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Wow. What a week.

            Hey there Giantbomb. I hope you've all enjoyed your weekend because I certainly haven't. Ugh where do I begin, (okay it really isn't as bad as I make it but I'm in a bad mood and feel like doing a blog so...) so Friday afternoon started much like any other Friday. I was filled with the bliss of weekend and my mind was far away from the dreaded Monday morning. Friday night I just chilled with some buds and played some Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. So far going pretty good right? Anyways the next day is Saturday (as I'm sure most of you know) and there's a huge party going on (there's a parade in town, it's like a carnival). So I'm all pumped to go to this party and turns out, me and my friend have to babysit around 7 grade one children, all at the same house. Turns out the children's parents are into partying too! These kids are devils. They pretty much melted my buds 360, wrestled each other naked and tried to sneak away alcohol! This sucked. Anyways I get home exhausted. The next day I decide to go get Ninja Gaiden: Sigma for the PS3. I was really pumped about this. I had played the original up to Alma and would have beaten her, eventually, but my Xbox crashed. The store was sold out and wouldn't get another shipment until next week. Naturally I was devastated. To put the cherry on top the next day, after school, I was running to my ride when my foot got caught in a small hole in the road and I strained a ligament in my ankle. Yup. Hurt like a bitch. Hope you've all found mirth in my sorrows. Till next time. 

-Mentos out