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don't let the little fuckers generation gap you

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Top ten of 2018

1. Destiny 2: Forsaken

2. Red Dead Redemption 2.

3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance

4. Frostpunk

5. State of Mind

6. Vampyr

7. Dark Souls Remastered

8. Shadow of the Tomb Raider

9. Mutant Year Zero

10. The Red Strings Club

List items

  • This was a captivating epic tale, beautifully written, and with wonderful characters in a stunning game world, with sometimes overwhelming depth and possibility. The myriad of interwoven systems and challenges were rewarding to a degree, but in the end they weren’t essential to the experience. Indeed, at times, the game controls threatened to let the whole thing down by breaking the immersion with their clunkiness. Not to go overboard on the criticism however, because something this ambitious that succeeds on almost every level, shouldn’t get shot down just because of its minor failings. I will remember this game for a long while… I doubt I’ll ever play it again.

  • Kingdom come deliverance is an absolute gem of a game and truly one of the most enjoyable RPG experiences I’ve had in a very long time. The commitment to detail and historical accuracy helps to provide a contextual anchor for the protagonist’s incredible journey of becoming. The uncompromising systems and combat deliver highs of accomplishment to the player once mastered. The narrative and the characters are all very well written. The world environment was the best I had ever seen (until I played RDR2). Glitches and bugs marred the experience immediately after release… but this was still a profoundly memorable game.

  • Mutant Year Zero successfully delivers a turn-based XCOM combat experience (that possibly does more than XCOM on the strategy side of combat) while also introducing stealth real time resource collecting gameplay in a post-apocalyptic world (with mutants). There’s a decent enough story element in there too… but it doesn’t go too deep. The environmental storytelling is equally intriguing. The gameplay is addictive, deep, and taught to you at just the right speed for it to feel consistently challenging… even in the latter stages of the campaign.