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Recently finished with thoughts

Mostly PC games (as the other games played on the 360/Steam are noted by achievements if done), this list is games from other list of things played recently in no order of what's been played last.

List items

  • Quite fun with all the revisits & tons of items, time limit helps keep the search going at a good pace.

  • Okay puzzle/photohunt game but one to avoid buying for too much as the game is rather short with every character in Sleepy Hollow typecast as an evil bastard/bastardette.

  • Short but sweet Poe centered mystery, more like Madame Fate in gameplay but definitely play it on someone else's PC who has it as finished it off in less of an afternoon.

  • Cute & quite enjoyable, curious when there will be a sequel.

  • Still want to go back at some point to play the captain related adventures because it sounds fun, too bad they waited so long to do that & not putting out DLC soon like with Fable2/Fallout3.

  • Love it but stuck on one level with almost no health & lots of stupid turrets around a space station killing me often so no telling when I can get back to it. Will get back to it at some point but kinda broken running it on Vista without the cinematics working & cd music of game playing at max volume. Might go back to try it later after playing with DosBox more to see if I can find a way to get it to play properly & will take the hit of a smaller screen res to do so.

  • Played through the first season on the PC so haven't completely broken down to play it on the 360 but really enjoy this remade version so will definitely get the other episodes from season2.

  • Defintely one to forget, they made this one excessively short (try a 1-3 hours), glad I got this at a discount price.

  • Yes after watching more than everything on SC2 on Giantbomb I finally figured since I liked the look of the game series to at least use the code of power overwhelming to make it through the game's single player to get a better idea on the units/levels. Have to say the numerous levels of not building bases seemed a bit off, perhaps I'm distortedly thinking of one of the Warcraft levels where you'd at least rebuild some of the existing structures or moving troops to fend off easy attacks while main heroes were off on some special mission to wander the landscape. After playing the first game (not brood wars) have to go with my original thoughts that I liked the protoss the best though the ability of the terran to move bases was nice, zerg just had way too many slimy bits/bases to remember whats what.

  • Though I enjoyed finally seeing all the stuff in SC1 though I found that the undead were amazing to play in Warcraft3. Note to anyone reading this & wanting to get away from playing WoW, might want to avoid this if you're thinking about getting in games you missed playing before (between the prologue of the founding on the horde & all the woven history in Warcraft3, you'll want to go back into WoW soon).

  • Strange puzzle game that can't remember too much from except bizarre ending.

  • Compared to other ones, this one tends to be run by jerks where you will have two things with the same name under time so if looking for a key on other sections all of a sudden now you are looking for written word key in addition to all kinds of other keys. Not a game breaker but definitely annoying.

  • Despite being quite pretty for these kind of games with the static environments, the puzzles are the absolute worst I've seen. Aside from a few easy ones (moving tiles to assemble 3 images or matching gemstones), every other puzzle in the game is as follows: find puzzle, try to solve without any clue on how to solve the puzzle or instructions, have to look up solution online or wait for the skip meter to fill up. Luckily there's a skip feature after a few minutes that pops up to skip the puzzles. My recommendation, skip it.

  • Enjoyed the game but found myself borderline overburdened in the starting area 99% of the time, found it amusing to not walk with more loot but able to dump loot on dead body to carry that. Really interesting game though found the perfect way to stop playing Stalker SoC, in garbage zone carrying dead body back to zone start loaded with 700 kg of guns/loot, say no to going to new zone until grabbing loot, have pack of bandits show up in bushes nearby while overburdened & can't see them. Kept dying & takes too long to unload all the loot to move away from bandit horde so will keep playing later in the franchise but the character I have is stuck beyond doom & not wanting to start over with all the corpse carrying antics (from wherever to the first trader to sell off the guns). Good tip though before selling guns, be sure to right click to unload them for the ammo.

  • Quite impressed on how well this looks after all this time. If it wasn't for the fricking skeletons I'd have finished this long time ago as the character I had dumped (as rogue) all points in poison weapons then as spirit mage (2nd profession/class) dump lots in the death aura, get a good bow & anything not undead would die before it gets close. Was quite amusing to just shoot at a lot of monsters & watch them fall from the poison in a few seconds or run around them avoiding them thanks to the slow as hell weapons. The lack of inventory space 2/3 of the way through was dragging the game down in enjoyment. Plus was unlimited town portal spell ability though after a while I had so much gold I really should have just stopped picking anything up that wasn't magical/better than what I had. Not bad for this kind of game though at this point, with this being the Gold edition of the game, even after playing this (for a couple days to get about 2/3 of the way through aka Athens) I'm relucant to get into the expansion as I doubt it will be that much of a leap ahead or much different in setting/story.

  • Not a bad mix on putting Sherlock Holmes in a H.P. Lovecraft themed setting. While the game is interesting to see, some of the puzzles are mind meltingly tough (glad there's good walkthroughs online to quickly get through them) but they did a decent job on the story. Sadly aside from some pretty Lovecraftian moments, I had some issues with the high framerate causing slight vertigo due to the speed of the character. Gladly now that I'm done with the game I'll probably not go back to it anytime soon, just look at it on the game library shelf.

  • Still working on this as I need to do the co-op, but as for the single player I just loved it on so many factors (ie. Cave Johnson & the older facility, characters, level design, ect.)

    However at the end, with all the work they went into redesigning Chell I was rather disappointed that they didn't pull the camera to back for some cinematic moments to show the scale of the room as well as showing her off better instead of leaving it in first person. Few moments in the game where this could have worked out good & fixed the problem in the first game where there were many thick people who never really looked at the character while playing.

  • Just the standard game (not the Nightmare expansion), well this game has a few interesting ideas like the ability to drop weapons for others. Though after playing through this recently as I forgot how it was when it came out & originally played it, I get the big feeling that the engine is a mess (where alt fire still didn't work on many guns & the bombs would not pull up a detonator to detonate just 1 bomb) plus the overall game feeling quite rushed. Maybe it's just because the first Blood with the expansions covered so much of the horror genre on giving so many timeless levels (ie. carnival featuring Jojo, the frozen hotel, Camp Crystal Lake, graveyards & more) that this sequel being rushed felt like it needed more interesting levels.

  • Honestly still enjoy the single player & the co-op (not the car combat multiplayer though) after playing it for a while. Still foggy on why they picked to go with the low Authority presence through the early part of the game & the lackluster ending (which Adam Sessler summarized his thoughts on it perfectly, was almost tempted to do the same & play the ending again to see if I missed anything). Solid id Software game minus the vehicle multiplayer & curious to see what they do with this new franchise as it's a good start but still needs to work on fleshing out the world.