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Right now I am playing Pokemon Y. Got all 8 badges and heading to the Pokemon League.

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3DS Games that I Enjoyed a Lot

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  • I had received a gift of 'Nintendo money' from my brother and used it to buy Kirby Triple Deluxe. When I played, it hooked me right away, and I felt it had many fun moments. It left a direct impact on me, and I hope others will give it a try one day. Being a Nintendo fan, it had a lot of appeal, but I was not as familiar with Kirby as a character as some fans are. But I decided to buy the game, and I think it's one of the most fun games I've played as a 3DS owner.

  • Here is another game, this one in the Zelda series, that I really enjoyed. It's the first time I ever finished a Zelda game, and I think that's just because my attention span is so spotty at times. The game itself is high quality Nintendo production, and I think it deserves all of the accolades that it receives. Sometimes games really make an impact on me like none others have, and A Link Between Worlds did that for me. I haven't tried Hero Mode yet, though.

  • The third game on my list is Pokemon Y. I started the game last year and then stopped playing (short attention span again). But recently I went back to it. I got my first Legendary Pokemon recently and that was a great experience. I realize that many people have played Pokemon games for a long time, but that is not the case for me. Pokemon Y is a fun game to play and I've really enjoyed my time with it, between 40 and 50 hours now.

  • I've added Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon here because I think it's a game with wonderful production values. The sounds in the game are really top notch. I got to a difficult part in the game and so I've backed off for now. I'm glad that it's a part of the Nintendo sale taking place at the moment so that maybe others will see the price and be encouraged to consider trying it out. I hope other players enjoy the game as much as I have.