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Confessions of a Steam Addict

Well, my Metal Gear series playthrough doesn't seem to be going anywhere, and since I seem to enjoy starting projects I'll never finish, I thought "Hey, what's one more?"

Now, this may sound crazy at first, but during this summer's Steam sale, I heard a rumour that you can actually play the games you buy on Steam. I know, I know, I thought I misread it too, but then I tried it and what do you know? It works! So, I've decided to start playing all of my games. Yep, all of them. Well, probably not all of them. Whatever I can/want to. Most of them, at least. I won't play a game if my laptop can't run it, I've already completed it, or if I just don't want to play that particular game. The point of this exercise is to get some value out of my purchases, not to push myself to the limits. Buy keep in mind that I'm not someone who usually finishes games, so even this is further than I'd usually go.

I'll be doing weekly updates of this thing as well as I can be bothered to, so you can track my deteriorating mental state. I'll be playing a game until I either finish it or get relatively good at it, depending on the game's requirements. This means I won't always be finishing a game a week, but it doesn't mean I can't play more than one game in a week, either.

I'll play down the list alphabetically, but from my Library list, not the list on my profile. This means that if I haven't gone past where it would be in the list and you're so inclined, you can force me to play a game by gifting it to me. Or, if you've been looking for someone to play a certain game with you, I probably own it and will have to play it eventually.

Anyway, the first game on the list is 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby), which is good because it's a small pre-release game, which gave me a chance to use this post to explain the rules I've set out for myself. Playing Ugly Baby has given me a chance to get used to the movements of this type of game and the speed at which it moves, which I appreciate, since Dejobaan's similar games are coming up on the list rather soon. I've always liked Dejobaan's style and sense of humor, but I've never been very good at these music games they seem to enjoy producing.

I played a few games of it and got a score which was apparently adorable and that's pretty much it. I feel bad for not saying more about the game, but there's not really much to it and I don't have any easily accessible music on this laptop. No Girlfriend for me :( I suppose it would help to explain what the game is, since I didn't do that. You play as something falling through some other things and you have to rack up points by getting close to the things and going through rings for points. Your multiplier can go up to 5X if you don't hit anything. Also you can rotate for directional points rings and shoot at enemies, but I never saw any of those things while playing. Maybe Avril Lavigne will get the enemies to spawn more. Did I mention the levels are built from music? I'm pretty bad at this. I hope for your sake I improve. I know there's always some person who reads every entry to a thing. Okay, bye! See you next week! Sunday?