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A top 5 list to rule them all, a top 5 list to bind them

So as I do every night I think about things a lot. Tonight I really thought I needed to tell what my top five favorite movies, shows, and bands were. This not only to let you all know but also in hopes that at least some of you will also do the same and let us know what yours are. So here I sit at 4 am squinting at the screen because I don't have my glasses on writing you all this list.

Mind you this is going to be really hard to do and I haven't actually thought what I am going to put down yet. I like way more than the 5 things I will list for each and there will be some that barely miss the cut.

Also, just in case you didn't know, my last name is NOT Letterman.

Top 5 Movies.

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark.
You know what, I don't even know why it just is. It has been my favorite movie forever and I just love it because I do.

2. Pulp Fiction
Now over the past couple days I have been cotemplating if I like number 3 more or not but I have decided it can stay here. I think it is the Golden Watch chapter.

3. Inglorious Bastereds
Just a real great film. The acting is superb (well by those who aren't American at least) most of all Hans Lander. The bar scence, pure greatness.

4. Jaws
A pure classic and Speilbergs 1st big movie. When the shark comes out of the water and Cheif Brodey's reaction, just great stuff.

5. Jurrasic Park
What kind of park is it?

Notice how all these movies were made by two people. I wonder if I like their stuff? If I was some film critic I would have had "The greatest movie ever made" Citizen Kane up there, but I don't think I would actually like it and heve never seen it. Or I would have some older, artsy, or little know movies on the list for example. La Jete, mostly still images, just see 12 Monkeys. The Battle Ship Potempkin, one of Russia's finest peice of film making, you can skip it. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, has anyone even fucking heard of this besides me, it is weird and very trippy, very yellow, horror films have evolved since then and if you are going to see a really old one just see Nosferatu. I could go on an on. By the way there are a million movies I like better than those I listed in this paragraph.

Top 5 TV Shows

1. The Venture Bros.
It's like a game of cat and also cat.

2. It's Always Sunny in Phildelphia
This show is hilarious and you should all really watch it. Comedy Centrail will be airing episodes on Monday now and while they won't be uncensored like on FX you should still watch them.

3. Futurama
Way better than The Simpsons

4. South Park
It's Butters!

5.Law & Order.
DUN DUN. Too bad they just canceled it.

Top 5 Bands

1. Led Zepplien

2. Weezer

3. The Killers

4. Daft Punk

5. This is a very hard choice because it changes around a lot. Right now I will have to go with either David Bowie or The Beatles. Or....Queen or AC/DC.