I doubt I will ever finish this game, but I enjoy playing it for a couple hours here and there. It has a simple story, fast-paced combat, and a nice visual style.
  • Persona 4 Golden - I will finish this game one day, I swear! I really love the music and style, but the actually playing of the game has not grabbed me. I am about 10 hours in, and I am going to keep on sticking with it.
  • VVVVVV - Years after first playing this game, I finally took the time to finish it. I super enjoyed the music and fast past of progressing through it. I also feel like it was just the right length. VVVVVV is a great short little game.


That's all I've got! I am looking forward to 2016.

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Brett's Backlog Blitz: Intro

I tend to dismiss the idea of a New Year’s Resolution, but there is something to the feeling of starting something new at the start of a new year. My New Year’s Resolution for 2016 is not overly complex or life changing. My New Year’s Resolution is to simply play through my game backlog. Over the years I have amassed a catalog of games that I want to play, but I have not taken the time to enjoy yet. I am not very good at finishing games, and I am tired of spending money on buying new ones before enjoying what I have. I want to change that.

That is what Brett’s Backlog Blitz is all about - enjoying what I have. Every week I am going to try to write a blog post summarizing what I played, how I feel about it, and if I am going to keep on playing those games. Along the way, I am going to limit the games I buy to a predetermined list that have some stipulations. I want to also share what games I do end up buying.

Along with the blog posts, my Backloggery is where I will do more granular updates and keep track of my backlog. Most of my backlog is present on my Backloggery, but I may be missing some digital games. I doubt I will get through my whole backlog in 2016, but I will try my best. Also, a lot of the games I own are 20+ hour JRPGs, which can be a bit difficult to back-to-back, so I may let some be for future years.


These are the ground rules that I am going to try to follow:

  • Write a blog post each week, published on Sunday, reviewing the week of games I played and how the blitz is going.
  • If I am not enjoying a game, I will set it to Null in Backloggery and move on. Life is too short to play games I am not enjoying.
  • At most I will only buy one new game a month. This will prevent my backlog from growing a bunch throughout the year.
  • If I own the same game on different platforms without cross-save, I will probably not play the game on all the platforms I own it on. In my Backloggery, I will set the platforms I did not play the game on to Null.
  • Games I get via PlayStation Plus (PS+) may get added to my backlog if I am interested in playing them. I am not going to count them against my buying one game a month goal.

Games I Know I Want

Going into 2016, I know there are some games that I really want to play and enjoy. These are games that I am definitely going to buy and play.

  • Fire Emblem Fates - February - I dug Awakening, which I played through most of when it came out, and I am looking forward to Fates. I doubt I will finish Awakening before Fates comes out, and I do not want to burn myself out on it.
  • Dark Souls III - April - I really enjoy the Souls games, and I want to play Dark Souls III at release. My goal is to try to play (and finish) all the Souls games first I am currently working through Dark Souls II, and I want to try to play Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls before Dark Souls III comes out.
  • Dragon Quest VII & VIII - Summer - I am a big fan of the Dragon Quest series, and I know I will play VII & VIII when they release on 3DS.
  • Persona 5 - TBA - I want to, at least, beat Persona 4: Golden, before playing Persona 5. I really enjoy the style, music, and characters of Persona games, and 5 is looking solid.
  • Final Fantasy XV - TBA - I enjoyed Episode Duscae, the demo, and I am looking forward to playing the full game.
  • The Last Guardian - TBA - I have been excited about this game for years, and I need play Ico and Shadow first.

Games I Maybe Want

There are a few games that I think that I want, but I am on the fence about.

  • Final Fantasy Explorers - January - I want to enjoy Monster Hunter (and Monster Hunter-like) games, but I always struggle to get into them beyond about a dozen hours. I enjoy the Final Fantasy characters and music, but I do wonder if I will get much out of this game.
  • Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - February - Growing up, I loved Naruto and the PS2 fighting games. I have not kept up with the story, so I worry that I would be a bit lost. I played the demo and enjoyed it, so I will have to see. Ideally I would read the manga and get back into the series before playing the game.
  • Gravity Rush HD - February - I enjoyed what I played of Gravity Rush on the Vita, but I am not sure if I am up for playing it again. Maybe on a sale?
  • Bravely Second: End Layer - Spring - Bravely Second seems like more of Bravely Default, which is a good and bad thing. The fast-paced combat in the first game was awesome, but the story and characters were not very compelling. I will have to wait and see how this game is looking before making the decision.
  • NieR Automata - TBA - I never really got into NieR, but I am interested in this game because I enjoy the aesthetic of what has been shown so far.
  • The Legend of Zelda Wii U - I do not have a Wii U, and part of me is wondering if this will be the game to make me get one. Aside from a trailer and some other tidbits of info, there is not enough information yet to really decide.

Other Notes

  • I backed Mighty No. 9 on Kickstarter, so I will be getting a download code for that when it releases.
  • I backed Hyper Light Drifter on Kickstarter, so like Mighty No. 9, I will get a download code upon release.

The First Update

Alright, that was a lot of rambling to introduce the series. This, the first update, is what to expect in each update.

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

I started Dark Souls II right after I finished the first Dark Souls, and I have been digging exploring Drangleic. I can’t help but wonder if I am playing too much Souls in a short time, but I am enjoying it so that is what matters. It took me some time to get used to not leveling up at bonfires, Estus Flask changes, and the animation tweaks (everything is slower and more deliberate). Unlike the first Dark Souls, I have been going in without any info about the bosses and path through the game.

I most recently made it through The Lost Bastille, but I think there is one more boss. I am playing a dexterity-focused character.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

I finished the main-op in preparation of The Phantom Pain. I tried a side-op, but I was not feeling it. I played a bunch of Ground Zeroes when it came out, so I did not feel like I was missing much.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I played The Phantom Pain for about 15 hours on PS3, so a lot of what I have been playing has been replaying a lot of what I already played. The intro was a bit difficult due to it being so linear and cinematic, but I reached the point in the game where it opens up. I am really enjoying playing the game, and I have been taking a stealth approach to missions the first time through.

Bravely Default

When Bravely Default first released, I played a bunch of it. I no longer have that save, so I restarted a couple months ago. I played for a couple hours this past week, and I reached the part of the game that was in the demo. I played the demo a lot, and I played this part of the game once before, so I am struggling to focus and play through it. I stopped playing this in favor of Persona 4: Golden.

Persona 4: Golden

I am about 10 hours into Persona 4, and I am enjoying it. I have been mostly been hanging out and going to class. I think a rainy day is coming soon.

Next Week

That’s all for this week! I am looking forward to what I play this coming week. I will keep on plugging away at Dark Souls II, The Phantom Pain, and Persona 4. I took the week off, so it should be a good week for playing games.

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