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Starting fresh for 2016! This Ziggurat game looks kinda cool. Let's try that!

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What? One thousand (trophies)?


For the record, I’d like to assure those of you who’ve been following my lastest PS3 gaming activity that my 1,000th overall trophy (Sony’s variant on Xbox Live achievements and Gamerscore) wasn’t meant to be earned at 10:00 PM…it just happened while I was playing Digger HD.

Now, for some useless-to-everybody-but-me statistics:

  • Trophy-enabled games played: 128
  • Trophy breakdown: 877 Bronze, 106 Silver, 16 Gold and 1 Platinum
  • Number of games with 100% trophy completion: 5 (After Burner Climax, Deathspank, Gunstar Heroes, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, and Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection)
  • Number of games with over 50% trophy completion: 13

My focus, apparently, is less toward scoring golds and platinums than getting the points for trophies in general. Bronzes may not look as shiny as silvers and golds, but if it can occupy the trophy room, I’ll take it.