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Your short life is getting shorter, how are you spending it?

Dig this kiddies, where I work I have co-workers that often arrive 20-30 minutes early every day. Now your first thought for them is bravo for being early and ready to work at shift start time but let's look at this phenomenon on a much larger scale. If our test subject, lets call her Tina Timely, arrives 20 minutes early to work  every day, and there are 5 days in a standard work week. In one week that person spent 1 hour just sitting and waiting to clock in. 4 hours in a month.  After 6 months this person has spent 24 hours, an entire day of their life just sitting the break room waiting to clock in. And of course in a year it goes to just over 2 days of their life. A lot can be done in two days, and even if you would have spent that 2 days doing nothing watching TV, isn't  that at least preferable to spending 2 days a year sitting in a break room waiting for the clock to hit shift start? From age twenty to fifty if you follow this practice you will have spent around 2 months of your life just waiting to clock in.