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Things I learned over the weekend - Monday, 7 February 2011

I guess it's about to I returned to a regular what-passes-for-a-blog, eh?

Sometimes life is more difficult than it has to be...

My parents are visiting from up north soon, so a blind has to be put up in the front room window so the world can't see in. It's a job my girlfriend and I have been putting off for ages, but with my parents coming to stay with us it kinda has to be done now. I'm going to truncate a very long story and just say that I lost my cool and threw the drill down on more than one occasion.
In other news, my research indicates that women still don't like it when men lapse into their patented "shouting and stomping around the house" act. Just keeping you up to date on the latest, lads!

...but in the next instant, life can turn around and be great.

My girlfriend and I were out and about in the car, as we needed to purchase more tools for our blind-related folly. While we were stopped in traffic at the lights, I noticed the number plate on the car in front of us and my simmering grumpiness seemed to evaporate immediately.

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If you are unaware of the true importance of this, I suggest you pop off and watch this video.

Rogue Warrior's a bit rubbish...

Apparently, this man does not give
Apparently, this man does not give "a rusty fuck."
Yep, I know this is a huge shock to everyone, and that you were waiting until I gave the final word on this title, but Rogue Warrior is a completely average slice of first person genericism that lasts for a few hours and is truly entertaining for far less time than that. Mickey Rourke sounds like a somnambulist trapped in a recording studio, and we all heard that song long ago, so not even his (admittedly faded) star power could salvage too much from this middle-of-the-road production.
I finished it a few times for the cheevos, and it's not the worst game I've ever played, but man it didn't set its sights very high. I guess in that way it's a total success.

...but Heavenly Bodies is amazing.

Yesterday afternoon was spent having some (read: many) drinks with dear friends, the Talbots. As the day slipped into darkness, and yet another beer slipped down my throat, it was suggested we watch the celebration of movement and music that is Heavenly Bodies. This is a film from 1984 that largely revolves around aerobics, and has more montages in it than every other 80s movie put together - the film opens with three back-to-back montages before we're even introduced to the main players! Of course, there's an epic dance-off (aerobic-off?) at the end, and by that stage I was simply dazzled by how 80s-ass that movie is. It's a staggeringly cheesy and camp B-grade presentation of the era, and I thought it was magical. Thanks for the viewing, Chels! Top pick.