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Things Are Looking Up

Even though this is the first weekend of school it is looking very good for me. First off, today is the home opener for our high school football team and I am going with a girl that is in 2 of my classes. Thats great! I think we may be going somewhere with this. Yes it does kinda suck that school has started again but my classes are pretty fun. Heres the run down of them.

1st Hour- Gym- I have the girl I mentioned above in this class. Gym is always fun. Ultimate frisbee!

2nd Hour- Graphic Communications- Probably the coolest teacher I ever had. She told the class how to get past the internet blockers in school so we can go onto facebook, giant bomb and other sites when we have free time. But the class will be cool with all the graphic design stuff we will be doing.

3rd Hour- French 1- This class I also have the girl mentioned above in. I am actually learning alot of stuff and we each get our own french names. We got to pick from a list of names. I am now called Denis! Denis with one n.  To all people who know french. Comment ca va? Sava tres bien!!

4th Hour- Pre-AP English- Pretty cool class  with an awesome teacher. Todays question. If you could pick any one book to memorize what would it be? I said "How to do a rubix cube." Those things are fuckin hard!

Ok so thats my school scheduale, this year is looking pretty good for me. I also got Mercs 2 and it's tight!

Im off to the game!