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Fobwashed's Games of 2014

I feel like I at least tried most of the big games that came out this year but I've got very little time for gaming lately so I had to be extremely picky with what I chose to actually play through. Here's a short chronological list of games that really stood out to me this year.

Broken Age

Give it up for Double Fine. They really knocked this one out of the park for me. It was fun to just spend a bit of time in this world with great characters and interesting environments. Really looking forward to the second half.


There's a good chance I played more Threes this year than any other game. I usually don't even play a full game in one sitting but just make a few moves here and there whenever I have a couple seconds while waiting in lines, elevators, etc. Just the perfect phone game.

Mario Kart 8

I didn't play this too much, but what I did play was incredibly enjoyable. I carried my WiiU down to L.A. when I visited and playing this game with a few friends was probably the best local multiplayer experience I've had in years.

Shovel Knight

What a perfect little throwback game. I loved everything about this game. This year's Rogue Legacy =]

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Okay. This one is a bit weird because I didn't really enjoy PLAYING the game as much as I was all over the story and character interactions. I played this skipping as many puzzles as I could just to eat up the plot. I love the PW series and am a bit luke warm on Layton but putting them together was brilliant.


I'm not above being jazzed about being in a game. I enjoyed the gameplay and really enjoyed the purposely stupid story in this game. I'm also equal parts proud and horrified by my acting. It's good fun =P

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

This was a surprise. I didn't expect to ever want to play another game with Batman combat but I powered through this one. It has its share of problems but the newness of the nemesis system and solid fighting mechanics made this one fun to play.

This War of Mine

This game is soul crushing but an amazing thing to experience. It has the emotional payoff of Papers, Please while providing fun and interesting gameplay. I haven't finished it yet and if I fail to make it, I may never play it again but the one play through I'm currently playing is enough to firmly plant this on my list of games this year.

There have been other games this year that I enjoyed but these are the ones that stand out for whatever reason. I don't even think they're the "best" games I've played this year, just the most memorable. Pretty much, they're the ones I'd recommend to my friends =] So here we are friends. Check out these winners if you haven't yet~



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That is how I played Phoenix Wright vs Layton. Though I did try most of the puzzles. I played it through a second time skipping most of the puzzles and it was much more enjoyable.

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I'm sad all of Broken Age didn't make it this year. I'm not sure how I'll consider it for my awards, I really liked the first half but maybe not enough by itself to push into top ten so I might just consider the whole thing as one package for next year instead.

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Edited By mrfluke

Gotta get around to playing layton vs phoenix wright then. love the ace attorney series as well.

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I've only played an hour of each campaign in Broken Age, but I was really liking the boy campaign. It comes across to me like an allegory about modern parenting and media. The computer shelters the boy from threat but makes him incapable of growth. The creepy older brother raccoon(?) can offer excitement and agency but at the cost of danger and uncertainty.

I ought to play more, but I'm also hoping that the creepy raccoon only offers the same stupid games and breakfast cereals as the computer, but with black packaging. That would be great.

The girl campaign teaches us the important lesson that we shouldn't feed young women to Cthonic elder monstrosities from beyond man's sanity. Thanks, Tim. Maybe Mog Chothra represents appearance norms or the military industrial complex or something. I guess I should play more.

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That is how I played Phoenix Wright vs Layton. Though I did try most of the puzzles. I played it through a second time skipping most of the puzzles and it was much more enjoyable.

Wow. A second time? -_-;; I love the series but I don't think I've ever played through one more than once.

@y2ken said:

I'm sad all of Broken Age didn't make it this year. I'm not sure how I'll consider it for my awards, I really liked the first half but maybe not enough by itself to push into top ten so I might just consider the whole thing as one package for next year instead.

I feel ya. I really liked that first half though. That "not the full game" is sorta why I left off some of the telltale stuff but for some reason, Broken Age felt like a complete first half instead of one episode of many. Dunno if that makes sense.

@mrfluke said:

Gotta get around to playing layton vs phoenix wright then. love the ace attorney series as well.

You'll LOVE the story and stupid fanservice =D

Definitely getting This War of Mine and Shadow of Mordor during the winter Steam sale.

As someone who hasn't played any Professor Layton or Phoenix Wright games, but has a 3DS and wants more exclusives to play, do you recommend Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright?

I recommend you play through the series chronologically. For me, at least half the enjoyment of those games were knowing what came before and character history.

I've only played an hour of each campaign in Broken Age, but I was really liking the boy campaign. It comes across to me like an allegory about modern parenting and media. The computer shelters the boy from threat but makes him incapable of growth. The creepy older brother raccoon(?) can offer excitement and agency but at the cost of danger and uncertainty.

I ought to play more, but I'm also hoping that the creepy raccoon only offers the same stupid games and breakfast cereals as the computer, but with black packaging. That would be great.

The girl campaign teaches us the important lesson that we shouldn't feed young women to Cthonic elder monstrosities from beyond man's sanity. Thanks, Tim. Maybe Mog Chothra represents appearance norms or the military industrial complex or something. I guess I should play more.

You'll be pleasantly surprised. I hope they can wrap it all up well in the second half!

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@brodehouse: The Shay's segment is also a nice commentary on modern game design and the modern game player. He is coddled and constantly given enormous positive reinforcement for succeeding at artificial obstacles that are designed to be easily conquered. Shay just constantly cycles through simple tasks that are designed to make him feel like a hero, despite him just following simple instructions at all times. The parallels go further, but I don't want to spoil anything for you. When you finish the game you should read this critique if you want your mind blown.

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That's a good list, I have purchased most of those titles but have actually played only a relative few (my Steam backlog is really starting to get out of hand).


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@brodehouse: The Shay's segment is also a nice commentary on modern game design and the modern game player. He is coddled and constantly given enormous positive reinforcement for succeeding at artificial obstacles that are designed to be easily conquered. Shay just constantly cycles through simple tasks that are designed to make him feel like a hero, despite him just following simple instructions at all times. The parallels go further, but I don't want to spoil anything for you. When you finish the game you should read this critique if you want your mind blown.

That's a real interesting look at the story behind the game. I wonder if DF did all that intentionally.

That's a good list, I have purchased most of those titles but have actually played only a relative few (my Steam backlog is really starting to get out of hand).


Yup. My backlog is giant. I've pretty much given up the idea of ever playing em. Maybe when I'm old and retired... But even then, prolly not =\

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You actually were in Roundabout?

That's very cool! Guess I'll buy the game then!

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thatpinguino  Staff

@fobwashed: I don't know if they did it completely intentionally, but the commentary on privilege in Broken Age seems so well formed that it wouldn't surprise me. I really can't wait to see what they do with part 2.

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I really should play This War of Mine before I finalize my GOTY list. It definitely sounds like something that I would enjoy. I'm sure I'd enjoy Shovel Knight, too, but I wasn't born in that era of games so the love letter of nostalgia wouldn't earn any bonus points from me.

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@slag said:

You actually were in Roundabout?

That's very cool! Guess I'll buy the game then!

My name in the game is Steve but the pickup name is Date Guy. I apologize in advance.

@fobwashed: I don't know if they did it completely intentionally, but the commentary on privilege in Broken Age seems so well formed that it wouldn't surprise me. I really can't wait to see what they do with part 2.

Maybe we should toss it at Tim Schaffer and see what he says.

I really should play This War of Mine before I finalize my GOTY list. It definitely sounds like something that I would enjoy. I'm sure I'd enjoy Shovel Knight, too, but I wasn't born in that era of games so the love letter of nostalgia wouldn't earn any bonus points from me.

You'll only need to try it once. Also, you'll know about an hour or two in whether the game is for you =P

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thatpinguino  Staff

@fobwashed: If you could do that then go for it! I would love to hear what he says.

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I would like to see a Top 10 Shirt Designs by @fobwashed

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Edited By fobwashed
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Good list! We share a lot of the same favorite games! This War of Mine I purchased after the quicklook. I felt like I needed to play it, to experience it. Very much worth the money.

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@fobwashed: whoa whoa whoa! where can i get that vibribbon styled one!

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Glad to see this war of mine on a GOTY list. If I wasn't lazy and a terrible writer, I'd probably stick it there. I did feel kinda bad for killing the unarmed elderly couple. But, hey, this is war and they had good stuff and... okay, I'm a horrible monster. I really like that the design is such that they give you juuuuust enough explanation on how to do things without beating you over the head with it.

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I as hoping for your top ten games criteria to only be game with the coolest shirt designs in them, but sure make a reasonable list okay whatever.

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Good list! We share a lot of the same favorite games! This War of Mine I purchased after the quicklook. I felt like I needed to play it, to experience it. Very much worth the money.

I'm at about day 29. It's grueling...

@fobwashed: whoa whoa whoa! where can i get that vibribbon styled one!

That the design I'm thinking about using as the next PAX shirt. So, I guess whichever PAX I attend next.

Glad to see this war of mine on a GOTY list. If I wasn't lazy and a terrible writer, I'd probably stick it there. I did feel kinda bad for killing the unarmed elderly couple. But, hey, this is war and they had good stuff and... okay, I'm a horrible monster. I really like that the design is such that they give you juuuuust enough explanation on how to do things without beating you over the head with it.

I'm trying my best to be helpful to others and not stealing and not killing. I'm getting to a point where I may need to start breaking those rules tho...

@brendan said:

I as hoping for your top ten games criteria to only be game with the coolest shirt designs in them, but sure make a reasonable list okay whatever.

Someday... You can always check out this page for game themed designs.