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A blog that mentions Persona 4?! On GIANT BOMB?!

Ok bad jokes over. Today Persona 4 arrived. But before I discuss that, other things I've been playing:



I really don't know what I can say here that hasn't been said a million times on a million blogs by a million guys who play Minecraft. I bloody love it. So to avoid boring repetition I'll leave you with this;
 But I thought YOU were the robit!
 But I thought YOU were the robit!
(YES IT'S DARK, I couldn't be bothered to wait until daytime to cap it, SOZ)

(Also, my computer isn't really good enough to run Minecraft. /Depressing)

Beyond Good and Evil

 I'm barely an hour into this game, bought it for TWO WHOLE BRITISH POUNDS in HMV's replay section (an odd bargain in an usually over-priced pit), and I'm enjoying it.
  • The combat at the moment is relatively simple, it seems to be "Press X to do contextual things", but it doesn't feel over simplified because there's so much else going on at all times.
  • The driving (/boating) sections are surprisingly fun. I really hope this isn't something I'll eat my words for later on when they become repetitive bores, but I have high hopes that isn't going to happen.
  • Taking photo's is COOL YEH. Pokeman Snap and all.


What I'm mainly getting from BGAE (is that a recognised acronym or is it just shit?) is that it's one of those games, a la Bioshock, where the set of characters and the world are the focal point. Jade's friend group is endearing as hell, sorta steampunk without the arrogance. So yeh, I'm digging that, and luckily the gameplay's not bad at all. I'm hella excited to get further with this one. 

Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon

I LOVE Broken Sword 1&2, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't. I was a bit worried coming to The Sleeping Dragon because;
  1. I'm playing it on the PS2 and not PC, WHAT.
  2. It looks like Timesplitters (which I like, but where's the pixelised animation look?).
  3. Most importantly, it's no longer point-and-click.
As I mentioned in a previous blog, I really enjoy the point and click format. I'm sure you could say it's laziness on my part but I strongly believed adventure games in which you  physically command your character through space are clunky as hell. It's the one thing that's preventing my from finishing Grim Fandango (don't kill me), and turning to the older Monkey Islands instead. It's probably laziness.
First things first, WHAT GEORGE.

I always pictured George Stobbart as an akward, almost middle aged, English man from the 90s who delves into The Verve when he's done eating pork scratchings. He's certainly not the rugged action hero you see in that picture. The fact his voice carries over from the previous games confuses the hell out of me.
Stobbart aside, this is still Broken Sword. And this is still awesome. I'm surprised at how well they manage to keep the feel (both in terms of tone and gameplay) from the old games. Again I'm only about an hour in with this one but I'll keep you posted.
Anybody got any readily available point and click games I could be getting into? I remember seeing a Lucas Arts collection on Steam so that's a possibility. I'd appreciate your help on this one though!


So, yeh. Persona 4 happened. 2 hours in. It's awesome. But, surely this is BLOGGING A DEAD HORSE, by now? (pretty proud of that one). 
I may come back to it later in the game with more developed thoughts but yeh.  
First impressions:

No Caption Provided

Hope everyone's keeping warm,