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List of things to do while GT5 installs

 There is optional 8GB install that takes approx.  20 minutes. However at the time of writing this, loading bar and time estimation has been stuck on "Approx. 15 mins. left" for about 10 minutes.

Here is my list what  I did while game installed:
Took a long shower
Started cooking some rice
Booted computer and listened Bombcast  (for 21:01 minutes)
Pondered meaning of life
Checked XBLA sale deals
Ate some oranges
Cleaned kitchen a bit
Drank glass of wine
Made and drank cup of coffee 
Stared out of the window into the cold morning for couple of minutes
Wondering why "approx. 45 seconds" takes over 2 minutes 
Browse trough morning news
Made one of the most pointless blog entries in a long time
Oh, it is finished! nowwhatdidyouplantodordid+