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Endure This! Run! Part 11

Endure This! Run! Part 11: He's called "The Conqueror," not "The Negotiator"

For those that care, voting is still open for Jorgen's class (see the end of Part 10 for details)!

In the last episode, David headed to Elysion to meet with the Congress, but a couple of Dukes were late, so he and Rush ditched the city and got some sidequests done. But eventually, we have to continue the story, so eventually we head to Elysion so Pagus will stop nagging us.

This is totally not important at all.
This is totally not important at all.

Rush decides to check in on the Academy while he's got the time.

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Rush: Okay, so let me into the Remnant Ark, and I'll find my parents!

Haruko: I'm sorry, but we can't do that.

Rush decides to head over to the ark himself to see if he can bypass the woman.

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Rush: ...blah blah blah, let me see my parents!

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Despite having a sharp weapon and several armed combatants with him, one NPC thwarts his plan. Rush throws his hands up and walks outside. Guess who's there?

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Ah ha, the plot thickens! The Warrior Woman finally has a name and a likeness similar to our dear Emma. What could this mean? We'll find out eventually. Anyways, head to Tula Street to trigger the next plot point. If no cutscene pops up, try talking to some NPCs and exploring all parts of the city, then go back to the Street. Took me a little while before I finally triggered it myself.

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Giant fellow in heavy armor with a horned helmet leads a bunch of faceless soldiers down the streets. The unlookers think he's the Conqueror with this show of force. I'm reminded of something...

No, that's not it...

Close, but not quite. Let's see what...

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Oh hey, incredibly impractical armor girl! Just when I thought that most of the females in this game actually had decent and/or useful outfits in this game, Square Enix remembered that this was a JRPG! Does this crotch have a face?

The Conqueror wanted to give her a second pauldron, but blew the budget on the giant's armor.
The Conqueror wanted to give her a second pauldron, but blew the budget on the giant's armor.
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The girl's name is Roeas (pronounced "Roy-ass"), and she brings forth a message from the Conqueror. Or maybe more of a threat, that he's come to take a Remnant that was promised to him by the God-Emperor.

God-Emperor? Wait a minute.

Ah! There we go! That's the theme song I was looking for.

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Blocter: Oh come on, that's a horrible reference! Everyone knows the power of Chaos would've destroyed the Imperial Guard by now if Games Workshop didn't put that bullshit Plot Armor on the fucking Emperor and his chosen people all the damn time!

Emma: Why are you telling this to me?

Pagus: Perhaps we should be a little more worried that the Conqueror was allowed to bring an army here into a sovereign territory. I thought this was supposed to be a diplomatic mission?

Torgal: Maybe The Conqueror's got something on the Emperor? Naked photos? A blade to the throat?

Pagus: Hey Rush, what do you think?

Rush: What? Uh, yeah, Imperial Guard all the way.

Pagus: You seem distracted, was it that scantily-clad messenger?

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Rush: Well, either Liquid Snake really grew up or I'm being watched by a muscular gypsy.

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Rush: Also, my talisman's glowing! That means he's important to the plot somehow.

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Then with a whoosh, he disappears!
Then with a whoosh, he disappears!

Rush: Oh c'mon! Now I gotta find him!

David: You do that, I've got a conference to get to.

Torgal: You're not going to pursue that Roeas girl, are you?

David: Would you blame me if I did?

Torgal: Considering her choice of clothing and that she has a giant backing her up? Yes, I probably would.

Quote from an old person after they found you playing Bible Black at 7am.
Quote from an old person after they found you playing Bible Black at 7am.

So Rush decides to run around Elysion, trying to find this mysterious old man who set his talisman aglow.

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David heads off with this Court Lady to go to Congressional Business.

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He's still listed in your roster for some reason. In any case, Rush leads the gang in paying another visit to The Ark when...

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Oh boy. This can't be good.

To sum it up: old-Liquid Snake just bound The Ark by himself. According to the reactions of the various characters in this cutscene, that's apparently a big thing. And now we are transported to "The Sacred Lands." I'd like to know what happened to all the guards, the tourists, and the tour guides that were there mere seconds ago when I tried to get in the Ark. Either this dude is really that powerful, or Elysion is neutral as fuck.

You walk through the Sacred Lands here. Technically David is still listed on your roster, but it doesn't matter as you won't be doing any fighting here just some flashbacks.

I get the feeling we're on the set of a music video here.
I get the feeling we're on the set of a music video here.
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Our crew doesn't know where the man in red has gone, but they did find some sort of hovering kayak.

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Suddenly, the man reappears out of nowhere, and forces Rush into the most unholy of places.

Yes. It's a flashback zone. Rush vaguely remembers his mom crying while he was a child. That's the problem with hover-kayaks these days, too easy to bang your baby's head with them.

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Rush collapses on the floor. Even he has his limits on lame story cliches.

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When Rush awakens, Emma seems less than pleased that Rush passed out from an overused literary device. While Rush wakes up, the man is finally identified as the real "The Conqueror." Well, that explains a bit. Eventually, Hermeien shows up with David and a bunch of other people. Politics happen.

Hermeien: Mister The Conqueror...

TC: Please, just Conqueror.

Hermeien: Why are you here?

TC: Well, it's very simple. You've received my letters right?

Hermeien: Yes. I think you said something along the lines of "Give me a title and a Remnant or I will fuck you up. Signed, The Conqueror. CC: The God-Emperor. PS: Not Joking." The God-Emperor doesn't have power anymore, we're a democracy now! I told you we would get back to you on that.

TC: When?

Hermeien: We were going to get to it as soon as we finished appropriating the budget so that we could get a two-thirds vote in the Congress in the affirmative!

TC: And how did that go?

Hermeien: Well, a couple of the members have decided to put a hold on it until they could insert their own amendments where--

TC: Look, my name is The Conqueror, not The Sit-And-Wait-For-You-To-Finish-Your-Handwringing-Bullshit-Excuser. You were stalling for time, so I just took the Ark. I'm going bye now.

Hermeien: Okay! Fine! We'll make you a Lord and give you a Remnant, just...leave the Ark here? Please? It draws in money for Elysion touring tourist season!

TC: See? Was that so hard?

After The Conqueror leaves, Hermeien tells the Lords that Congress is in recess until further notice, and urges everyone not to take any action, especially the Marquis of Athlum.

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The crew retires to the Athlum embassy, and goes over what they know.

David: Okay, so what do we know about the Conqueror?

Everyone Else: Not much.

David: Great. Thanks. You guys are a big help. While you all were staring at his muscular, shirtless bod, I was off actually getting clues.

Rush: Wow! What did you find?

David: Well, remember that awful comedian we found? He's the ringleader of a secret group within The Academy. They've been trying to invade Athlum and they kidnapped Irina at the same time for some sort of experiment.

Rush: Seriously? That asshole! Where's my sister?

David: Unfortunately, Hermeien kept his mouth shut.

Torgal: Still upset about that time when you puked on his pack animals, huh?

David: On the other hand, I did overhear him say that Rush's dad is doing some research in the Temple.

Rush: He is? I'm going to find him! Seeya Dave!

David: Okay, but we're going with you.

Rush: Why?

David: Remember what we discussed last time?

Rush: *sigh* "Despite what the fantasy novels say, no one person can take on ten men by himself."

David: Good, you're not totally braindead. Let's go.

Next Time on Endure This! Run!

  • Some actual gameplay!
  • Another familiar face!


Sorry for the lack of interesting content this go-around, folks, but that's how it went this time. Lots of cutscenes and cryptic clues and possibly something involving Rush and his mom being important to The Conqueror. Hope you folks had a good Xmas/Hanukkah time. Tell me how awful my jokes were in the comments below. And remember, you can still vote for Jorgen's job!



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Edited By DocHaus

Endure This! Run! Part 11: He's called "The Conqueror," not "The Negotiator"

For those that care, voting is still open for Jorgen's class (see the end of Part 10 for details)!

In the last episode, David headed to Elysion to meet with the Congress, but a couple of Dukes were late, so he and Rush ditched the city and got some sidequests done. But eventually, we have to continue the story, so eventually we head to Elysion so Pagus will stop nagging us.

This is totally not important at all.
This is totally not important at all.

Rush decides to check in on the Academy while he's got the time.

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Rush: Okay, so let me into the Remnant Ark, and I'll find my parents!

Haruko: I'm sorry, but we can't do that.

Rush decides to head over to the ark himself to see if he can bypass the woman.

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Rush: ...blah blah blah, let me see my parents!

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Despite having a sharp weapon and several armed combatants with him, one NPC thwarts his plan. Rush throws his hands up and walks outside. Guess who's there?

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Ah ha, the plot thickens! The Warrior Woman finally has a name and a likeness similar to our dear Emma. What could this mean? We'll find out eventually. Anyways, head to Tula Street to trigger the next plot point. If no cutscene pops up, try talking to some NPCs and exploring all parts of the city, then go back to the Street. Took me a little while before I finally triggered it myself.

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Giant fellow in heavy armor with a horned helmet leads a bunch of faceless soldiers down the streets. The unlookers think he's the Conqueror with this show of force. I'm reminded of something...

No, that's not it...

Close, but not quite. Let's see what...

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Oh hey, incredibly impractical armor girl! Just when I thought that most of the females in this game actually had decent and/or useful outfits in this game, Square Enix remembered that this was a JRPG! Does this crotch have a face?

The Conqueror wanted to give her a second pauldron, but blew the budget on the giant's armor.
The Conqueror wanted to give her a second pauldron, but blew the budget on the giant's armor.
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The girl's name is Roeas (pronounced "Roy-ass"), and she brings forth a message from the Conqueror. Or maybe more of a threat, that he's come to take a Remnant that was promised to him by the God-Emperor.

God-Emperor? Wait a minute.

Ah! There we go! That's the theme song I was looking for.

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Blocter: Oh come on, that's a horrible reference! Everyone knows the power of Chaos would've destroyed the Imperial Guard by now if Games Workshop didn't put that bullshit Plot Armor on the fucking Emperor and his chosen people all the damn time!

Emma: Why are you telling this to me?

Pagus: Perhaps we should be a little more worried that the Conqueror was allowed to bring an army here into a sovereign territory. I thought this was supposed to be a diplomatic mission?

Torgal: Maybe The Conqueror's got something on the Emperor? Naked photos? A blade to the throat?

Pagus: Hey Rush, what do you think?

Rush: What? Uh, yeah, Imperial Guard all the way.

Pagus: You seem distracted, was it that scantily-clad messenger?

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Rush: Well, either Liquid Snake really grew up or I'm being watched by a muscular gypsy.

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Rush: Also, my talisman's glowing! That means he's important to the plot somehow.

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Then with a whoosh, he disappears!
Then with a whoosh, he disappears!

Rush: Oh c'mon! Now I gotta find him!

David: You do that, I've got a conference to get to.

Torgal: You're not going to pursue that Roeas girl, are you?

David: Would you blame me if I did?

Torgal: Considering her choice of clothing and that she has a giant backing her up? Yes, I probably would.

Quote from an old person after they found you playing Bible Black at 7am.
Quote from an old person after they found you playing Bible Black at 7am.

So Rush decides to run around Elysion, trying to find this mysterious old man who set his talisman aglow.

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David heads off with this Court Lady to go to Congressional Business.

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He's still listed in your roster for some reason. In any case, Rush leads the gang in paying another visit to The Ark when...

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Oh boy. This can't be good.

To sum it up: old-Liquid Snake just bound The Ark by himself. According to the reactions of the various characters in this cutscene, that's apparently a big thing. And now we are transported to "The Sacred Lands." I'd like to know what happened to all the guards, the tourists, and the tour guides that were there mere seconds ago when I tried to get in the Ark. Either this dude is really that powerful, or Elysion is neutral as fuck.

You walk through the Sacred Lands here. Technically David is still listed on your roster, but it doesn't matter as you won't be doing any fighting here just some flashbacks.

I get the feeling we're on the set of a music video here.
I get the feeling we're on the set of a music video here.
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Our crew doesn't know where the man in red has gone, but they did find some sort of hovering kayak.

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Suddenly, the man reappears out of nowhere, and forces Rush into the most unholy of places.

Yes. It's a flashback zone. Rush vaguely remembers his mom crying while he was a child. That's the problem with hover-kayaks these days, too easy to bang your baby's head with them.

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Rush collapses on the floor. Even he has his limits on lame story cliches.

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When Rush awakens, Emma seems less than pleased that Rush passed out from an overused literary device. While Rush wakes up, the man is finally identified as the real "The Conqueror." Well, that explains a bit. Eventually, Hermeien shows up with David and a bunch of other people. Politics happen.

Hermeien: Mister The Conqueror...

TC: Please, just Conqueror.

Hermeien: Why are you here?

TC: Well, it's very simple. You've received my letters right?

Hermeien: Yes. I think you said something along the lines of "Give me a title and a Remnant or I will fuck you up. Signed, The Conqueror. CC: The God-Emperor. PS: Not Joking." The God-Emperor doesn't have power anymore, we're a democracy now! I told you we would get back to you on that.

TC: When?

Hermeien: We were going to get to it as soon as we finished appropriating the budget so that we could get a two-thirds vote in the Congress in the affirmative!

TC: And how did that go?

Hermeien: Well, a couple of the members have decided to put a hold on it until they could insert their own amendments where--

TC: Look, my name is The Conqueror, not The Sit-And-Wait-For-You-To-Finish-Your-Handwringing-Bullshit-Excuser. You were stalling for time, so I just took the Ark. I'm going bye now.

Hermeien: Okay! Fine! We'll make you a Lord and give you a Remnant, just...leave the Ark here? Please? It draws in money for Elysion touring tourist season!

TC: See? Was that so hard?

After The Conqueror leaves, Hermeien tells the Lords that Congress is in recess until further notice, and urges everyone not to take any action, especially the Marquis of Athlum.

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The crew retires to the Athlum embassy, and goes over what they know.

David: Okay, so what do we know about the Conqueror?

Everyone Else: Not much.

David: Great. Thanks. You guys are a big help. While you all were staring at his muscular, shirtless bod, I was off actually getting clues.

Rush: Wow! What did you find?

David: Well, remember that awful comedian we found? He's the ringleader of a secret group within The Academy. They've been trying to invade Athlum and they kidnapped Irina at the same time for some sort of experiment.

Rush: Seriously? That asshole! Where's my sister?

David: Unfortunately, Hermeien kept his mouth shut.

Torgal: Still upset about that time when you puked on his pack animals, huh?

David: On the other hand, I did overhear him say that Rush's dad is doing some research in the Temple.

Rush: He is? I'm going to find him! Seeya Dave!

David: Okay, but we're going with you.

Rush: Why?

David: Remember what we discussed last time?

Rush: *sigh* "Despite what the fantasy novels say, no one person can take on ten men by himself."

David: Good, you're not totally braindead. Let's go.

Next Time on Endure This! Run!

  • Some actual gameplay!
  • Another familiar face!


Sorry for the lack of interesting content this go-around, folks, but that's how it went this time. Lots of cutscenes and cryptic clues and possibly something involving Rush and his mom being important to The Conqueror. Hope you folks had a good Xmas/Hanukkah time. Tell me how awful my jokes were in the comments below. And remember, you can still vote for Jorgen's job!

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Prince...uh....ah, fuck it, I don't know enough about The Last Remnant to make that joke work. (I'd use it in a blog about The Last Remnant myself, but there's no way in hell that's happening soon enough for that to happen.) Oh, and that Prince Ali video reminds me that I still have to write my The Cat and the Coup blog. I should really stop procrastinating.

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Edited By kingzetta
@Video_Game_King: I think this guy is beating you, in videogame retrospective blogs.
Also The 3 armed cat people are cool looking.
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Edited By Video_Game_King


No, not really. He is beating me in Let's Plays, though. Should I get to work on another one?

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Edited By kingzetta
@Video_Game_King said:


No, not really. He is beating me in Let's Plays, though. Should I get to work on another one?

Have you played The Saboteur or Mercs one or two?
I just posted a blog about all the pandemic games.
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Edited By Video_Game_King


No, but I was planning on playing the Mercs games. As it is, though, I'm far too busy with other games to make that a reality.

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Edited By kingzetta
@Video_Game_King said:


No, but I was planning on playing the Mercs games. As it is, though, I'm far too busy with other games to make that a reality.

What are you working on?
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Edited By Video_Game_King


A shitload of games. Also, I have four blogs going at once, and I've the feeling that I'll soon start on a fifth.

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Edited By kingzetta
@Video_Game_King said:


A shitload of games. Also, I have four blogs going at once, and I've the feeling that I'll soon start on a fifth.

which ones are those?
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Edited By Video_Game_King


A GOTY blog, two finished regular blogs, my L.A. Noire blog I'm still working on (the L.A. Noire part is done), and then a Modern Warfare 3 blog. If it hasn't hit you, yet, I'm fucking insane.

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Edited By DocHaus

@kingzetta: Much as I'd like to agree with you, I'm only focusing on this one game for a Let's Play! type of thing. VGKs going for more quantity. Not that I don't blog about other things on occasion, but hey, thanks.

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Edited By CaptainCharisma

I beat this game a while back and just stumbled upon this. Very good read. Keep up the good work!

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Edited By kingzetta
@DocHaus: have you seen the unskippible of this game?
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@kingzetta: I didn't know Unskippable did a video of it. How was it?

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Edited By kingzetta