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Most Anticipated Games From E3

For the Lincoln Logs quest, which isn't working.

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  • (Insert Cake Is A Lie Joke Here)

    I'm not such a diehard console fanboy as most, so I think that Valve taking Portal to PS3 is a good move for them. But aside from that, Holy Shit! Portal 2 looks sick. I'm incredibly happy that GLaDOS isn't dead, because frankly, she is one of my favorite characters of all time. The new features that Valve showcased show that this isn't just a DLC or expansion to Portal. This is a completely rethought Portal. And an entire year of product testing? That's consumer commitment.

  • For modern combat, my vote this E3 goes to Medal of Honor. I've always liked the MoH franchise, and I'm incredibly happy that they've left WWII for a more modern setting. The Tier 1 operator story sounds good, especially since the EA team is using them to draw from actual events. The stories from MoH have been good, but I'm interested in the fact that DICE is handling multiplayer. This could be good or bad, because the MoH fans who got tired of WWII (but didn't want to defect to CoD) probably traveled to Battlefield: BC, and if MoH's multiplayer is Bad Company in another game, I have feeling we're going to be disappointed. I'm waiting to see how DICE is going to change the game. As far as the vehicular gameplay goes, that's going to be between Black Ops and MoH this fall, seeing as how Treyarch is bringing back the (crap) gameplay from World @ War. If Black Ops multiplayer is about rolling around in a tank invincible, that makes it a rent for me. But this rant belongs below.

  • It's Call of Duty. The story is going to be good. Multiplayer is what I'm interested in. If Treyarch sticks to the crap from CoD 5, people are going to hate going online in Black Ops. But then again, it's motherfreakin' CALL OF DUTY.

    *Special thanks to Kevin Pereira for the new word, 'motherfreakin.'

  • I went back and played Halo 3 after six months of Modern Warfare, and I sucked. It sucked. It was so unrealistic. But then after a few months of addiction to Just Cause 2, I tried again, and I remembered why it was the only game I played after I got my Elite bundle. Reach looks incredible. Bungie has made Halo look as beautiful as ever, as well as making the new abilities for multiplayer freakin' sweet. Plus - space battles! Seamless transition between ground and aerial skirmishes sounds great. Cannot wait to get my hands on this.

  • I am very glad that this is a full-fledged game and not another DLC. The multiplayer previews combined three of my favorite things, being cops and robbers, hide and go seek, and merciless killing. In addition to the multiplayer, you can now explore Rome! That was my one gripe with ACII; why would they let you go to the Vatican and then forbid from going back to Rome? The new story looks good, as well. November, come faster!

  • I wasn't initially interested in Bulletstorm, and after reading the article in GI, it had only piqued my interest a little. But after the E3 demo, this looks like a definite buy for me. The viewtiful* art direction was astonishing, but what really drove this one home was the humor. 'Bad Touch' and others were sardonic and ironic enough to make me start chuckling on my couch.

    *Thanks to Viewtiful Joe, as well, for this addition to my vocabulary.

  • Unlike many, I am one of the diehard, hardcore NFS fans. People say they love Need For Speed, but I played NFS1, NFS: SE, Porsche Unleashed, both Hot Pursuits, and all the way up through Undercover. Most Wanted was one of my favorites for the great chases, but Hot Pursuit II was the absolute number 1 in the series for me; solely for the Be The Cop mode. Seeing a Murcielago in police livery was enough to make me salivate. The fact that that feature is making a return as one of the core parts of gameplay made want to clap after the demo. I'll be keeping tabs on this until it debuts.

  • I, like many, could not play Crysis because 1) I had a Mac, and 2) I don't think even my 32" HD Mac could have handled that game, even running Parallels. So when it was announced that Crysis 2 was coming to consoles, I was happy, although running through a jungle seemed too much like FarCry to me. However, when the demo (and GI/OXM articles) showcased New York, I caught the hype. This game looked so good, it was incredible. On a side note, to add to the awesomeness, when a giant alien came through the ceiling into Grand Central station, a 5.9 earthquake rocked California. I thought that Crysis was so awesome my TV was about to explode from the sickness of this game.

  • Driver is certainly a purchase for me no matter what, but I caught the GTA III flu, and when DRIV3R came out, despite the fact that it was not such a good game, I loved every minute of it. When Parallel Lines came out, I loved running around New York in the 1978 as well as 2008. But that's the thing - I loved RUNNING around. The out of car action was a great addition to the franchise. Although Reflections never confirmed the absence of the out of car gameplay, it seems pretty clear that there will be none of that. The Shift feature is cool, but it's pretty obvious that they're using that to replace out of car action. No shooting, no car-jacking. It's disappointing, but not enough for me to boycott it. Plus, I love Bullitt as much as I do San Fran.

  • Despite my disappointment at not being able to call the franchise GRAW anymore, holy crap! This is every good Tom Clancy franchise in one, with Halo thrown in for good measure. It looks to me like they've integrated the stealth from Splinter Cell, the cover system from Rainbow Six Vegas, the weapons from GRAW, and the active camo from Halo. This is the Singularity of tactical shooters. I was never a diehard GRAW fan, which was the only Tom Clancy franchise I didn't live by, but now, oh boy. There goes a few weeks of my life.

  • I really don't know why I like Homefront so much. If you don't know what it is, think about the US invasion levels from Modern Warfare 2. Homefront is that, but an entire game of it. And from the looks of it, better. I can't really say what was so good about what I was watching, but it was damn good. Apparently, I'm speechless, so watch the E3 demo for yourself on or here on Giantbomb, if they have it.

  • TDU was alright. For some reason, I played it on my PS2, and it looked stunning. It was pushing the PS2 to its graphical limits. I rented for the 360 a while ago, and some of the novelty and amazing was lost in the process. Moving TDU from Oahu to wherever the hell it is now seems like a good idea, because wherever it is now looks impressive, to say the least. I'm more to excited to see the new cars, because cars are what make TDU.

  • This one isn't as much that I'm dying to play Madden or see new gameplay; I want to see how the new features look. The condensing of the playbook doesn't sit well with me, but that's why I'm watching the EA demo.

  • Mafia II has been delayed, collectively for about a year. It's been pissing me off, but not enough for me to write it off. I have to say, this looks so much better than any GTA. I didn't play the first Mafia, but I assume it must have been good, because this looks great. I don't have time to list off all the features (destructible enviroments, vintage Playboys, incredible physics, etc.), but take my word for it - Mafia II's gonna be great.

  • KOTOR was good. This looks incredible. The fact that I'm typing this from a Mac makes me want to cry. The cinematic trailers look incredible. The RPG and MMO elements look incredible. The combat looks incredible. Incredible. Incredible! InCREDible! Increíble! 难以置信! неимоверно!

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