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Hey, so, uh. 5yrs huh? Been a while

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'Sup gents. I apologize for the large amount of no blogging on my part. Consider this the beginning of my Giant Bomb Redemption!!! Well, at least I'll try to be active more.  
Not too much has happened since I was gone. I got a chance to play a lot of games. Which included: BioShock, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Bionic Commando, Penny Arcade 1&2, Borderlands (finished it), Uncharted 2 (finished it), Fairytale Fights, Dante's Inferno and more that I'm sure I'm forgetting. I did get my first platinum, please hold your applause, it was in Ratchet and Clank. It wasn't too hard. I'm two trophies away from getting the platinum in Fallout 3!!!!!!! To end the gaming part on a gaming subject. I think I'm going to go into some type of gaming field. I'm getting a degree in business (more in a second) so maybe I'll start up a game site or some indie company. A few of my friends are going to college to do programming and I talked to them about starting up a business after school.  

 My phone!!!!!! Not the background though. Mine's more manly. 
 My phone!!!!!! Not the background though. Mine's more manly. 
Outside of gaming. I got excepted to the International Business College. Like I said I'm getting my business degree. The thing I really like the most about that college is that I graduate next October with a Associates  Degree. It's about 20 - 30 mins from my house so it's not a bad drive. Other things that happened since my absence. I saw Gabriel Ilesias live, broke the house youth record at my local center with a 738, got a new phone. Not really the best, most exciting thing ever. My new phone is the Palm Pre Plus and it's pretty dope.  

Thats going to end this blog post. Expect more next week on my love for Scott Pilgrim.
Thanks for reading, 