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Some Neat Drawings from Shuhei Yoshida's Miiverse Profile

Shuhei Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated and one of my favorite people in the industry, posted on his Twitter yesterday that he got a Wii U. Of course, this confused (and even angered) some of his followers as to why someone who works for Sony (and in such a powerful position) would buy a Nintendo console. Before responding to those people, however, he posted up his Nintendo Network ID so people could send him friend requests in order to test out the Miiverse's Activity Feed. Though friending him is now disabled, anyone interested in following him can do so by searching for ShuYoshida. The only message from Yoshida currently is a drawing he posted on the Nintendo Land Community board, which his many followers decided to add to by drawing some things of their own. Here are some of my favorites!:

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 This one's my favorite.
This one's my favorite.

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It's certainly one of the more fun ways for people to request games be made.  

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Halo 4: Spartan Ops - Tiny Covenant Glitch

So me, my brother, and our friend Jarvis were playing Episode 3 of Halo 4's Spartan Ops mode earlier tonight when we came across these tiny Covenant in Chapter 2: "Galileo". For a second I thought they were just invisible Elites until I saw how close the guns were to the floor. Then I thought they were stuck in the ground. It wasn't until a couple of minutes later that I got a closer look, only to discover that we were fighting tiny Covenant! They were adorable. I felt like I was playing Duke Nukem Forever or something.

I'm talking to my brother and our friend Jarvis over the headset while using my right hand to hold the video camera and using my left on the Xbox 360 controller. I plan on getting capture gear at some point, but hopefully you all can spot how totally cute and tiny these Covvie are.

OK, time to go play some Hotline Miami.

My Top 7 Wii Games of All Time

This is the list of my top seven Wii games of all time. Why seven? Well, because I only beat seven Wii games. That's not because there weren't plenty more Wii games worth playing, but because of my gaming setup. I use a projector to play the majority of my games, and since it's placed behind me, I'm unable to play motion-controlled games on it. The monitor I use to play mouse & keyboard/motion-controlled games doesn't have a component input like my old one did, so I've been unable to hook my Wii up to it. I could have probably worked around these issues, but I didn't care enough to. I figured that whatever Nintendo's next console would be would have HDMI and play Wii games, so I decided to wait. 

In a little over an hour the Wii U officially launches in North America. I was the first person to reserve one at my local Walmart here in Spring Lake, North Carolina, and I'll be leaving here in about ten minutes to pick it up.

I've watched YouTube videos of all the games here to refresh my memory as it's been years since I've played any of them.



  1.  It had to come out on the Nintendo Wii.
  2. I had to beat it.


1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. WarioWare: Smooth Moves
3. Trauma Center: Second Opinion
4. Elebits
5. Rayman: Raving Rabbids
6. Red Steel
7. Wii Play