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#1  Edited By FaPaThY

I've somewhat enjoyed my time with it so far. The shooting doesn't feel as bad as Jeff made it out to be and it's pretty fun jump jetting around. The payment model seems alright and it looks like even a free player such as myself can eventually grind out the premium items using the currency exchange if I wanted to and there are some you can get out of the slot machine with tokens you get each mission completed. Lots of store items are sold on the AH too for the middle currency.

There are definitely a lot of problems though, which hopefullyget ironed out through patches. Despite a patch that supposedly tweaked random spawns, the world still seems pretty empty. You never really see many enemies outside of group thumpers(which, admittedly, can get pretty crazy) or when you fight tornados. Occasionally there are attacks watchtowers too, but I don't see them that often. There's not a lot of incentive to explore either(Not including ARES missions, etc. since those are shown on your map). You occasionally find random caches, exposed mineral deposits and SIN Imprints(?), but instead of hiding them away in caves or buildings, they're usually just sitting out in the middle of a field, with no rhyme or reason for them to be there.

The missions have so far been sub-par, standard MMO quests except a lot more tedious. When you take a mission from the board that isn't in one of the big main hubs, sometimes you're told to go like a kilometer away JUST to get briefed on the mission from an Accord officer in a main hub. Then there's just a whole lot more running around, usually 500-1000m at a time, picking up and/or shooting something at the destination, maybe 4 or 5 times per missions. You can tell they really want you to spend money on a vehicle or reusable bike/glider or that a rational human being didn't handcraft these quests. At least you can still get around pretty quickly on foot with proper use of hub/watchtower gliders and there are dropships that have routes through the major hubs. Worst of all,it usually takes 10-20sec for the next mission objective to appear, which you can see happening in the QL too, if not outright get stuck. I understand they're probably loading in assets or whatever, but it gets pretty ridiculous at times. I'm not sure why they can't give you the waypoint first, then load everything in while you make your way over. Makes for some really awkward pauses and ruins the pace of the game. Plenty more I can nitpick on but meh.

Only ~lvl 17 so far so hopefully it gets more interesting later.

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#2  Edited By FaPaThY

I enjoyed the first one, rather think the 2nd and 3rd don't exist. Roughnecks was cool.

There was also a late 80s anime OVA and a CG movie which were alright too.

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#3  Edited By FaPaThY

Cool, some real parenting happened for a change. I approve.

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I'm fine with these "Definitive Editions" or whatever, but re-charging $60 for them? Not interested.

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#5  Edited By FaPaThY

As long as you stay away from top 10 lists and 'Why you should care about X' articles, I will not hate you.

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#6  Edited By FaPaThY

Good, I hope more places adopt this practice. Maybe someday devs will stop being afraid of trying something new when metacritic scores don't directly impact how much, if any, "bonus pay" they get when a game's released. Maybe consumers will start growing a brain and make decisions based off of what the game actually is, instead of arbitrary numbers that may or may not have been paid off.

One can dream, I guess.

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#7  Edited By FaPaThY

I have every warframe, except Rhino Prime, so I either use whatever's best for the situation or whatever's not R30. Just got Hydroid not long ago, so leveling him, and I'm in the process of forma'ing out Ash.

Lately, I've been using Loki, because of the new event. Since there's always at least one pug that's stupid and doesn't know how the new rescue mission works, I solo stealth ran 9-18 point rescue missions to get the new syandana.

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#8  Edited By FaPaThY

Agnostic Atheist, 28, Alberta

From what I've seen, little good has come from religion so I want no part of it. Whether God(s) exist or not, Man seems to enjoy using it for more selfish reasons like controlling the masses, pushing their agendas, starting wars, etc. Many religions promote a lot repugnant stuff like sexism, racism and homophobia. Just thinking about religion and its effects on the world makes me want to drink.

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Persona 4 endurance run. I still plan to play P4G someday though. Whenever the Vita gets enough other games to make it worth buying and/or the price of it and the memory cards tanks.

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Okay, let me put this question to you all then.

Since a cheaper price allows more people to try games they wouldn't normally try, why have sales then? Shouldn't all games just be cheaper? This will allow us all to have the games we want with minimal risk of spending money on a bad game?

It's pretty simple, because it's a business and businesses want to make money. Going straight to 75% off, day one makes no sense, when there are plenty of people who'll pay full or near-full price to be an early adopter.