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Mass Effect 2, Playstation 3 version details

I have to say that I feel very, very bad for the ones that got Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to the Xbox 360. Not because of the fact that it now totally turned into a multiplatform experience but because of the fact that the game will features content that the Xbox 360-version didn't. Many, many people, me included, bought the Xbox 360 because of a handful of game, Mass Effect included. I have the luxury of both consoles but I am in the minority of Mass Effect-fans that got two consoles and that is kind of what bums me out. Why?  
It's an RPG, the game is a fantastic RPG where alot of people wanted to do everything, know everything about the story and see places that are described in the books for themselves. Even though it's a multiplatform game and it's under control by EA, stuff may come exclusivly for the Playstation 3 version and that kind of scares me. The ultimate Mass Effect experience is on PC and Xbox 360 but that might change when Playstation 3 owners got there hand on the game.  
Don't get me wrong now. I think that it's kind of good that Mass Effect expends to charm a new audience. But when you've got a community that litterly makes it possible for this trilogy to move on, then you should be very careful about taking stuff away from them. If Infamous or Uncharted came out on the Xbox 360 and would have features exclusive content, that kind of would have been a very bad betrayal. 
What do you guys think. Will BioWare stop at the exclusive "interactive comic catch-up" for the Playstation 3 or will they start up more exclusive content. And what role does Sony play in this. Would BioWare agree a deal where Mass Effect 3 had some kind of DLC exlusivity.