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I'm getting this screen a lot lately as well (Firefox 88.0, Windows 10). Time since last visit doesn't seem to be a factor in my case, as it'll happen even if I just visited the site a few minutes before.

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@retris: Hassan would definitely be my pick, if not for most racist gimmick, then at least worst racist gimmick. It didn't help that around that time, they put out a press release on one of their PR sites saying the characters would explore what it was really like being someone of Arab descent in America at that time, or somesuch. And then we got... what we got.

What's really bad about the whole mess is that I still think the gimmick would have kept going despite initial complaints about how bad it was had 1) the London bombing not happened right in the middle of this and 2) Vince not responded to the criticism with his usual "the mean old media is picking on me" circle-the-wagons bullshit he loves to do.

(Also, all the above doesn't even get into Hassan's very brief OVW run alongside Daivari and their good friend/bodyguard Osama.)

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@ben_h: My guess on that "something" is Mike Morhaime leaving. I always got the impression that he acted as a bit of a bulwark between Blizzard and Activision proper. Before he left there were still departures and drama (Chris Metzen retiring and whatever went on behind the scenes during Warlords of Draenor, for instance), but after it seems like the developer exodus and creative/business nonsense went into overdrive.

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A combination of vMix streaming software and a video protocol called Secure Reliable Transport (or just SRT).

Jan gave an overview of how it all works and how he's using it on the streams in this week's Giant Bomb newsletter.

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@cyanghost said:

I just got a shipping notification about an hour ago!


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@arjailer: First of all, people do complain about data caps and streaming. That's definitely a thing. So I'm not sure what you're talking about there. But streaming is different because your data use is proportional to your actual use. If you stream an hour of a Netflix show and decide you don't like it that only uses an hour's worth of streaming data. If you download a game and decide you don't like it then you've already downloaded the whole game and used all that data.

This. I don't have a data cap, but I do have shitty bandwidth. Thanks to my "high speed" DSL, I can stream video just fine(ish), but your average 50 GB AAA game takes about two days of continuous downloading to get. That's why while I love the *idea* of Gamepass, I have no personal interest in it. I don't mind the "cost" of an hour or so of my time streaming part of a TV show or movie I won't finish, but if I'm going to basically write off two or three days of using my internet for anything more than web browsing, I want to know the game is going to be worth the download. And at that point, it's almost a better option to keep an eye on word of mouth, post-launch updates, etc. and just buy the game during a Steam sale down the road.

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I don't think they've done a separate spoilercast. The closest they came was some story discussion during GOTY last year.

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Well, for those unable to score a 3080 at the moment, there's an upside: Missing out on buying a flaky GPU!

The TLDR version is that AIB partners like Gigabyte and MSI are using different (read: cheaper) capacitors than the Founders Edition 3080s, which can cause power delivery issues when the GPU clock speeds get high enough, which in turn causes instability, crashing to desktop, and other assorted wonkiness.

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@firecracker22 said:

Does anyone know how the Miles Morales upgrade will work if you want the PS5 version of Spider-Man?

My understanding is that there's a Deluxe version of Miles Morales to buy on PS5 that brings the PS5 version of the last Spider-Man game, but then I'm seeing that if you purchase MM for PS4 you'll get a free upgrade to the PS5 version?

So...does that mean an upgrade for Spider-Man also...? I'm guessing that'd be a separate purchase all together...but then again, I didn't know they'd be bringing the last Spidey game to PS5, either.

I've only seen the Spider-Man remaster mentioned as part of the Ultimate Edition, which makes me think it'll only be available as part of that package. Even if they did (unsurprisingly) decide to sell it standalone later, it's probably been long enough since the PS4 version's release that they probably wouldn't offer the same free upgrade option as with Miles Morales or Horizon: FW.

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@justin258: To their credit, EVGA had a one-card-per-household rule in effect, but their stock was still sold out.

This article mentions brick & mortar stores only having 10 to 15 GPUs at release time, and Nvidia apparently tweeted that the entire 30 series stock won't go on sale Day One; which makes me think the release stock was absurdly low and scalpers/bots made the shortage even worse.

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