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My Top 5 Games of E3 2014

Despite what a few naysayers in the forums are saying, E3 this year was really damn good. All three console makers and Ubisoft were in peak form showing off some really amazing stuff. EA was less than spectacular but hey, 4/5 aint bad at all. I am only mentioning my five favorites here but there was way more stuff that I thought was looking good.

5. Hyrule Warriors

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Hyrule Warriors looks like a really dumb, really fun hack and slash game. Thankfully they are allowing coop where one player gets the whole TV and the other gets the full gamepad (what the fuck Mario Kart 8?). There is not too much more to this one. It just looks like a fun game to turn off your brain and enjoy mowing down an absurd number of enemies. I remember playing and enjoying a Dynasty Warriors game (lord knows which one) way back when I first got my PS2 but I have never gone back to the franchise since then so I am excited to play another one of those types of games again after more than ten years.

4. The Crew

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I have been looking forward to this game since last year. I was super bummed when it was delayed but what can you do? I am still sold on the premise of it and the gameplay looks better then it did last year. We haven't been able to customize cars in an over the top way since Midnight Club so I can't wait to spend too much time making something I a vehicle I am happy with. I am also really really interested to see what the story mode looks like in this game, especially after the creative director said that he was not taking it seriously because it is a video game about racing. It struck me as a shot to Need for Speed but he isn't wrong. Heres hoping that he delivers something truly goofy and over the top.

3. Assassin's Creed: Unity

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The only Assassin's Creed game I have had fun with is the first one. After doing everything in it and enjoying it I immediately jumped into 2 which was a huge mistake. I got sick of it and all the Animus bullshit and so I never finished it. I bought the Vita one on sale and that game looked and ran like poop and so once again I never finished it. The boat combat they have been pushing for the last few games seemed dumb and so I had come to accept that this franchise was just not for me. However, the gameplay they showed in both the Microsoft and Ubisoft press conferences looks really good and reminded me why I loved the first game. Coop also seems like a great addition.

2. LittleBigPlanet 3

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I love the LittleBigPlanet franchise. Like a bunch. The original was my favorite game of the last generation. I was completely surprised when this showed up at the Sony press conference with no warning or introduction. Sumo Digital is a talented studio and the demo they presented looked broken in that charming LBP way. It is also great to know that all the old levels people have created is going to make the jump to PS4. The soundtrack in these games is also always really amazing so I look forward to seeing what songs are included. The three new character they introduced look adorable. I can't wait to see what kinds of levels the community makes with these new characters in mind.

1. Super Smash Bros Fo(u)r 3DS/Wii U

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Smash Bros is always good and it looks like Sakurai is addressing the problems people had with Brawl. The combat looks tight and all the new characters that they have introduced look like they are bringing something new and unique to the table. I was also happy to see that the Pac-Man they are using looks like the Pac-Man World version instead of the new Ghostly Adventures model. The Mii's look like a great new addition as well with their customizable move sets. The NFC figurines seem really pointless and don't appear to really add (or take away) anything but Smash Bros toys are Smash Bros toys and therefore I shall buy them all. The invitational tournament they held was also amazing. The gameplay looks fantastic and has made the wait for this game even more unbareable. And how could you not love Reggie telling Hungrybox that he was going to kick his ass?