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The Claude Free Press: Edition 1 Volume 1

I never understood that fucking edition volume shit.  What lay beneath me is a bed of lies. A story told by me. Honestly



Giant Bomb

Video Games, Voyage, Understanding, Connecting and having a time.

Whiskey Media

A home away from home.


Say something now


Say something here


Say it again.
Now here's your Epic Beard Dance

Old days... Small rant.

I remember the old days of Giant Bomb. You could post a blog to the forums and if it got locked... it would remain open for comments in blog form. 
I miss that.
I met some cool posters back then that enjoyed having some fun in the moment and being allowed to continue their continuity away from the forums but allowed to live in blog form.  
I miss that.  

Maybe one should know better, but I believe in blogs and mistakes and being kitten free. 
It's just a love lost, much like my profile/forums/fucking joy tab.
Don't mind me. I just believe.
I've noticed some think this is a rant toward the Mods on Giant Bomb. NOOOOOOO!!! It's geared more toward the engineers. You know... the geeks. They have all the control.


EGM #112 November 1998 Reviews... Quick lists looking back.

I don't collect anything, but I have video game magazines hidden everywhere. This issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly is the oldest I could find. I thought it would be cool to look back and remember the games played. 
I only had a Nintendo 64 at the time, so I played a lot of the games listed on that side. Space Station Silicon Valley is my icon, so it has a special place in my heart. Also, Body Harvest and Space Station Silicon Valley were developed by DMA Design who would later become Rockstar North maker of GTA III. I never got the opportunity to play Body Harvest, but most agree it's the precursor of the open world GTA III first released on the PS2. 

EGM #112 November 1998 N64 Reviews

These are the Nintendo 64 video games reviewed in Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue #112 November 1998.

1. Body Harvest

EGM Silver 8.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 Quote: Man, this game is huge! Crispin Boyer

2. Bomberman Hero

5.0 5.5 7.0 6.0 Quote: Bomberman isn't really known for being a magnificent one-player game, so why make a game focusing on just that? Shawn Smith

3. Buck Bumble

7.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 Quote: it's the kind of craziness that makes you wanna keep trying until you blow the @#$% out of those mutant insect jerks. Dean Hager

4. F-Zero X

EGM Gold Game of the Month 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Quote: this game's got everything any F-Zero fan could ask for. John Ricciardi

5. Knife Edge: Nose Gunner

4.5 7.0 6.5 4.0 Quote: Knife Edge is a rail shooter that plays like a light gun game without the light gun. Dan Hsu

6. NHL 99

EGM Silver 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Quote: The One-player Mode has a couple of glaring problems that keep me from giving the game a higher score. John Ricciardi

7. S.C.A.R.S.

7.0 5.0 7.0 5.0 Quote: It doesn't break any new ground by any stretch of the imagination. John Davison

8. Space Station Silicon Valley

EGM Silver 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 Quote: Brilliant Dan Hsu

9. WCW/nWo Revenge

EGM Silver 7.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 Quote: This game is very easy to get into - perhaps too easy. Dan Hsu


EGM #112 November 1998 PlayStation Reviews

These are the PlayStation video games reviewed in Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue #112 November 1998.
1. Armored Core: Project Phantasma

5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 Quote: PlayStation graphics have come a long way since the original AC, making Phantasma seem extremely dated. Sushi-X

2. Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling

8.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 Quote: some of the most reliable ball spin ever seen in a bowling title. Sushi-X

3. Colony Wars: Vengeance

EGM Silver 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.0 Quote: as difficult as Colony Wars was, it was kitten play compared to CW:V Crispin Boyer

4. Kagero: Deception II

EGM Silver 9.0 8.0 8.5 7.5 Quote: there has never been a game that has presented such moral dilemmas as Deception II. Sushi-X

5. Moto Racer 2

EGM Silver 8.5 8.5 8.0 7.0 Quote: I still really dig the game's 50/50 mix of high-speed street racing and motocross powersliding action. Crispin Boyer

6. Motorhead

6.0 5.0 6.5 5.0 Quote: if you're gonna use non-licensed vehicles, make them as interesting as possible. Dean Hager

7. NASCAR 99

7.0 5.0 6.5 5.0 Quote: Bottom line - I would rather play last year's version of NASCAR. Dean Hager

8. Rival Schools: United by Fate

EGM Silver 8.0 8.5 9.0 8.5 Quote: A flashy technical fighter? I'm sold. Dan Hsu

9. Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012

EGM Silver 9.0 8.5 9.0 8.0 Quote: Rogue Trip plays like a dream and gives you all kinds of play modes, most of which are a lot of fun. Shawn Smith

10. S.C.A.R.S.

5.5 7.5 7.0 6.0 Quote: younger kids will like it a lot. Dean Hager

11. Spyro the Dragon

EGM Silver 8.5 8.0 9.0 8.0 Quote: Spyro beats the snot out of my former favorite PS mascot game, Gex: Enter the Gecko. Dean Hager

12. Tales of Destiny

EGM Silver 8.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 Quote: a deep, involving game that's sure to please fans of old-school SNES-style RPGs. John Ricciardi

13. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

7.5 8.0 8.0 7.5 Quote: Tenchu has ninjas acting in a more realistic way than any previous video game efforts, Sushi-X

14. The Unholy War

8.0 9.0 7.5 6.5 Quote: if you're the solo gaming type, you may not dig The Unholy War as much as I do. Dan Hsu

15. X-Games: Pro Boarder

5.5 5.0 5.0 6.5 Quote: Fans of snowbording and the whole X-Games thing will like how Radical has "kept it real" with all of the licenses and pro-boarders. Shawn Smith


Shaken not stirred with a side of canned ham.

 GoldenEye 007 for the Wii. Crazy.
It seems the Wii now has two of the best re-imagined games to date. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and from what I've played, GoldenEye 007
 My version.
 My version.

I haven't played the original GoldenEye 007 since the year it was released. I hardly touched the multiplayer in that game, so no nostalgia there. But after some research, I found that I wanted to play this re-imagined version. The single player seemed to have some meat on its old bones, turned out to be a delicious canned ham.
The Controls
So many options of play, but I found my sweet spot for my Wii Remote and Nunchuk and now there's no turning back. It's smooth as silk and rock solid during play. Okay, I lied. There's some awkward button configurations, but you learn to adapt. But the IR use and movement is so much fun that I forgive some of the Wii Remote's button shortcomings. Some of the gestures used seem kind of dumb, opening some closed doors with gestures seems tacked on and sometimes you just press "A" when a gesture of just pulling seemed more appropriate. There are some quick time events, but nothing obtrusive.
The Levels
I really like them. Again the the word options comes up. Do you go in the front door of a kitchen or try the side door? Do you go left or try the air duct to the right and sneak up behind your enemies? Some parts are straight forward as in run straight forward and don't die. I'm almost done with my playthrough on the easiest difficulty, and I'm looking forward to retrying on the next difficulty level with knowledge gained, again, nothing ground breaking, but lots of fun to be had.
Enemy A.I.
Not the smartest, but they'll fuck you up if you're not careful. The fun lies in trying to figure out how to get through a room or level without being noticed or taking out as many enemy A.I. as silently as you can. When noticed, flanking and grenades seem to be their favorites when they try to act smart. You can't sit still for long, otherwise, they'll flush you out or kill you with a well placed grenade. They feel like video game characters with their patterns of attack. Is that a bad thing? 
Now for the canned ham... When you shoot someone, you would expect them to be pushed backwards from the force of the shot. Not in this game, I have seen so many enemies get shot only to fall forward, over a rail, down a flight of stairs, that it makes me laugh every time, still fun, if not a little silly. Video games, gotta love them. Also, lots of set pieces, but they add to the tension of the moment, so I really didn't mind them that much. As always, look for explosive barrels, fire extinguishers and fuel tanks, you might find a surprise.   
This isn't Black Ops, this isn't the PS3, Xbox 360 or PC, they serve their purpose. I did stop a quite a few times to notice the details.
 What? It's a video game.
 What? It's a video game.
I have found them very pleasing. Enemies disappear very soon after being taken down sometimes leaving their guns floating in the air and some shots seem to hit invisible walls, but other than that, nothing majorly bad. The whole game seems rather smooth and simple with its style with little touches of cool here and there.
Well, I think I covered that part. What else?
The damn thing reminds me of a video game. Not a video game of today, but of yesterday with a splash of current. I've died... a lot. I've gotten frustrated... a few times. But I persevere and push on to the next mission. One thing that had me scratching my head was no end mission stats. I remember GoldenEye 007 on the N64 having stats, head shots, accuracy, etc. In this game, you get a time of completion and unlock the time trial for that mission. Am I missing something? I miss my stats, maybe I should try the online portion. 

That's it. I just wanted to get these thoughts out there. Oh, and I like canned ham.
Thanks for reading.

I'm taking my talents to San Diego State.

This is College Hoops 2K8 and this is my story.
A nobody coach from nowhere called Claude Ruffian. A small school from a small conference gave me a shot. The Phoenix of Elon University in the Southern Conference

 We've come a long way.
 We've come a long way.
became my home. 
Elon University wasn't known as a winner. My first two games showed me the Phoenix had a long way to go, both losses, before we could be considered a team. I made changes and utilized the players strengths and hid their weaknesses. Two five man rotations and "40 Minutes of Hell". Quote from Nolan Richardson former Arkansas Razorbacks head coach.
We started winning, but I found recruiting very hard for such a small school. Maybe I could get one 3 Star player, never happened. The Elon Phoenix lost one conference game, the last one, on the way to the Southern Conference regular season championship. We won the Southern Conference Tournament and then the The Big Dance awaited; March Madness, The Road to the Final Four, we lost in the first round. Overall, not a bad first year; 19-1 in conference play and 28-4 overall, plus a NCAA Tournament showing. 
My Second Year:
I lost two very good point guards to graduation and had a terrible recruiting class, plus, one point guard transferred to a different school. But the players that stayed bought into my theory of basketball. We won and won and won. An undefeated regular season and another conference tournament championship had us on top of the world and yet, we still were the underdogs in every game. Luckily, the NCAA Tournament committee gave us a 3 seed in the tournament. 
 Put the ball in the basket.
 Put the ball in the basket.

NCAA Tournament: new year, new team.  
We won the first game by ten and I was proud. A seventeen point margin to reach the Sweet Sixteen had me thinking of more. We then had our best game ever, crushing Syracuse by 29 points, it was grand. Now in the Elite 8, a last second shot against Providence by Prado and a 70 - 69 win took us to the promised land, a trip to The Final Four. A very good Florida team took us to task as we lost by 20. Duke University would eventually win it all, but goddamn was I proud of my team. 20-0 in conference play, 35-1 overall and a trip to The Final Four.
I've made my decision. I'm leaving The Phoenix of Elon University and taking my talents to The Aztecs of San Diego State University. Not a power conference but it's a major upgrade to my career.
 Learning in NCAA Basketball for the SNES
 Learning in NCAA Basketball for the SNES
Look out Mountain West Conference... I'm bringing my "A" game.
Thanks for reading.