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Kicking it off with that bigh :jeffu energy.

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If they watch the movies, they should at least watch the first three or four episodes of the show first. Specially since episode 2 is the best episode in the whole Super run. Just look at this picture of Vegeta.

This. Episode 2 of Super is the only time Dragon Ball has managed to make me laugh.

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@squashysquish: We were specifically talking about their views on loot design and how it pertains to the longevity of the game. Loot design in the first 20 hours: doesn't.

Jeff is correct about the first 20 hours of the game, that's a bad game. You can read my feelings on it after beating the main story here, I was right there with Jeff, 1:1.
Loot design in the first 20 hours in Anthem? Pretty bad, pretty much exactly the same as corresponding gear in other shlooters. Loot design in Anthem? Better than other shlooters.

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@north6 said:

Edited By North6


That said, the best, most dynamic classes can't fix the unmoving, unreacting AI, hit scan weapons you can't react to, lack of feedback from enemies (think of literally any enemy in Destiny, you can probably identify them by sound and know where to shoot them).

You can't even change weapon loadout mid-mission. Nobody is really talking about it here, but I genuinely wonder if they don't let you change weapons because they couldn't figure out how to layer on an inventory screen that doesn't cause a load screen. This seems so poorly designed that I'd need them to prove that isn't the case, I 100% doubt this is a conscious design decision.

I'm pretty sure most if not all enemies have projectile weaponry, I can't think of an enemy whose attacks I haven't been able to dodge. Scar scouts may have hitscan snipers, but I think I've dodged those shots at long range.

I can also recognize every enemy type at a glance. I agree that weakpoints aren't always immediately obvious, but you memorize them pretty quickly.

I wonder if the inventory thing isn't a networking/performance issue. They didn't make inventory space limited per slot like Destiny, instead you just have 250 slots in general.

Edit: They should just introduce a loadout mechanic with limited slots that you bring with you to missions.

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@thatoneguy830: Don't forget that this is not a singleplayer game with a replayable campaign. The thing about GaaS is that endgame is where people will be spending the vast majority of their time in and it's what makes or breaks a shlooter. Hitting level cap doesn't mean you're done, and shouldn't mean that.

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I wish Jeff had played the game more in general. There's some misinformation and extrapolation based on limited experience with the game that doesn't hold true to the endgame.
The game has a lot of issues, but some of the concerns Jeff raises ain't it.

@ikabubu said:

Brad and Jeff think it doesn't stand out, with notable flaws in UI, mission structure, loot design, and narrative that's tedious in the long run, especially for a game that's meant to be repeated (ala Diablo or Destiny).

You can dismiss parts of their views on the loot design as uninformed, Jeff is basing this stuff on epic level gear which is not representative of what the loot currently is or will be in the long run. And loot is about half of what makes a shlooter.

The loot in the endgame has significant special abilities attached to them that can, and will, completely change the way you play. There's some stinkers in there, but also stuff like weapons that allow CC and prime or detonate and components that reload your gun when you dodge.
And most importantly the drop rates are humane, you will actually see high rarity stuff drop at a steady rate, there are no long droughts of digging through garbage like in shlooters that have come before. From that viewpoint the endgame is solid and I hope they keep this policy on steady player progression going forward.

The gear score system in Anthem is also good, or at the very least it's not a bullshit difficulty stat like what Destiny 1 had.

57:14: There's an entire class in the game that revolves completely around the tight flight and dodge mechanics, it's called THE INTERCEPTOR. Which I guess none of y'all played for more than a mission.

I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Anthem is a better game than Destiny 1 ever was.
I didn't play Destiny 2 because it's predecessor was hot trash.

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I wish one of the duders had picked Interceptor and had played it more than Jeff apparently did. Once you get proficient at it, the movement is INSANE and puts Destiny, or most other games for that matter, to shame.

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@alex High level guns with special abilities definitely exist in Anthem.

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Selene (the 'my dude" character) sounds just like Screwball from Spiderman... no wonder I instantly disliked her.

That's Erica Lindbeck, she voices Black Cat in Spider-Man and Futaba in Persona 5 (for example). I like her voice >:(

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"Just go play Crackdown 1 again."

Or don't. I played Crackdown when it was free on Games With Gold back in 2013 and hated every second of it.

Either the game doesn't hold up at all or it was always bad, because it just felt like shit to play. Open world traversal came a long way even between 2007 and 2013.