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The good thing about the precision bolt is how ammo efficient it is for how much damage it does. You can't really go wrong weaving it in-between quick swapping the SSG, Ballista & RL. It's also the main reason why Slayer dominates the multiplayer meta on PC, because it chunks the player demons from across the entire map and they can't really do anything about it. Which is another reason why the multiplayer isn't very good or well balanced.

The best way to use it is to actually not even wait for the scope to zoom in, because it's able to be fired frame 1 of activating it, so you can just use the normal assault rifle crosshair to aim.

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Oh god why did they make the playable hunters speak a discernable language, what a horrible idea

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@doctordonkey said:
@the_nubster said:

I would be on this if the lore in Doom Eternal weren't so terrible and if they didn't do Mick Gordon so dirty. The soundtrack in this DLC just doesn't hit the same. Doom Eternal was one of my favourite games of the year and it sucks that everything surrounding it is kind of sour.

Initially that seemed to be the case, but you should look into how things turned out with that situation later on. Turns out Gordon was kind of a douche who threw the people he worked with under the bus on twitter and tried to spin the narrative in his favor, after consistently failing to deliver the OST mixes on time despite being granted more time over and over again.

Incredible composer and sound designer, but kind of a pain in the ass to work with, supposedly.

He made one tweet and responded to one DM and then id released a several thousand word long open letter to the community addressing Mick. All he said was "I didn't mix that track, you'll be able to tell which ones I did" and "I won't be working with id again." Apparently people take the word of a massive company with leagues of lawyers over the goodwill of basically a single dude, which is gross.

I don't care how bad I fuck up, if my boss chews me out in public and fires me in front of an audience, that is crossing the line into abuse. If there was an issue, it should have been resolved behind closed doors legally, not blasted onto Reddit where people are desperate to pretend their favourite thing doesn't have any issues. Besides, he has worked in the games industry for many years, almost exclusively with Bethesda for a lot of them in a recurring role, and he worked on Doom 2016 with id. I'm gonna go ahead and say that Mick was not the problem, and if he was, id could have not worked with him again. They don't get to paint him as a needy diva and an asshole after having one successful game with him and bringing him back for another. And they sure as hell don't get to swing that story when they promised a day-and-date OST before even having him contracted to do it.

Sorry, but I don't buy the story where id are the good guys doing what's best for fans by getting rid of Mick. The relationship went sour and they nuked it.

The relationship went sour for a reason, and it was Mick's doing in the end. All of this could have been "resolved behind closed doors", but Mick is the one who decided to make those snarky and unprofessional comments. He signed a contract to deliver a certain amount of songs mixed for the OST, and was granted ample time to do so. He was granted extension after extension and assured that he could even deliver more than was promised, if granted said extensions. He didn't, and they ran out of time and had to just put it out after having their in-house sound designer cobble together what tracks he did have (Mick did not provide uncompressed tracks, so all the designer had was the compressed ones) and mix them, so they obviously turned out poorly.

It was only after all of this happened and things fell apart did someone reach out to Mick about the poor quality of the mix, to which he responded with essentially throwing Id's sound designer (Chad Mossholder) under the bus, attempting to wipe his hands clean of it, and claim id had fucked him over with unreasonable deadlines and wouldn't be working with them again. To which Marty obviously responded with that letter on reddit, giving their side of the story.

In the end, all this happened almost a year ago and people have moved on, but the general consensus is that Mick acted in bad faith and was ultimately immature and unprofessional about the whole thing. I personally would trust Marty a million times over before I'd trust Mick, given the available information.

Again, incredible composer, undeniably conceived legendary soundtracks back to back with 2016 and Eternal and gave birth to the sound design of modern DOOM. But that does not excuse him from handling things in the shitty way he did.

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I would be on this if the lore in Doom Eternal weren't so terrible and if they didn't do Mick Gordon so dirty. The soundtrack in this DLC just doesn't hit the same. Doom Eternal was one of my favourite games of the year and it sucks that everything surrounding it is kind of sour.

Initially that seemed to be the case, but you should look into how things turned out with that situation later on. Turns out Gordon was kind of a douche who threw the people he worked with under the bus on twitter and tried to spin the narrative in his favor, after consistently failing to deliver the OST mixes on time despite being granted more time over and over again.

Incredible composer and sound designer, but kind of a pain in the ass to work with, supposedly.

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GOTY 2020 don't @ me

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This is a great list!

...except for Cyberpunk. Okay seriously, which of you was it? Into the corner for a time out.

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My condolences Alex, this made me tear up. You're really great at writing.

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You're right Jeff, Paimon IS good.

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Great list Mr. K, I share a lot of your sentiments on these games.

I know you can't put it on the list, but we both know Hades is GOTY brother.

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You've got my axe, Brad. BotW is the most important game to come out in a long time and one of the greatest of all time.