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Mass Effect 2, Playstation 3 version details

I have to say that I feel very, very bad for the ones that got Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to the Xbox 360. Not because of the fact that it now totally turned into a multiplatform experience but because of the fact that the game will features content that the Xbox 360-version didn't. Many, many people, me included, bought the Xbox 360 because of a handful of game, Mass Effect included. I have the luxury of both consoles but I am in the minority of Mass Effect-fans that got two consoles and that is kind of what bums me out. Why?  
It's an RPG, the game is a fantastic RPG where alot of people wanted to do everything, know everything about the story and see places that are described in the books for themselves. Even though it's a multiplatform game and it's under control by EA, stuff may come exclusivly for the Playstation 3 version and that kind of scares me. The ultimate Mass Effect experience is on PC and Xbox 360 but that might change when Playstation 3 owners got there hand on the game.  
Don't get me wrong now. I think that it's kind of good that Mass Effect expends to charm a new audience. But when you've got a community that litterly makes it possible for this trilogy to move on, then you should be very careful about taking stuff away from them. If Infamous or Uncharted came out on the Xbox 360 and would have features exclusive content, that kind of would have been a very bad betrayal. 
What do you guys think. Will BioWare stop at the exclusive "interactive comic catch-up" for the Playstation 3 or will they start up more exclusive content. And what role does Sony play in this. Would BioWare agree a deal where Mass Effect 3 had some kind of DLC exlusivity. 



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Edited By Fruitcocoa

I have to say that I feel very, very bad for the ones that got Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to the Xbox 360. Not because of the fact that it now totally turned into a multiplatform experience but because of the fact that the game will features content that the Xbox 360-version didn't. Many, many people, me included, bought the Xbox 360 because of a handful of game, Mass Effect included. I have the luxury of both consoles but I am in the minority of Mass Effect-fans that got two consoles and that is kind of what bums me out. Why?  
It's an RPG, the game is a fantastic RPG where alot of people wanted to do everything, know everything about the story and see places that are described in the books for themselves. Even though it's a multiplatform game and it's under control by EA, stuff may come exclusivly for the Playstation 3 version and that kind of scares me. The ultimate Mass Effect experience is on PC and Xbox 360 but that might change when Playstation 3 owners got there hand on the game.  
Don't get me wrong now. I think that it's kind of good that Mass Effect expends to charm a new audience. But when you've got a community that litterly makes it possible for this trilogy to move on, then you should be very careful about taking stuff away from them. If Infamous or Uncharted came out on the Xbox 360 and would have features exclusive content, that kind of would have been a very bad betrayal. 
What do you guys think. Will BioWare stop at the exclusive "interactive comic catch-up" for the Playstation 3 or will they start up more exclusive content. And what role does Sony play in this. Would BioWare agree a deal where Mass Effect 3 had some kind of DLC exlusivity. 

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Edited By ventilaator

Every previously exclusive game ever has gotten more features after crossing over to a new platform, that happens because they don't want "LAZY PORT THEY DID NOTHING" screamed at them.

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Edited By Ghostiet

The comic catch-up is a necessity in this case. Also, the PS3 just gets a GOTY edition from the beginning, it's no big deal. Also, comparing losing ME as an exclusive to losing Uncharted or Halo as a exclusive isn't the best idea, since BioWare's and Bungie's/Naughty Dog's situations are different.

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Edited By mracoon

Does it really matter? If you didn't enjoy the ME2 experience on the 360 then I doubt that'll change with whatever they add to the PS3 version. If you did enjoy the game on the 360 then you've already gotten your moneys worth.

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Edited By Venatio

I'm a huge Mass Effect fan, read all the books and comics and played both games, I'm not worried at all really, I might even get the PS3 version in addition to my 360 version if I feel that it's neccesary
Also, if they make content for the PS3 version that's not on the 360 disc they'll probably release it on XBLM for a price, it's EA, they don't wanna miss out on cash from add-ons, be realistic here

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Edited By sameeeeam
@Venatio: Yeah, that's probably what they're gonna do.
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Edited By benjaebe

As far as I know, all that's on the disc is all the DLC released so far (barring Lair of the Shadow Broker), possibly an interactive comic, and some exclusive DLC packs (such as the recon armor pack) that were already available to PC and 360 users. As in, there won't be any real exclusive DLC.
I got my information from this post by Jesse Houston.
Would it really be so awful if they got some kind of exclusive content though? At this point, some of that exclusive DLC is the only reason people get multiplatforms on the PS3 if they own both consoles. Microsoft has been way worse about securing exclusives, locking out PC and PS3 userbases.

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Edited By CharlieTuna

I have a PS3 and a 360, Mass Effect is by far my favorite 360 exclusive, it's not even close really. Do I care that the PS3 is getting it along with a little extra content? Not at all, my Shepard is on 360 and I did not even play the DLC that was released for ME2 (or ME1 really). Who cares about some little extra mission, meh.

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Edited By Sooty

I own a PS3 but I know the best experience is on 360, it sort of sucks PS3 owners aren't going to get the importing changes feature from the first. 
At least throw the PS3 a bone with some timed exclusive DLC or something, nothing will make up for not having the first game on the platform tbh, even if the first is vastly inferior to the second game. (mechanics wise)

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Edited By ColinWright

Who gives a shit about exclusivity?

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Edited By zombie2011
@Ygg said:
" I own a PS3 but I know the best experience is on 360, it sort of sucks PS3 owners aren't going to get the importing changes feature from the first.  At least throw the PS3 a bone with some timed exclusive DLC or something, nothing will make up for not having the first game on the platform tbh, even if the first is vastly inferior to the second game. (mechanics wise) "
I'm pretty sure they are done with DLC for ME2. Besides if they do exclusive DLC for PS3 it won't be anything good, seeing if it adds to the story it will fuck up ME3 for 360 owners because they wouldn't know what happened during the DLC.
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Edited By nintendoeats

I was already pissed off that they made DLC for the game (essentially adding 30 bucks to the price if you wanted to do anything), but this doesn't make me feel any different. I am kind of cheesed that they haven't released a port of ME1, since that is an absolutely key part of the experience. Of course if they did that, they might be obliged to fix some of the technical issues, and then I would totally want that patch...

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Edited By KaosAngel


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Edited By Globox82

Comparing Infamous, Uncharted or any other SONY FIRST PARTY game vs Mass Effect third party game is retarded. 
Mass effect is not MS francise, like how it is in case of Infamous and Uncharted belonging to Sony. 360 in last couple of years got many former 3rd party exclusives, like GTA, Devil May Cry, etc. Sooner or later even Gears of War will come to PS3 because MS doesn't own that IP, EPIC does. SO i assume after trilogy is done, they will go to EA or Acti and have them publish game, this time on more consoles then 360. SImple as that. 
In short learn difference between 1st party exclusive vs 3rd party exclusive.

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Edited By bibledoctor
@KaosAngel said:
Clearly if others are enjoying the game it means it is no longer good and we should complain about it and decline to acknowledge its existence anymore.
Where can I attend the Mass Effect 2 Xbox version game burning?
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Edited By Afroman269

I own both consoles and couldn't care less. I doubt that any "exclusive" PS3 content would make me consider buying another copy of ME 2. 

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Edited By Diamond

They should replace all the cutscenes with live action FMV.  Bluray has the space, now is the time!

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Edited By Egg0

Mass Effect 2 is a great game that everyone should play. I just recently got a PS3 so this doesn't really matter to me, but they should make PS3 owners play Mass Effect 1. Good game, but horribly clunky.
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Edited By chrissedoff

exclusive ps3 content, eh? bet it's a helmet or something.

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Edited By mordukai
@CarlSmith: DUDE. Not cool for your misleading title. Just because you feel burnt doesn't mean you have to burn people too. I clicked on this expecting actual details about the PS3 version and instead I got a rant.  
PS- Get over it. Companies do that all the time. If you complain about this then you have to complain about every GOTY/Deluxe edition that come out.  I am sure you will see all that "exclusive" content appear on the 360 as well.These days the word EXCLUSIVE has a different meaning. Besides, if the 360 won't get that content then so what? I don't think for one second that it's going to hurt the main story what so ever. You also have to consider that PS3 only owners are going to miss out on everything that happened on ME1. Granted the PS3 version is getting a "introduction in the Mass Effect universe"  but come on, WOuld you really replace an Introduction for a whole game?
@chrissedoff said:
" exclusive ps3 content, eh? bet it's a helmet or something. "
I actually heard that Bioware are going to add 6 more hours of game time that is not into the 360 version. So far it could be a rumor but if you are really interested I can hunt down the source of that rumor. 
@Afroman269 said:
" I own both consoles and couldn't care less. I doubt that any "exclusive" PS3 content would make me consider buying another copy of ME 2.  "
I kinda feel like you but the fact is that the only reason I kept my 360 was for the Mass Effect games. I am actually very curious about how the Ps3 will fare against the 360 one.
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Edited By mordukai
@Ygg said:

" I own a PS3 but I know the best experience is on 360, it sort of sucks PS3 owners aren't going to get the importing changes feature from the first.  At least throw the PS3 a bone with some timed exclusive DLC or something, nothing will make up for not having the first game on the platform tbh, even if the first is vastly inferior to the second game. (mechanics wise) "

Dude, the import feature is soooooooo overplayed. I can't even begin to tell you how Bioware over hyped this one. Most the changes were so small and inconsequential that it was really borderline as to be a really good joke on behalf of Bioware. I don't know if you played the game or not but I can tell you that Bioware actually gives you the chance to null the two most important gameplay features from the first game right at the very beginning. 
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Edited By zzzleepy
@Mordukai: True. 
BioWare's games are more about the illusion of choice, rather than actual choice but I am fine with that, I still love 'em. I don't know that many people that play these kind of games and I usually play pretty similar on any of my subsequent playthroughs so I am living the illusion!
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Edited By Afroman269
@Mordukai Still wouldn't care though, being more invested in the PS3 would be a factor in raising interest but I already created my character and invested so much from ME 1. Using a blank slate ME 2 character in the PS3 just sounds bad when I have the option to have a personal custom guy with the 360 version.
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Edited By mordukai
@Zzzleepy: No no no no. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bioware games. I am just saying the import feature was severely overhyped.  
@Afroman269: I am not trying to convince you and like I said before I feel almost the same way as you but this whole ordeal has got me interested to see how exactly Bioware will handle the fact that PS3 owners didn't get to play the first one. I also felt attached to my character because I invested so much on her from the first game that's why 
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Edited By MysteriousBob
@CarlSmith said:
" I have to say that I feel very, very bad for the ones that got Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to the Xbox 360. Not because of the fact that it now totally turned into a multiplatform experience but because of the fact that the game will features content that the Xbox 360-version didn't. Many, many people, me included, bought the Xbox 360 because of a handful of game, Mass Effect included. I have the luxury of both consoles but I am in the minority of Mass Effect-fans that got two consoles and that is kind of what bums me out. Why?   It's an RPG, the game is a fantastic RPG where alot of people wanted to do everything, know everything about the story and see places that are described in the books for themselves. Even though it's a multiplatform game and it's under control by EA, stuff may come exclusivly for the Playstation 3 version and that kind of scares me. The ultimate Mass Effect experience is on PC and Xbox 360 but that might change when Playstation 3 owners got there hand on the game.   Don't get me wrong now. I think that it's kind of good that Mass Effect expends to charm a new audience. But when you've got a community that litterly makes it possible for this trilogy to move on, then you should be very careful about taking stuff away from them. If Infamous or Uncharted came out on the Xbox 360 and would have features exclusive content, that kind of would have been a very bad betrayal.  What do you guys think. Will BioWare stop at the exclusive "interactive comic catch-up" for the Playstation 3 or will they start up more exclusive content. And what role does Sony play in this. Would BioWare agree a deal where Mass Effect 3 had some kind of DLC exlusivity.  "
Nice post, but I do believe the actual thread title promised me some kind of details. I haven't seen a news post yet so I don't know what this content is.
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Edited By StarFox
@Mordukai: The 'six hours of game time' is a mistranslation from a German BioWare community manager- he was referring to the DLC already present in ME2 coming with the disk (Kasumi, Shadow Broker, Overlord I believe). 
So it's basically just ME2 GOTY edition + interactive comic to substitute for ME1. I'm good with that- might have been pissed if I had spent $90+ on ME2 + DLC just for PS3 to get exclusive content but this is pretty awesome. PS3 duders, you are in for one of the greatest games of this generation (in my opinion).
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Edited By mordukai
@StarFox: At least people with the PS3 version won't have to deal with that annoying disc change. All in all I might get this version when it's on sale next year. Seeing how I burnt more then $100 on this game I am in no hurry to re buy  it.  
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Edited By HitmanAgent47

If there is more content, they might release a game of the year version for the pc and xbox360 later. Then again i'm only taking a guess here. I still don't think they deserve such a superior game, however it's EA's property, not ours.

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Edited By damswedon

They are replacing the load screens with elevators. You've gotta make use of all that bluray space. 
Personally I think that anyone who plays the PS3 version of the game is getting an inferior version of the game, but that's because I value the entire story that my Shepard has gone through highly.

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Edited By Fruitcocoa

For those of you who wrote - well don't even compare Mass Effect 2 on Playstation 3 with Uncharted on Xbox 360. I am not saying that it ever would happen. But it is totally same kind of deal because the Mass Effect sales on the 360 are not far off (if not even better?) then the Uncharted sales. I have no source on this other then some google searches but I don't really think that there would be a major difference. And again, I could be wrong. My point is that even though it's a third party title it totally started (and will remain) as a trilogy that started on the Xbox 360. That is what I am saying - the people who started their journey should not miss out on any content and vice versa. The people that will buy the game on the Playstation 3 should have all the content to make the whole experience the same as the Xbox 360 players had. 

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I agree with your entire post.
Its good they get to play it, its bad there's maybe some exclusive things in the works.
Least Bioware can do is make both versions as similar as possible and not cut content for one platform.
Doesn't help us Xbox/pc fans feeling cheated!

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Edited By Hamz

Such a misleading topic title. Anyway.... 
The simple fact is BioWare has to sell the game to PS3 owners and make buying the PS3 version, after the game has been available on PC & 360 for ages, worthwhile. People often feel slighted as if they're being handed sloppy-seconds when a title stops being exclusive to a single platform after a set time and gets a release on other platforms as well. 
Seems like an awful lot of fanboyish worrying to me.

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Edited By HitmanAgent47

I'm glad at least the first game was still an exclusive since EA didn't fully publish it, even if they did, there was a deal with microsoft that can't be breached. I believe mass effect 2 and mass effect 3 are timed exclusives, or the third game multiplatform, not the first. EA themselves has took other exclusives, such as battlefield games and also crysis to other platforms and consoles before. It's ea's strategy to make as much money as possible and they don't care about any loyalty.

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Edited By MooseyMcMan

I don't think it'll be a problem unless Mass Effect 3 comes with a bunch of extra crap on PS3 (and it will, that's what EA has been doing with other big multiplatform games). I'll be torn between carrying over all my stuff, and between wanted extra stuff (unless Mass Effect 3 doesn't come with something akin to this comic thing, and just makes the choices for you). 

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Edited By Fruitcocoa
@Hamz said:
" Such a misleading topic title. Anyway....  The simple fact is BioWare has to sell the game to PS3 owners and make buying the PS3 version, after the game has been available on PC & 360 for ages, worthwhile. People often feel slighted as if they're being handed sloppy-seconds when a title stops being exclusive to a single platform after a set time and gets a release on other platforms as well.  Seems like an awful lot of fanboyish worrying to me. "
Well, for me this case is wierd because of the concept. If you create a character on Xbox 360/Playstation 3, you should not miss out on anything. That's all I'm sayin'. And as I wrote in my post, I own both consoles and I will play the game on the Playstation 3 too. I don't see any fanboyish worrying here other then that fans of Mass Effect don't want to miss out on anything. If that's fanboyish worrying for you, then... Yeah, wierd. 
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Edited By StarFox
@damswedon: @damswedon said:
" They are replacing the load screens with elevators. You've gotta make use of all that bluray space. Personally I think that anyone who plays the PS3 version of the game is getting an inferior version of the game, but that's because I value the entire story that my Shepard has gone through highly. "
I think that if all the load times are replaced with elevator sequences they shouldn't need to include the motion comic- PS3 Shepard would then have the whole ME1 experience under his belt. 
But yeah, I agree- I don't understand the big deal, with this being a role playing game and all ME1 is a big part of Shepard's canon. I wouldn't go so far as to call it the 'inferior' experience though, and whatever the case it's nice BioWare gets the chance to throw the PS3 a bone by fully multiplatting this badass title.
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Edited By monkeyking1969

I played the 360 version, but I'm looking forward to the PS3 version simply to get the GOTY play through.  Also, my XB 360 is always crashing so it was hard to truly enjoy the game, or any game, on my XB 360.  As far as importing saves....pfft.  Having seen what my friends got having had ME and what I got without a save I can honestly say the import didn't do much.  The experience of playing the first ME was what they took away that mattered.   Would it be nice if they "tried" to improve the choices they PS3 folks get to guide the early story?  Sure.   But, if they just get the same set up as the XB 360 players without a save I wouldn't mind.   
If this were a vote I'd ask the developer to include an OPTIONAL narration video at the start of the game that would fill in the player a bit better, but really that would be it.  I don't feel bad for XB 360 players who played the game earlier; I don't feel all that gratified PS3 owner might get a goty-level version.  I just think it good that more people can play worth it no matter how or when you got to play it.

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Edited By 27thRed_Martyr
Its not a betrayal, its their way of making up to the Ps3 owner's,  just wait they might release it to 360 in a few months.
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Edited By ThePickle

Mass Effect 2 for Ps3 is a Day 1 purchase for me. I am so fucking pumped. 

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Edited By Zlimness

I hate exclusives, so good for those who didn't want to buy a PC or 360 to play ME2. They don't miss out on anything as far as the import character goes; that feature was reduced to basically having no impact whatsoever on the world. You'll just have less e-mails from Wrex to delete.
The game is more or less a direct sequel that ties heavily into the events of the first though. Not releasing the first game for those who didn't play that, is retarded. But Microsoft owns that one and EA couldn't care less about any sort artistic merit the series might've had, so its up to Bioware to patch together something coherent out of this clusterfuck. Maybe the exclusive content is just that.