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@awesomeusername: The problem with every Guyver series is that they end right at the best fucking part.

In the last anime series they did it ended right after the protagonist came back and had combined his Unit 1 (think it was unit 1) with a one of the creators spaceships. It would have led to him helping humanity fight back against the Zoanoids. Could have been an all out war given the fact that everyone knows about the Zoanoids (they took over the world).

All I want at this point in my life is for them to either continue where they left off back in 2006, or don't bother with it. I really don't want to watch another reboot of it just so they can find yet another cliffhanger to end the series at again.

Also if your into manga I would highly recommend reading the manga version of Tokyo Ghoul, because the first season skips and rearranged so much of it and the second season thinks that everyone watching has already read the manga.

As for anime I would suggest checking out "Garo: The Animation" if you haven't already.

I do like the Guyver series though.

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@sergio said:

@zomgfruitbunnies said:

Garo: The Animation 20 - Wasn't expecting that! RIP Lala. This just got weird, fast. There was always some tension between those two, but I sure wasn't counting on a mutual moment of weakness to bring them together.

Huh? Am I missing something? I thought the latest was episode 19. Lala? Do you mean Lara?

No your not wrong or missing anything. Garo: The Animation only has 19 eps and the character he meant to say was Lara.

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@azrailx said:

skip aldnoah zero, go straight to steins gate

also ive heard zankyou no terror gets worse as it goes along, can anynone c/d?

The Zankyou no terror plot does get worse.

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@jazz said:

Big fan of the book and manga - saw the trailer and who was in it and went 'nope'.

Can someone confirm if the ending is still the same or has it been hollywoodised?

They changed the ending, so that they could keep both of the main cast alive.

As in, no duel to the death.

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@mooseymcman: I'd love to have more people to raid (or do anything) with. I don't what console you have though (PS for me).

PSN: GTCknight, I'm a level 30 Warlock.

Finding exotic weapons and raid primary weapons (other than atheon's epilogue) is an unholy nightmare for me.

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#6  Edited By GTCknight

@eazeapeazea said:

I just watched 2 episodes from an anime that came in '99 called Bubblegum Crisis. So far it seems interesting. Should I continue watching?

Bubblegum Crisis is good, but its nothing compared to its spin-off (OVA) AD Police Files.

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The only bad thing about AD Police is that there's only three episodes.

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#7  Edited By GTCknight

PSN: GTCknight

I'm free on Tuesday in the afternoon. I don't mind doing anything really. The only I would ask is please leave a comment in the invite letting me know if your doing raid, nightfall, or weekly thus allowing me to get prepared for it.

EDIT: forgot to mention I'm currently in the US, West Coast.

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@aegon said:

Edit: Just found out Bleach is ending soon as well. It's the end of an era in manga. I stopped keeping up with Bleach a while ago, but I remember enjoying the Soul Society arc a whole lot. Then it started its downward slope. I kinda wanna re-watch Soul Society, but that's too big of a time commitment

@turtlebird95 said:

BREAKING: Naruto manga is ending in FIVE CHAPTERS.

What in the absolute fuck?!

The fact that these two series have started and now are going to end before Berserk has even shown sight of an end is beyond me. The likelihood of never seeing it end is going to haunt me forever.

Guts has been on a boat for 4 years, and he is just sitting on the dock waiting for Kentaro to allow him to meet this fucking Fairy King.

The most recent chapters consists of this information: Falconia continues to look pretty, and Griffith continues to be a perfect looking godly asshole.

Wrong, the most recent chapter of Berserk featured Rickert slapping Griffith in the fucking face in front of his wife, the pope, an apostle, and that seer girl. After that, he told Griffith he wanted nothing to do with the current Griffith and walks away.

One of the most satisfying moments in Berserk.

Can't wait for Guts to slap Griffith with the Dragonslayer.

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@gtcknight said:

@themanwithnoplan said:

Well, just finished Tokyo Ghoul. I liked it for the most part, and I think I'll just jump into the manga at this point. The last couple episodes were kind of rough to watch, due to the torture. (I know people don't like the censoring, but I think it did a more effective job at unnerving me, than if I actually saw the gore. My mind was left to fill in the blanks.)

I'll probably watch Aldnoah Zero next. People seem to think that's good.

As someone who was reading the manga long before the anime came out, I highly recommend starting the manga from the beginning. The anime while fine cut out a ton of vital character and world building.

That's what I keep seeing people reading the manga say. I think I'll do just that.

To be fair the anime is not terrible, but they basically crammed 70+ chapters (four arcs) into 12 episodes. They also switched the Hinami arc (second arc) and Gourmet arc (third arc) around in the anime.

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Well, just finished Tokyo Ghoul. I liked it for the most part, and I think I'll just jump into the manga at this point. The last couple episodes were kind of rough to watch, due to the torture. (I know people don't like the censoring, but I think it did a more effective job at unnerving me, than if I actually saw the gore. My mind was left to fill in the blanks.)

I'll probably watch Aldnoah Zero next. People seem to think that's good.

As someone who was reading the manga long before the anime came out, I highly recommend starting the manga from the beginning. The anime while fine cut out a ton of vital character and world building.