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Resident Evil 4 is out *again* -- and hey, it's still pretty great

No, thank YOU, RE4 merchantman.
No, thank YOU, RE4 merchantman.

Even with his unpleasant omnipresence and troubling nonchalance at the wild, wild stuff going on around him, the merchant is pretty well your only friend in Resident Evil 4. He’s not actively trying to murder you, anyway. Seeing the blue flames that festoon his makeshift shops is always a comfort, one that stands in for the feeling of revisiting this game for me in general.

RE4 is one of the best and most memorable games I’ve ever played. I feel like even the most banal moments of my experience with it are memorable by association. I was 15 when it came out. I went to the EB Games right near my place to pick it up. They only had one copy of the game left by the time I got there, a “gutted” copy they take the discs out of so they can have a display case. (EB is still around in Canada, and they still do this today.) They “sealed” the case with sticker and I took it home. Turned out they forgot to put the discs in the case. I went back.

This inconvenience was just one more step on what felt like a long, tension-building road to buying the game. I read and re-read any previews of the game I had in my stack o’ magazines for what must have been a year, re-absorbing all the hype that was following it. It was palpable even for me — someone who had, for example, never played any Resident Evil before (I’ve since tried more). Or any horror game for that matter.

By the time I had finally gotten it into my Gamecube, the surrounding mood was downright intimidating. I remember resting on the title screen a few moments to soak up its ominous drones, watched its figures slide into focus, studied them. And then that voice:


This game goes some PLACES.
This game goes some PLACES.

The game beyond that title screen did little to put me more at ease. It was scary and brutal, lengthy and tough. Each new area and encounter raised the stakes just a bit more, and before I knew it those stakes were fully realized. It was the first time I remember feeling palpable adrenaline while playing a game. It was the best, and few games since have made that sort of mark on me.

The game has been released every couple years since then, and I think that semi-constant resurfacing is why RE4 doesn’t feel almost twelve years old to me. It is though, and the PS4 release that went up for sale this week seems like a good bet if you’d like to re-experience it again. Or hey, maybe for the first time? It runs at a solid sixty frames and has been substantially sharpened from its last console release. (Taking decent video isn't an option for me right now, so let this official peek do the talking.) Excepting that ambitious fan remastering of the recent PC version — and those with relatively good PCs to boot— this is probably the best way to play RE4.

And it’s still worth playing. I’m struck by what a challenging, confidently designed game it is over a decade after release. As Greg Kasavin put it in his review all those years ago, RE4 “tightens the leash” on you masterfully. I struggle to drum up many other games that teach you something new and test your limits with each and every moment, and that entertain in ways as endless. The moment you feel like you’re getting a handle on your foes, along comes another complication: tentacles that scrape away at you long range, maybe. Scary monk guys with big chunky shields. Or who could forget the parasites you need to precision target with a thermal scope? Each new piece introduced requires its own careful approach, and you’ll have to remember and juggle several at once before long.

The areas you’re pushing through employ a similar philosophy: at first they’re fairly large, with lots of open areas to herd villagers into and side paths to get yourself out of harm’s way. Sight lines are plentiful and let you check up on other parts of the area easily. The enemies within them aren’t to be underestimated, but the lay of the land is an asset, and that’s a huge comfort. Little by little, those spacious oases start to disappear. The hallways connecting them narrow - the ultimate manifestation of this is, to me, the fight with "It".

Ugh. Meanwhile, you’re running lower on ammo. You’ve got a defenceless partner to check up on, lest you get that most demoralizing of Game Overs.

This started out as a two-sentence PSA that, unlike the recent RE5 re-release, this port one is just fine. The best games give me the best opportunities to ramble, though! I just had my first kid — more on that in the next blog — so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to play through Resident Evil 4 again. But I’m having as much fun as ever chipping through this latest version, and hopefully some of you are too.



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I'm sure it's still great, but I feel I've bought it enough. I was hesitant enough to buy the last-gen versions, but did late and went through it. I don't know if I want to get it again.

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@ntm: That's totally understandable! I've probably (certainly) bought this game a few too many times.

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I have no idea which version I should get since I never played it. The digital foundry article shows that these new versions have way better textures even than PC but they also say it's a bad port. You say PS4 is the best but it seems confusing.

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Edited By poobumbutt

I'm probably going to buy this. Again. After getting it on Gamecube. And Wii. And PS2. And PS3.

Remember when Mikami said that this game would never come to other consoles (besides GC or presumably other Nintendo ones) or he would "CHOP HIS HEAD OFF"? Good thing that never happened.

This game is so good and I have a hard time deciding if this or RE2 is my favorite. And it does it all without zombies or a (large) Wesker presence. Meeting a Regenerator for the first time in that creep-ass lab might be my most memorable horror moment. What a good one-two punch: "Well, that guy was creepy, sure. But not that hard - wait, why's he still moving? ...oh... Oh, no."

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

@alistercat said:

I have no idea which version I should get since I never played it. The digital foundry article shows that these new versions have way better textures even than PC but they also say it's a bad port. You say PS4 is the best but it seems confusing.

Yeah dude it's hard to navigate that issue. I was absolutely floored by the game on release and I've been mulling over replaying it for a couple years and it's hard to navigate. But regardless, if you never played it at all just find a way. It's an incredible game, one of the GOATs.

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I have no idea which version I should get since I never played it. The digital foundry article shows that these new versions have way better textures even than PC but they also say it's a bad port. You say PS4 is the best but it seems confusing.

I'm gonna wait for the guys at to finish their HD texture pack. They're putting more effort into the textures than Capcom ever would.

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Played this for the first time on PC this summer. Game's pretty damn good, even eleven years later.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

@ezekiel: I hadn't seen that before. Good tip.

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@alistercat: I can confirm that there's nothing wrong with the 360 version and the PS3 version's ok. I think most of the PC/PS4/XBONE problems have to do with bumping up the framerate, but don't quote me on that. The PC version worked fine in my experience as well.

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Edited By pompouspizza

I just finished the game on Xbox One. I must have finished the game 7 times now across 3 versions of the game. It continues to be an absolutely brilliant game that I think holds up tremendously well. One of the best games ever made.

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Remember when Mikami said that this game would never come to other consoles (besides GC or presumably other Nintendo ones) or he would "CHOP HIS HEAD OFF"? Good thing that never happened.

There is a gag in God Hand (another Mikami game) where one of the racing chihuahas is called Mikami`s head.

A couple of months ago I replayed the game (the PC re realese from a couple of years ago) and had a ton of fun with it but because of that I think I will skip this for now.

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I've just started playing through this again on Professional. One of my all-time favourite games, right up there with Gone Home and Majora's Mask and Splunky in being a master of its vision.

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Edited By pompouspizza

@the_nubster: I have completed the game so many time but the idea of playing it on professional has always scared the crap out of me. How hard is it?

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The game needs a full on remake at this point I think. I'd say the gameplay should be more or less the same (maybe a few of the RE5 features be brought to it) but it really needs a from the ground-up visual rehaul a la REmake. But they're doing RE2make right now, so at best one for Resi4 is several years away too.

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Edited By Ezekiel

@dan_citi said:

The game needs a full on remake at this point I think. I'd say the gameplay should be more or less the same (maybe a few of the RE5 features be brought to it) but it really needs a from the ground-up visual rehaul a la REmake. But they're doing RE2make right now, so at best one for Resi4 is several years away too.

You say the gameplay is fine, but it should be remade for the graphics? Why? I mean, the only thing holding it back visually are the awful environmental textures, which can be updated. The polygon count is fine. I'm just confused. The RE2 remake I can get behind. I always thought PS1 games looked bad. I'm looking forward to finally playing it and I hope it will be a worthy remake.

@pompouspizza said:

@the_nubster: I have completed the game so many time but the idea of playing it on professional has always scared the crap out of me. How hard is it?

Not very. It has its moments when you're low on health and supplies, though. But this obviously depends on the player. I did everything in RE4. Aced all the Mercenaries with all characters, completed all modes, finished the game on Pro multiple times, got all the bottle caps, on both the Gamecube and PC. So I don't feel totally right speaking so matter-of-factly. But if you've already played it so many times and you know what you're doing, you might as well give it a try.

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Never played this, despite hearing so much about it over the years. Seems like a good excuse to finally pick it up I suppose.

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I played it first on GCN when my brother got it. When i got my Wii it was the first game I got. Recently I've been telling my wife how it's not scary it's just tense. My copy comes tomorrow I'm excited to let her experience it.

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I've finished RE4 4 times, and the Salazar boss fight always felt straight up bugged to me, even on Professional, like they gave the job of assigning his HP values to some intern who messed it up. You can get away with just barely moving and as long as you unload with the Magnum and/or Rifle (I use the standard because it gets a stupid amount of stopping power of 30.0), and do the QTEs to dodge the tentacles and dodge the incredibly obvious one hit kill, it's an incredibly quick fight.

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Let me run down the copies of RE4 I have...

1.) Gamecube (Still the Best One)

2.) PS2

3.) PC (Bad Version)

4.) iPhone

5.) PS3

6.) Xbox 360

7.) Wii

8.) PC Remaster

9.) PS4

10.) Xbox One

I'll fully admit I'm an idiot, but this is also probably my favorite game of all time.

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What are the control options? Can I set it to aim with the right stick and shoot with the right trigger? I don't want that left stick, A button combat shit.

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I don't care for previous RE games anymore, don't get me wrong I really enjoy them but currently my interest is gripped with the upcoming Resident Evil 7

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@the_nubster: I have completed the game so many time but the idea of playing it on professional has always scared the crap out of me. How hard is it?

It can get pretty hard, but as long as you know what you're doing and take your time it's manageable. I'm finding myself very low on health and ammo a lot, which is a nice change from playing through on Normal, but I'm not dying very much. It's pretty close to what your first playthrough of the game would have been like, actually.

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I returned this on Steam. I played it for maybe 100 hours the first time it came out and quickly grew tired of it. A bit too dated and the movement is not....good anymore.

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Let me run down the copies of RE4 I have...

5.) PS3

6.) Xbox 360

9.) PS4

10.) Xbox One

Are you trying to collect every version? I know some people like to have every version of their favorite album or book or game or whatever, but if not for that I can't see why you'd want copies on both Playstation and Xbox platforms of two generations, unless it's maybe for cheevo/trophy purposes? I'm not being critical, I don't care what you do with your money, I'm just genuinely curious.

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That Wii version was pretty sweet.

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I constantly consider buying this game again, but I played it a lot on PS2 and, for whatever reason, I have this sneaking suspicion that I would be frustrated by this game in 2016 for a lot of very small reasons. I'm also not sure I'm equipped to handle the kind of stress this game can put on a player at age 27 the way I was as a stoned 14 year old. I don't want to taint my memory of how perfect this game was, and there are lots of little moments I look back on with pleasure but a nagging feeling that I would dislike them today.

Then again, I'm enjoying Grand Theft Auto III on PS4 quite a bit and that game plays like a decapitated Ganados on foot.

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I'll probably buy it again eventually.

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I have no idea which version I should get since I never played it. The digital foundry article shows that these new versions have way better textures even than PC but they also say it's a bad port. You say PS4 is the best but it seems confusing.

As someone who has played this game MANY times, on many different platforms, the PS4 version is probably the way to go. Yes, the modded PC version will probably eventually be the best, but who knows if/when that will release. The AA and minor animation squibbles aren't that big a deal, and it plays and looks better than ever. There's absolutely nothing wrong with going with the PS4 version.

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To this day, RE4 remains one of my most cherished gaming memories. I got it for my birthday in December 2005 and played it throughout December, chatting on MSN messenger with my buddy Dmitri from the Gametrailers forums. Christmas Eve I was still playing RE4 while my family hung out, drank, and got gifts ready. For that reason I'll always associate RE4 with being a Christmas time game.

That said, I don't think I want to replay it. I chase nostalgia too often, and it rarely ends up being satisfying.

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Edited By richyhahn4

I play through this from time to time, but man I forgot about about that boss fight in the video. I honestly have repressed a lot of memories of this game.

Like the whole 2nd act in the castle and the dungeon and you play as Ashley and its a stealth game, and the cult castle has a shooting range that you play with some collectible or some shit?

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@sloppydetective: Yep! On PS4 aiming w/ right stick and aiming and shooting w/ triggers is the default.

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@richyhahn4: I am just coming up on this part and forgot about the Ashley sequence. Hope it's not as rough as I'm now remembering.

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I don't remember why, but for some reason the first time I bought this game I got it for the PS2 even though I had a gamecube at the time. The PS2 is infamously known to be the worst looking one, but included some extra content. I guess at the time the extra content outweighed the horrible graphics.

I couldn't really justify getting this game on PC when there were so many other games out there. Now that there seems to be no releases that I'm interested in until October, this came out at the perfect time for PS4. I think what surprised me the most is how well this game still stands on its own and how teeth gnashinglly intense it can feel even after so many years have passed. There's this overwhelming feeling whenever there are enemies on screen and it gets worse as you play on and it's freaking great. It's something that Dead Space didn't nail quite down and instead went for extreme violence and jump scares to make the player feel uncomfortable.

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@odinsmana: I'm EXTRA disappointed I didn't know this piece of trivia because I replayed God Hand within the last year. That's pretty cool, though; thanks for that.

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Can anyone recommend a good let's play of RE4? I don't have time to play the game, but I would like to be able to 'experience' what a lot of people regard to as one of the best games ever made.

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@wonderva: If you want some comedy with your LPing - as well as some knowledgeable commentary - look up "best friends play resident evil 4".

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I'm glad people love RE4, but it's one of those games that I feel would be far better if they chopped off 5 hours. A Half Life 2 situation.

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@wonderva: Dude Capcom's Tim Turi returned to Game Informer's office to do an entire super replay of RE4 with Reiner and the guys. They're only like 3 episodes in right now but I'm elated. I love that Timster and was bummed when he ran off for a dream job.

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I already bought whatever "Super Duper HD version" they released on PC two years ago, so I don't think I can justify buying it again (for the 4th time) when I already have a version that has HD textures and 60 FPS (which looks weird) and all that stuff.

@csl316 said:

I'm glad people love RE4, but it's one of those games that I feel would be far better if they chopped off 5 hours. A Half Life 2 situation.

I wouldn't go that far, but the castle area could definitely do with an hour or two shaved off of its length, because it begins to draaaaag at a certain point. That's actually where I stopped the last time I played it.

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@arbitrarywater said:
@csl316 said:

I'm glad people love RE4, but it's one of those games that I feel would be far better if they chopped off 5 hours. A Half Life 2 situation.

I wouldn't go that far, but the castle area could definitely do with an hour or two shaved off of its length, because it begins to draaaaag at a certain point. That's actually where I stopped the last time I played it.

I would personally get rid of the military island. Some of the best bosses and horror elements are in there, like the first appearance of the regenerators and the fight with U-3, but the setting just doesn't work. Introducing military themes into the game is where modern Resident Evil consistently falters.

I think the best parts of the island should've been extensions of the castle and village areas, like if the labs were found under the castle or something.

Could not agree more. I really dislike that whole set up and how it has that military feel. Just does not fit.

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One of my favorite games of all time, but I think I am done buying this game. Capcom falling back on all their old titles with nothing new that is good.

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@wonderva: Game Informer just started a Super Replay with Tim Turi right after he started with Capcom that's pretty good so far.

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So...I have to admit..I somehow have still yet to play through RE4.

I LOVED the classic RE's, especially 1 and 2 back on the PS1. I somewhat enjoyed RE5 as well as the first "Revelations" game. I guess it's time for me to finally dive into 4? The thing that always put me off was the thought that it was an escort mission for most of the game. Any advice?

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So...I have to admit..I somehow have still yet to play through RE4.

I LOVED the classic RE's, especially 1 and 2 back on the PS1. I somewhat enjoyed RE5 as well as the first "Revelations" game. I guess it's time for me to finally dive into 4? The thing that always put me off was the thought that it was an escort mission for most of the game. Any advice?

If you've played RE5 and babysat the questionable AI of Sheva, then you can totally get through RE4 without problem. There are a few areas where keeping Ashley alive can be a pain, but there are usually dumpsters for her to hide or areas where you can just keep her back without getting killed. I'd also say it's a bit of a stretch that most of the game is an escort mission; there are large chunks where it's just Leon. There are worse things in RE4 than the escort parts.

@mambogator said:
@arbitrarywater said:

I wouldn't go that far, but the castle area could definitely do with an hour or two shaved off of its length, because it begins to draaaaag at a certain point. That's actually where I stopped the last time I played it.

I would personally get rid of the military island. Some of the best bosses and horror elements are in there, like the first appearance of the regenerators and the fight with U-3, but the setting just doesn't work. Introducing military themes into the game is where modern Resident Evil consistently falters.

I think the best parts of the island should've been extensions of the castle and village areas, like if the labs were found under the castle or something.

Could not agree more. I really dislike that whole set up and how it has that military feel. Just does not fit.

I think the Island area at least has much better set-pieces and pacing than the castle, but now that you've made the connection I now will totally compare Act 5 to half of Code Veronica (the worst old-school Resident Evil game) and that's mildly upsetting.

Really though, I think we can all agree that the best parts of the game are the opening village sequences.

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@dogbox: I might get it at some point. I think the biggest reasons right now that I don't have much desire to play it is that I also got the RE6 remaster on PS4 (yeah, I enjoyed it enough playing on 360 that I wanted it again), and I haven't yet beaten it, and I also got RE5 on the One, and have hardly touched it. I'd like to finish them before I go back to four, but there's also a bunch of games going to be out, close enough that I don't feel I'll have enough time to really settle in again for RE4, not soon. Another remaster I am more interested in, and another game I bought multiple times, is the Bioshock games. The Bioshock Collection.

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Vinny always says that it's never been a better time to play video games, and Resident Evil 4 keeps proving this with each re-release. It's literally never been a better time to play Resident Evil 4!