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Vito's Game Giveaway #26! 1 New Game Added + Bonus Portal Contest

Contest closed!

How to Play: Um, uh, uhhhhhh tell me what you are doing this weekend? Make sure you tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, July 9th.
How to Play: Um, uh, uhhhhhh tell me what you are doing this weekend? Make sure you tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, July 9th.
Vito's Game Giveaway #24! Winner
Congratulations to emergency for winning RUSH (donated by rebgav)! Out of 51 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
Vito's Game Giveaway #25 - Bonus Airplane Edition! Winner
Congratulations to CCforUA for winning 1600 Microsoft Points! I don't remember how many contestants there were, but their username was the one Random Line Picker chose! I heard a rumor that they bought Trenched with their points.
Bonus Portal Contest!
Anyone that says they want Portal will be entered into the contest separately.

I. Disclaimer

II. Donations

III. Past Winners

I've received my fifteenth donation! Thanks to Rockanomics for donating his Steam copies of Nimbus and Portal.

Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Nimbus (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
Portal (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Portal (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure (GoG Gift)ArbitraryWater
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn