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IP@E3: Dragon Age: Origins E3 2008 Trailer

Sunday, July 13, 2008 by Kim

Start upgrading those PCs because you might actually be using them for games in the next couple of years. Diablo III, Spore, and now Dragon Age: Origins are on deck, and if you can't play them there is a good chance that you're going to be laughed at. Not just by your friends, but by the Internet, and believe me when I say this "The Internet is huge."

Here is the trailer for Bioware's new PC-only (you think that will stick?) title "Dragon Age: Origins." While the trailer doesn't show off any gameplay, it does a good job of showing you what the game world is going to look like. Swarthy men fighting scary orcs (or whatever they are), while dragons breathe fire. I could be down with this.

While I have no doubt that the game will be amazing, it's looking a little too much like a Lord of the Rings ripoff to me.

Kim Fidler