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Underrated/overlooked games orly???

Well if I am ever able to get this list off the ground it will include all the games that I believe are/were underrated or overlooked.

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  • I originally bought this game when it first came out back in 2000 because I liked the idea that it was the dark side of an old animated movie. I installed the game and played for about five minutes and stopped for reasons I can't remember. All this changed of course in the spring of 2009, nearly nine years later. I awoke one morning and for some reason the first thing that came to mind was box art for the game. So I dug it back out of my pile games installed and finished it a few days later. The twists and mindfucks along with the crazy characters and presentation of the game landed this game on the top of my current list of underrated games.

  • This game came to my attention through that of the endurance run here on Giantbomb. When I first started watching I thought it was rather terrible and the funny commentary in both BR and VJ is what kept me watching. But after a few episodes I really started to enjoy the story line and random ass humor in the game to the point of where I actually wanted to experience it on my own. So I headed out to Gamestop, through down $20.00 and brought it home and for three weeks played it a hour or so every day. After all was said and done I really did enjoy the game, it does have some really bad elements to the game but they are so bad to the point to where I wouldn't want the game to not have them. The story is excellent and is almost mindfucked. This game has clearly reserved a spot here.