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Giant Bomb Forums: 10,000 posts.

Hello, my name is Claude.

I follow almost 1000 people on Giant Bomb. Still looking.

I'm followed by over 700. Good luck to you in that.

10,000 posts have been made by me on these what we call the forums of Giant Bomb.

Love, hate, otherwise and what the fuck ever.

Tiger Woods 12 is a kick ass game on the 360.

I have a beard.

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ZombiePie appreciation thread.

What is there to say about our mod, Giant Bomb's mod ZombiePie.

He is a man above men, a pie, a zombie. And one who quickly devours our brains.

He works for free to keep us free from the insane world of nothingness.

ZombiePie is everyone, just like us.

ZombiePie is a user I admire.

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Thinking of the games to come is always better than what we play.

For me. If I were to be true. I love video game coverage. To have it in playing video games, would be the highest of PC gaming. Respect is deserved with patience, learning and a little PC on the PC. But to be a fan, what is PC's Mascot? What is Microsoft's and Sony's? Who is the Walt Disney of the Video Game World?

If you held that piece of pie, would you whore it out or treasure it and grow its importance with a quality but costly existence for anyone willing to pay again and again.

We all profit from competition no matter how diverse. We play video games. Give us something and we'll find a game to play.


Archiving Forum Posts

I liked this. I write in a type of tangential thought a lot. So, I'm using this as an archive of sorts. This blog will be fucked up.

Good luck and have Giant Bomb.

Level 19 / 500 ACH / 8717 P

Online Now

When I think of Nintendo, I think of their past history, but more importantly, I think of their video games and their consoles and their handhelds. When I think of Sony, I think, wow, those guys do everything with electronics and entertainment and make a lot of money doing it. When I think of Microsoft, I think, damn, they have a lot of money with their PC software and OS systems.

Remember Sega, what else did they do other than make video games and consoles? What does Sega the corporation stand for now? I often think Nintendo was a lot like Sega, but unlike Sega, Nintendo made wise choices and continued to develop hardware to play their popular first party games. Without Nintendo's characters, Nintendo would be an unheard of company today.

I'm sure Sony and Microsoft don't just throw money from their other ventures into gaming consoles and the like, but maybe they do. I don' know. But isn't Nintendo the last of its kind? If Nintendo lost its console and handheld businesses, they couldn't fall back on other aspects of their business except for the software side. If that were to happen, Nintendo would be a shell of its former self much like Sega is now.

Isn't Nintendo still the underdog? How they compete and stay competitive with Microsoft and Sony is by cutting costs and making a profit as soon as possible on hardware. They don't have the backing of Sony and Microsoft and they probably never will. Nintendo is to me the small fish in the big pond. I like rooting for the underdog. You go Nintendo, I'm buying. I'm not going to buy your handhelds though, not my cup of tea.

Edited 2 hours, 17 minutes ago


Haha, so fucking funny. Makes me laugh.

Words were written. Fucking morons, love you.

Two favorite players on MSN and PSN.

XxboxplayerX (MSN)

420PSmother (PSN)


Poll stands as of June 22nd from June 19th:

Current Leader - Neutral

44.4% of 518 votes cast, 1438 views. You cast your vote for "Nintendo".
  • Nintendo
    4.1% ( your choice )
  • Sony
  • Microsoft
  • PC
  • Neutral



Wii U

If you like the idea of Wii U,

they will Troll U.

If U Troll them,

we and U will stand.

fu blog by claude


Fuck you

Lock my polls and delete my blogs. Don't talk to me fucking asses. You fucks.


I apologized, so only a minor fuck you.