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Late to the Game(s)

So I just bought a new TV for my place and finally got my 360 set up again after about 8 months of going without either. That said, I've been spending the past week catching up on a bunch of solid games I haven't had the chance to get to yet. Thoughts on what I've been playing:

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Super Street Fighter II HD Remix: 

Fun game, great graphics and solid online support. To be honest, my favorite version of this game is Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (I kinda think Super Street Fighter II comes off as cheesy - with those new characters and the Super Combos, etc), but I've been having fun with the game and definitely gearing up for some SF IV when it drops.

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What can I say. Brilliant, beautiful game. It amazes me that, with all of the different games there are out there and all of the different genres we've seen come and go - that a small team, can develop such a unique, beautiful, interesting and compelling game. Had to use two walkthroughs to get two of the more difficult pieces (Crossing The Gap - and Fragile Companion ugh!) - but I absolutely loved this game.

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Assassin's Creed:

Popped this sucker in last night and I swear, I couldn't get past the stupid tutorial level where you have to brush past the women walking with the pots on their head. Ridiculous! Either I suck or Ubi sucks... I'm going w/ the latter ;)

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Mass Effect:

Dude - just popped this game in last night after the fail that was Assassin's Creed and was immediately sucked into this awesome (and HUGE) game. I haven't played a game like this (ever?) since Star Control 2 (which is a fantastic game - check it if you get a sec.). The story so far is awesome, the voice acting is great , the graphics are top notch and the world is breathtaking and well done. Can't wait to really get into this game.