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So, hey. I am addicted to Borderlands.

I slept on this game, kinda. I picked it up used after trading in a bunch of stuff at GameStop when they were doing some silly thing where the gave me like way too much credit for games like MK vs. DC Universe and GT5P. I started it and liked it, but it was the first time I had ever played anything closely resembling an RPG and I was a little unfamiliar with certain aspects. I played with my brother who is real familiar with RPGs, but not as much with shooters. We played when we could and I leveled into the high teens before scheduling conflicts kinda petered us both out. Then, recently, my other brother got a PS3. He is not only very familiar and accomplished with RPGs and shooters, but he is completely untethered by things like a wife, girlfriend, child, job or even any particular sleep sleep schedule.  After a lot of late nights, we are leveled up to the low 40s and well into our second playthrough and this game is kinda taking over every minute of free time I have. 
Even at work last night, I pulled up the Giant Bomb iPhone app on my iPod Touch and watched the Borderlands Quick Look. Just cause I knew I wouldn't get to play that night. 
Also, this game will be my first platinum trophy, and the first game I gather all the (disc-based) trophies for. 
It will also be the first game I buy DLC for. 
So, yeah. Borderlands.