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I feel like blogging today. (PC Repair, GT5, TDU2, Mild Loss)

Where to start... So, I overheard my dad talking to his girlfriend on the phone. I heard something about a computer not turning on. So I say its probably the PSU. I have them bring the computer to my place and I test it out. Sure enough its the PSU, so I pop a new one in and it works like new. Easiest $50 I ever made. Also on a side note I really liked the inside of that Dell. Real easy to work on. Ok on to GT5. They finally put out Seasonal Events 7, I really like the way things are going it to me really seems like PD are doing their best to do right by the fans. Too bad you wouldn't know it by going onto the GTP forums cause there all anyone seems to do is bitch. I bought TDU2 on tuesday, and mother fuck that game is broken. The online is totally trashed, Hoping it all gets sorted out soon. That game is pretty boring with out the multiplayer. Shit I was hoping I would have more to say about the first three topics. Ok well my best friend of the last 10+ years has gone to basic training for the US Military. I drove him to the airport on wednesday at 4am. Its not like I am sad or depressed or anything, I'm just bored, He was kind of my only friend. He will be back in 9 months(ish) so its not that bad. 
Ok fifth topic!  
I fell in love the other day, too bad shes not human, she's a car. I want to buy it but i would have to get a loan for about 12 grand. Doubt I would even qualify. Literally the most beautiful car I have ever seen. Guess what it is.