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The times this past week when Vinny got teary eyed, I found myself doing the same. However, it wasn't until the end of the final stream when Jeff said "I love you guys", referring to Brad, Alex, and Vinny, that it hit real hard. Even though they'll obviously keep in touch, maybe even more than we think, something about seeing long time friends saying goodbye is REAL fucking brutal.

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#4  Edited By CitizenSlug

Yes, and about other technology in general. I'll be the first to admit that I am not some genius or know it all when it comes to video games. BUT, I can't express how much I thoroughly enjoy knowing and learning about games and the game industry in general. Just as much, if not more, than actually playing the games. I have said many times in the past, that just playing a game isn't enough for me, I love creating custom content for PC games and very much enjoy reading or hearing about the development...etc...etc. In the end I probably don't influence people too much on whether they should by a game or not, mainly because they don't care about reviews and scores. But I do often give advice and information about the game.

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#5  Edited By CitizenSlug

I'd let the guy next to me know that I can use the DirecTV app on my phone to record my favorite TV shows. Ya know, just in case it turns into a hostage situation.

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#6  Edited By CitizenSlug

I dream, and I dream a whole lot. Although I don't really have recurring dreams, I have in fact had some that are along the same theme. The first would be me finding myself in a fight, which seems to last the entire dream. The second recurring theme would be a family member dying in front of me; I often awake in cold sweats from this. The third theme, which has only happened a couple times, involves jets crashing. One of them was an airline jet that I happened to miss the flight, and as I was driving home it crashes as I see it fly overhead. The other was what looked like some type of future military jet, kinda like the ones from Halo. I walk outside and notice the sky is all weird looking, and when I look up, there is this hovering jet. Out of nowhere the jet gets hit with some type of projectile object, and as it's trying to regain control it drops all of it's missiles. As I am running to get out the way of the missiles, I see it crash in the distance where it blows up like a nuclear bomb.

I'm being 100% truthful. Like I said, I dream often, and when I dream, it's some bizarre shit. The stuff above pales in comparison to some of the wild dreams I have had.

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#7  Edited By CitizenSlug

@Example1013: @nail1080: It is insignificant, and like I said, in reality it's not a big deal. So I can understand why it sounds dumb and or stupid. Maybe I was in fact looking for some validation, or curious? I know of the peoples opinions of who surround me here where I live, but the internet is full of people from different places and with different experiences. Even if they are 28 and work part time at McDonald's. I was just wanting to see others opinions, and if they had any similar experiences. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Sorry for wasting your time. :)

@SuperSambo: I suppose the alternative would of just been telling her no, or making up an excuse why I couldn't help. But my conscious, would of weighed heavy on the fact of leaving her there alone.

@teh_destroyer: Yeah, I guess you could say that, lol.

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#8  Edited By CitizenSlug

Sorry everyone for taking so long to reply. I have been at work, and unable to respond. Thanks for all the replies, I've got some good laughs, interesting views, and brutally honest information. I really appreciate it. This has also got way more attention than I expected it would, and I am pressed for time, but I'll try to answer a few things as best as I can.

I had anything that was of any value on me, and I didn't let her hold onto my phone, or keys, or wallet, when I went in to get drinks. Nothing else in my car is worth anything at all. If she stole a burnt CD, which she didn't, then whatever. The only thing in there would be the registration, and i'm not sure how it is elsewhere, but the one I have doesn't have any real personal information on it, and it seems to be out of date lol. But I guess that doesn't mean that some of those numbers on in could be used to gain information.

Redbliss, Slag, and those who thought alike. Thank you, I'm glad you are straight forward with your answers. To try to answer several questions at once, I'll start out with the one people keep asking. Was she hot? The answer, she was attractive, yes. But super hot, I'm going to have to say no. And no, I don't believe she was a hooker or anything. She didn't act slutty, or dressed as such. But was dressed, and acted like someone who was trying to get from point A to B. But I wasn't cruisin the streets to get my creep on, so no I wasn't trying to hit on, make advances, take advantage of her while we sat there. That just seems wrong. Getting to the point of what Redbliss and Slag said, I want to believe that looks didn't play a role, and I believe I did it out just being a nice guy. But in reality, looks, and that she was a female, were probably subconsciously the reason I allowed such thing to happen. Thinking about the situation, if it would have been some random dude, or some crackhead popping out of the shadows, I probably WOULD of been much more wary. She looked, and acted like a nice person. And like I said, although it doesn't excuse my judgement, where I live in Oklahoma has very low crime rate. But yes, such things can be deceptive about a persons actual intentions. I am lucky it hadn't been some serial killer, or I might not be here telling this story.

Like I said, I'll probably never know if all that she was telling me was actual truth. Maybe I'm just some big dope who allowed a girl to selfishly con me into something I didn't see, and maybe her and her friends drove off laughing at my dumbass. But, so far, it doesn't seem like she had malicious intentions, and, except the possibility of that expired registration, she gained nothing except my time and a ride to her friends place. Nothing appeared stolen, and she was able to call her friends for help. So maybe I really did help her? She did end up telling me her name near the end of the two hours, and I told her mine. She also wanted me to add my number to her iTouch, so she could "repay" me for helping her out and being a nice person. What she means by that, I don't completely know. I told her it was unnecessary, and I didn't mind helping her out, but instead, that hopefully everything works out for her. I as well gained nothing but a hug, and her saying she was glad she ran into me at QuikTrip. She went her way, I went mine. I plan on no further contact.

Now I don't want people to think I am trying to prop myself up as some hero of selflessness, because I have some of my own selfish tendencies. But I really don't mind helping people out in need, and I try to keep the mindset of do unto others (not meant to be taken religiously). Although people like that tend to get taken advantage of, I hate seeing human beings not wanting to help one another out, and though I generally keep to myself, I won't be that person who doesn't help.

@Twisted_Scot: No it was not a typo, but maybe I said it wrong. The predicament I found myself in, was what was mostly awkward. But if you must know, I am an extremely shy and quiet individual, so I did feel in a socially awkward position as well. But I'm not here trying to discuss advice with women, I am her to see what others would have done. So I apologize for not being the king of conversation with the ladies.

Long posts and replies seem to follow me around, so sorry to the TL;DR bunch. But hopefully this clears up a bit for the other sum of you.

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#9  Edited By CitizenSlug

I'm not exactly sure how to start. And considering I live in the suburbs of a small to medium sized town in Oklahoma, I have never had such a situation, as I will try to explain below, occur. So I hope I won't botch this up too bad, as I try to piece together something that, to me, ended as a weird night. As I thought about the issue today, in reality, it's really no big deal. But I also wonder if I was using poor judgement, and if the whole deal could of possibly went way bad.

Last night around 10pm, I decided to take a drive to the local QuikTrip and grab a drink before playing some Battlefield 3 with a buddy of mine. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that it was just myself and the QT tanker. I thought to myself "nice, no waiting, I can just get what I want and go." As I was getting out of my car, I see this girl quickly walking my way, waving at me, and she says "Hey...hey... I know this sounds weird, but I don't have a phone. Can I please use yours to call a friend of mine, I'm sorry." Being kinda startled, and in what I saw as an awkward situation, I thought to myself "ahh... shit...." But seeing as I was, for the most part, the only one around, I decided to by a nice guy and let her use my phone. She then says "I'm sorry, I know this is kinda weird, and I hate to ask, but can I sit in your car. I've been walking from that'a way for the past several hours and I am tired....Please, i'm cold." And I couldn't help but to think, "WOW, what have I got myself into." But I didn't want to be a shitty person to the poor girl, so I said "Yeah, sure." As she gets in, she again says sorry for the whole situation being so weird and that random people had offered her rides as she was walking. But didn't take them because it was dark, and wanted to get to a well lit place before asking someone, "who looked like a nice person," for help. As we sat there she began trying to call her friends, and continued saying sorry about the weird situation and "thank you so much" and "thank you for being nice." Of course, none of her friends answered the phone, so I found myself listening to her tell me her life story, and why she had been out walking by herself for several hours.

Supposedly, her family has constantly moved around the U.S. most of her life. Making school, and creating friendships, difficult, as well as, creating tension between her and her parents. Since moving to Oklahoma, she tells me she has dropped out of high-school and is attempting to get her GED, but earlier that night her parents had kicked her out of their house and told her not to come back. Then it hit me, and I hadn't even crossed my mind, "wait...a high-school kid who doesn't get along with their parents, go figure. Getting "kicked out" was sounding like a shady excuse." So I sat kinda skeptical for awhile, but as she began to tell me more of her life at home with her close and extended family, it started sounding like she was from a rather broken and possibly mildly abusive family life. Her parents are apparently raging alcoholics, who constantly look down on her and her sister and have often run them out; She tells me her extended family isn't much better. Supposedly, earlier in the night her parents had returned home extremely intoxicated and began accusing her of things, calling her a failure, and telling her that "she is the reason why their life is so shitty." From there she told me things began to escalate out of control and I guess that's when her parents told her to get out, and not come back. She then randomly says she has some type of nerve disorder that occasionally causes sharp pains throughout her body, and makes her extremely irritable. She ends with saying that she ended up fueling the argument, because her disorder happened to be affecting her at the time this all occurred.

An hour has passed, and these friends she had been calling finally answer the phone. As she talks to them, she is told that they are currently at some party and they will let her know a little later if they can come pick her up. She then calls some other random guy, but the guy was to busy or far away to come pick her up I guess.

So here we are again, waiting, and now it's past 11pm. So I tell her if we are going to be waiting, then I'm going inside QT to buy a drink, and also offer to buy her a drink as well. She says sure, and continues to say I'm a nice guy, and sorry for all the trouble. I wasn't really worried about her stealing anything from my car; A pen, a five hour energy, toll backpack. Nothing of any real significant value. Once I returned, she continues on with stories about her family, and where she has lived, and explains that she wants to be an artist and tries to show me pictures of her artwork on her completely busted iTouch. Then things begin to start sounding weird and shady again, as she all of a sudden says "Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I've been in trouble with the law quite a bit. In some places they know me by name." From there she tries to explain why it's not always her fault, and that she has just had some bad luck. We eventually land on the topic of drugs, and as we talk I tell her I have had my run in's here and there, because I have, but I do what I can to stay away from them and I keep out of trouble. She laughs and says that she has done her "fair share" of drugs, and tries to stay away from them, but when she parties "it's hard for her not to indulge." It is now nearing midnight and she continues to tell me about some sketchy and dangerous situations she has been in elsewhere, and of the various drugs she has done...etc...etc.

Finally, those friends call and say they will be there soon, but they have the munchies and it might be about fifteen minutes. They also wanted five bucks from her for gas, for coming to get her. Which, to me, they don't sound like much of a friend to her. By this time, things had began to sound conflicting, and I really didn't know if all she had said before was true. Perhaps she was telling the truth, maybe not. All I could really take away, is that she was a troubled individual with a lot of bad choices. I doubt I will ever find out. Her friends eventually showed up about fifteen minutes after midnight, and they looked blazed out of their minds. She said goodbye, and lastly said sorry for all the trouble and thanks a lot for helping her. They drove off, and that was the end to that.


As I drove home, I felt good about kinda being able to help someone. She was nice, I kinda felt bad for her, and contrary to what she said, didn't seem to be some drug addict. Also, she talked nearly nonstop for the entire two hours we sat in my car. So that made things much less awkward. Although, the more and more she told me, the less believable ,and more shady, some of it became. Maybe I was just a sucker ( a nice guy), who now just enabled her to go who knows where and do who knows what. But crime here is low, so unless she left town, I could assume things are fine. Right? Like I said, I'm a simple guy, from the suburbs of an Oklahoma town, who doesn't get out much. So something like this has never happened. I would usually never let some random ass person right into my car, but I let her right in. Why? Was it because she was female? Maybe, but I don't really know. Was it because she was alone? Possibly, but who knows. Randomly letting people into your car without thinking seems like a way for something to quickly go south, and end in a bad bad situation. Of course, I never felt in danger during this situation. Awkward, yes. But in danger, no. In the end, I was more concerned with being the enabler for someone to leave wherever or partake in who knows what. Or maybe I am thinking WAY to much about nothing at all. I have a problem with over examining things, so it's quite possible.

What are your thoughts/opinions? Have you been in a similar situation with a complete stranger? And what would you have done in my position?

** Sorry for the wall of text, but it's been on my mind all day. And I figured I would get a good variety of random comments and opinions here.

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#10  Edited By CitizenSlug

As others have said, there isn't much down there but death for you right now. But if you are up for exploring, than go for it. As for being in a bad situation, I see a yes and a no. If you have to climb BlightTown > The Depths > Lower Undead Burg > Upper Undead Burg, then yeah that sucks. If you don't have the Rusted Iron Ring and some Purple Moss Clump, then that kinda sucks as well. But if possible, and I had to do this a few times myself, equip the Rusted Iron ring to allow easy passage through that sludge crap. Rest at a bonfire to get your flasks back. Proceed to the part of BlightTown with the big wheel, which is kinda near Quelaag's Domain. And ignore the enemies along the way, it's not worth the stop. If you have the Purple Moss Clump, than go ahead and use some to cure the poison. If not, than keep an eye on your health and proceed up the wheel elevator and exit onto the platform. From there I would suggest proceeding up the ladders as fast as you can, because of those dumb mosquitoes, and ignore any enemies along the way up (all are avoidable I believe except one near the top). Once you reach the top, either let the poison play out or proceed forward. There will be three of those big club dudes in that green tunnel. Because they are slow, dodge and run if you can, if not than be careful fighting them as they hit for a lot. Exit the tunnel to Valley of Drakes, turn left on the wooden planks and hopefully the gate is either already open or you happened across the key? somewhere. Finally, once inside New Londo Ruins, head up that elevator to Firelink Shire and you are basically home free!

Short version - Full Flasks, Rusted Iron Ring, Purple Moss clump > Wheel elevator in BlightTown > Up the ladders fast > Through the tunnel > Cross wooden planks in Valley of Drakes, and open gate > Elevator in New Londo Ruins > Home free to Firelink Shrine.

It sounds like a lot, I know. But if that gate is open, you avoid the enemies, and you have that ring, it should only take a couple of minutes to reach Firelink Shrine. Hopefully this helps.