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Better Character Select Music: Marvel 2 vs 3rd Strike

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I don’t necessarily know about MOBAs per se, but when you have a large community, bad eggs are just bound to be an issue. It’s mainly about etching out a community for yourself and your friends if you want to invite them into your space. In a system where reporting is bullshit and barely gets anything of real importance done, the best way to combat it is to make your own community and let people join. If they’re a bad egg, you have control over whether or not they’re allowed to be a part of it.

Gather enough friends and scrimmage with each other. Get better at the game together by pushing each other and then take your work out into pub games. If there’s harassment there, then know that they’re the ones with an issue and it’s not yours. Take screenshots, provide evidence of trash behavior, and if that doesn’t work for reporting, instead, write an email with the screenshots. If the in-game report function is not making your game better than you have to go that extra mile to blow up people’s spots. We’ll never make any community fully free of this level of base attitude but speaking up on a larger magnitude than “in-game reporting” feels necessary at this point to get anything done.

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Anime aesthetic. Your characters may be paper thin and there may be 5000 of them, but they all interact so beautifully because they’re so many personalities and it places an identity with those personality quirks. Alfyn’s kind of a bloke-y kind of guy, but when presented with anything, he gets all excited because it’s something he doesn’t know about. That very specific character trait only works if the rest of the world around him is vibrant, and Octopath does that.

Also, silent protagonists. I love being in the shoes of Adol or Crono or Link and making my decisions their decisions. It adds a depth to your character that only you connect with because your version of Crono is wildly different than someone else’s version.

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@jesus_phish: agreed. It’s not her job to inform the affected parties. That’s the ESA’s to own up to and resolve this matter in a timely and effective manner. Unfortunately, that level of idealism just doesn’t exist here.

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Current hopping between Ys, Mario Maker, Octopath and the new Messenger DLC at the moment. I gotta backtrack in Messenger which is slowing me on that game again (good god going all the way back down Fire mountain for a measly mask piece) but my daily MM check-ins and a few hours a week of grinding in Octopath keep me varied in experiences while I slog away at Ys VIII again. Eventually I’ll finish Octopath but god, do I burn out on that combat system after a while.

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I’m gushing over the Ys series again after picking up VIII on switch. While it’s janky on switch and prone to nasty frame drops, I forgot just how fun that world is as well as the frantic gameplay and I’m diving headfirst into the whole series again.

Eventually, I plan on streaming them to gear up for IX, but not having a fleshed out remake of V is deterring me a bit. I don’t necessarily want to pirate it for streaming purposes and having no real translation means the actual details of the game are up for interpretation, but at the same time, I feel motivated to at least play and complete it, even if details regarding plot aren’t 100% accurate.

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@electricbarrier: This can be said for any MM game, really. People speak ill of 5 and 6 classic for numerous reasons but to me, they’re both solid controlling, fun games that just feel a little different from the mechanics in 4 (which is the best, fite me).

7 also gets looked at as a clunky mess, but everything about the game save for Wily Stages was so charming to me. Really brought to life the wackiness the series has always been gung-ho about portraying.

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@rahf: I can understand them maybe getting hacked but the fact that both of these were just publicly available hurts any chance of goodwill ever. Both situations detailed just eat at me something fierce.

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#8  Edited By CBHZ

Octopath has been my goto game for mindless grinding away while plunking away at the numerous podcasts I have in my library. Love the music, but sometimes it gets too much when you’re standing in a battle for 20 minutes because some high level monster was in your encounter.

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I always get a little weirded out when I see burgers under the “sandwiches” portion of the menu. To me, burgers can be a sandwich but that isn’t what people normally think of first when someone asks for a sandwich. Now, French dip. THATS a sandwich.

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Let’s just say that there ISN’T a spot open at Nintendo for this dude. Animal abuse has no place on this planet, he should just be rocketed up into the sun with the East River Barge trash and SI.

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