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Hey, so, uh. 5yrs huh? Been a while

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Scott Pilgrim: Why my productivity is at a all time low.

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Back in 2004 Bryan Lee O' Malley wrote a little graphic novel called Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life. Now there has been four after that, vs the World, Infinite Sadness, Gets it Together, vs the Universe and the newest one Finest Hour, due for release in July. Fast forward six years and I finally start the series. I have Screened to thank for their summer preview video. They showed the trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs the World, who have since watched at least 50 times. So after being blown away by this trailer I headed over to Amazon to get the first three books, which equaled out to be about 24 bucks, not bad at all. So now, even though I'm really late to the party, I'm 100% obsessed with these graphic novels. They're funny, well written, a unique story, the characters are well thought out, to use a cliched line, it has the whole package. I've read through Precious Little Life and vs the World so far. I'm about half way through Infinite Sadness and it's pretty good. Here's a quick review of each (mostly just a grade).

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life:

 A very funny start to the series. It build upon the characters great, you get to know most of the series regulars here. Funny throughout, well written. Just a great read. 

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Scott Pilgrim vs the World:

It's a good second book, but it tries way too hard to be funny and that really kills it. There's a fight seen in it that is killed because it's trying to be funny, and it could have been a really good fight. But all in all, it's a really good book as well. 

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Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness:

 I'm still reading it, but it's looking to be the best so far. 
I'm pretty fucking stoked to read more of the series. O' Malley has crafted a gem for not just comic fans but for anyone. As I've said before the story is completely unique
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and it's something that pulled me in instantly. And I guess this is cool, I tweeted enough about the Scott Pilgrim movie that Edgar Wright, the director also of Hot Fuzz fame, tweeted me saying there's a new trailer coming out. So I'm stoked as hell!!! If you'd excuse me, it's time to go read Infinite Sadness. WOOOOOOOSH!!! (Oh and I'm REALLY stoked for the game!!!)
Thanks for reading,