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GT5 first day impressions

First there was the shock. The game looks nowhere near as good as it should.  Everything looks flat, full of jaggies and flickering shadows. 

 Strange blocks are caused by shadow, smoke and lighting effects.
 Strange blocks are caused by shadow, smoke and lighting effects.
Stale sounds did not help the first impressions. Neither did long loads between the menus - which were present even after opting to make big and long install on to the hard drive.  To top things of there are the "normal cars" which look like ass. It seems like they took GT4's cars and imported them straight to this game. Would it been too much trouble to add few polygons to replace muddy textures on some surface details like door handles?  Or at least  make sure that geometry works well in the new game engine? You had 5 years to do this!!!
All is not lost, since actual driving seems lot better and smoother. This is hard to explain but cars seem to react way better and you get better sense of what is going on with the car.  I was able to pull of moves that very nearly impossible to do in GT4 (but  relatively easy with real car) and game was pure joy to play with steering wheel and pedals. 
I have had time only to finish the first license,  ace few early races (Damn Gambon on Top Gear WW bus challenge) and play around with ~8 cars or so.  Game certaily feels good, even if it does not sound or look that great and I am looking forward of playing this again tomorrow.