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Best Games of 2012

These are my picks for the best games I played in 2012. I don't get many chances to play brand new games, but I'll do my best with what I was able to get.

List items

  • Finally, a proper X-Com game! They really captured the feel of the original while also making a game that is far more playable. Also somewhat refreshing to have a game that actually allows you to screw up and pay for it.

  • Borderlands 1 was one of the first games in years that drew me in enough that I actually sat down and finished it within a week of buying it. Borderlands 2 does everything the first game does better, and although I haven't finished it yet I look forward to playing more. Shame how lame the humor gets, though.

  • Half Life is one of my favorite games, and seeing it brought up to modern visual standards is great. Playing this brought back all my memories of the first time I played the original game. It's just a shame they don't have the last chapters, though.

  • I never played the original Planetside, but I was still pretty curious to see this game. Although it can be pretty frustrating to deal with, once I got the hang of how the game works I found myself getting into it. I just wish it ran better on my PC.

  • I spent a lot of my childhood playing the previous Diablo games. This one hasn't hooked me nearly as much as the old games did, but I still think it's a solid game and one I'll probably play for a while.

  • I could only get a couple 3DS games when I got mine, but I'm glad this is one of them. Despite the awkwardness of the controls, I found myself impressed by this game. The writing is better than it has any need to be, and the multiplayer is surprisingly fun.

  • Another trip down nostalgia lane. I can't even begin to guess the hours I wasted playing those classic Tony Hawk games, and seeing those classical levels in HD was pretty great. Like most of my games I haven't finished it, but I'm sure I'll go back to it time and time again.

  • I wind up playing a lot of fighting games, but it's mostly for myself as I can't stand multiplayer in fighting games. Despite all my misgivings, I found this game to be the most fun I had with a singleplayer fighting game this year. The animation is fun, the combos are well done, and the controls work for me in a way that most fighting games don't.

  • I give this game a whole heap of credit just for being the first Paradox game in history that I was capable of understanding on even a fundamental level. This game is still massively complex, but they've made incredible strides towards making a historical 4x game that doesn't require you have to a 1,300 page FAQ open on another screen to play.

  • Quite a game for those nostalgic for old school first person dungeon crawlers. Honestly I never played any of those games, but Grimrock is still a pretty interesting experience nonetheless. The visuals are great, and the puzzles make you feel somewhat clever when you figure them out. Plus, it's cheap.