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GOTY 2013

OK so here is my list.

List items

  • The things that developers did with this franchise was amazing. They brought the stupid in the most fun and crazy ways possible.

  • The Rouge element, progression and gimmicks that where used in this game made it both fun and challenging

  • I wouldn't usually give a call of duty game a second look, but in ghost they finally a made a multiplayer FPS that I could actually have fun playing by adding Squads. This allowed me to have the fun with multiplayer without having to worry about being killed within 2 seconds of spawning because you where playing against bots but still playing with real humans.

  • This has been a solid and fun game to play. It would have rated higher but the terrible female character designs and bouncing breasts left a bad taste in the mouth.

  • This games release date says 2012 but it came out on PC this year and thats where I played it. This was a fun pool game. It still needs some work and the trick mode was missing at launch which was annoying as the trailers focused on this.

  • This game is here for the story and feel. I can't say i enjoyed the game play massively but it was solidly enough.

  • I had a very enjoyable afternoon spent with this game. It was fun and instantly playble.

  • I have only recently gained access to the beta for this but I have been playing it ever since. Actually am thinking about this game as I write up this list.

  • This game deserves a lot of credit for the nice game play mechanic and the progression is paced well.

  • I felt I had to put this in my list. Even though I felt the story was over the top. Not in an amazing way but in a harrowing and soul crushing way. I really didn't feel good after finishing this game, but I think that was the point so it did it's job very well.