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MegaMan X GiantBomb: A little help here? -_-;;


Still open to any SFX submissions for either Brad or Ryan.

Ver 1.25 05/09/2013

Added a lot more BRAD flavor. Also, the fight is a little harder. Maybe a lot. Depends. . .

Download by Clicking Here. Remember to uninstall previous versions before installing =)

Ver 1.24

Greyed out select screen and fixed dead screen bug.

Download by Clicking Here. Remember to uninstall previous versions before installing =)

Ver 1.23

Various new SFX added.

Download here. Remember to uninstall previous versions before installing =)

Ver 1.22

available. Figured out why sometimes shots weren't being fired. It was because they were being triggered during MegaMan's stutterstep frame which provides the wrong bullet position data -_-;;

Here's the new fixed version. Remember to uninstall before installing the new one!

Ver 1.21

Thanks to @nonused , Brad's got a few different hit sounds now and also a shout during selection.

You can get the new version here. Version 1.21 Download. Remember that you need to uninstall the previous version before this one will install.

I'm still in the market for a jumping, landing and firing weapon noise as well as a catchy selection thing or any other interesting sounds that Ryan may have made. I'll normalize the volumes of the sound effects once they're all in.

Also considering making Brad's explosions deflect bullets. Either that or be destructible.

Original Post

Hey duders, a while back I did a game jam and made a stupid little MegaMan X GiantBomb crossover game. I did a poll afterwards to determine which Bombadeer I should create next. It was Vinny -_-;;

Now, from time to time when I have the time, I've been building him out. I've actually got a couple ridiculous twists to his fight, but they're a bit complicated so they're gonna take a while to actually implement the way I want it to work. . .

No Caption Provided

In the meanwhile, just last night, I had this stupid thought about what a Safety Brad boss fight should be like. . . and I just whipped something up real quick. He doesn't have his own level, and most importantly, I'm missing sound bytes. So I'm callin out to the duder community.

How can you help!?

If anyone could go through some old podcasts/quicklooks/breaking brads and rip out some wav files of Brad cursing or any other bytes that would be appropriately funny for his jumping, landing, dying sound effects and send them my way, it'd be a huge help. I'll go ahead and throw em in and put up some credit for you somewhere. That's it!

So anyway, here's a link to a version of the game that has Brad soundlessly implemented. Knock yourselves out =)

Controls are on the blog linked above =)