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Choices, Choices....

So i'm buying a new game (again) this Friday i think, but i can't decide which to get. I need halpz!

Dude, he's got a metal armor! OH SHI-!
Dude, he's got a metal armor! OH SHI-!

Alright, i liked Oblivion the first 3 days but after that, it became boring, repetitive and uninteresting and i hated it. Fallout 3 looks a little different, seems more like a game i could enjoy, even though the characters are lifeless and emotionless. Still, if the game doesn't end up like Oblivion, then i can like it.

This looks familiar...
This looks familiar...

I liked COD3, i loved COD4 and W@W does look like a mix between those two, and the zombie thing looks badass. I tried the beta for 15 minutes and i thought it was pretty good.