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My collection of video games. About 10 are missing as I sold some.

List items

  • It's a bit on the short side, but it's still a blast to play with a group of friends.

  • You can never run out of things to do with this game. I've owned it for 5 years and STILL haven't fully completed it.

  • A true modern day classic. No other game has blended artistic themes and gameplay so well.

  • It's not quite as unique as the original, but it still manages to be a refreshing visit to Rapture.

  • The more linear playstyle makes it less original the it's predecessor, yet it still manages to give plenty of tactical options.

  • The single player campaign is a short, convoluted mess, but the multiplayer is okay. As long as you don't bump into noob tubers or campers. Which you will.

  • Ditto with Oblivion. You never run out of things to do. Ever.

  • It's nice to see JRPGs other than Final Fantasy making it to next generation consoles. Sucks that the combat is so generic and boring.

  • It was worth the five year wait. Remedy managed to develop the video game equivelant of Lost.

  • One of the most disappointing shooters I've owned. Since when does 2 patches and 2 pieces of already-on-the-disc DLC count as "constant support for the game"?

  • It's very rare to come across an RPG that manages to have fun, fluid gameplay AND an in-depth story.

  • Just like the original, except better in every single way. BioShock's new approach is MUCH more cinematic and enjoyable to play. A shame that there is pretty much no exploration now, however.

  • I never got what was so good about this game. Seriously. 5/10.

  • Think Oblivion if it was made by Blizzard, and that's the best way to describe this game. On the Xbox 360 version, of course. Took me 40 hours to finish.

  • 3 years on, and I still play this game every day. You can never get bored with it.

  • Something about it isn't quite as good as the original, but it still manages to give you some nice tactical options. The multiplayer is very good, too.

  • The idea of an open world FPS is well realised, but the constant respawning and generally repetive gameplay hold it back.

  • The last good entry in the series. Everything after this does not exist. Does. Not. Exist.

  • The only well-rounded CoD, with great multiplayer as well as great single player. Still a bit too short, but a MUCH more quality package than the entries that followed.

  • Open world racing is really fun. Open world crashing, too. And open world multiplayer racing and crashing.

  • To this day I have still not found a gaming deal that is such a bargin. If you don't have it, GET IT! 5 GAMES FOR £5 FOR GOD SAKE!

  • Please. Ignore the critics. Give this great game a chance. Also, Hail To The King, Baby.

  • One of the only truely gritty shooters out there. The visuals are stunning and the gameplay feels really weighty and real.

  • It's a GREAT step-up from Fahrenheit (also known as Indigo Prophecy) in terms of trying to be an interactive film, but I found the ending to be unsatisfying. The Killer was a cheap way out.

  • It's not great, but it has it's moments. Like the club scene.

  • One of the best games avalible on the system. Of all time, I'm not so sure. The really long cutscenes are very nice, but aren't too accessible if you haven't played previous entries (like me). The ending espicially.

  • It's single player isn't a good as CoD 4, but it stands out as the most interesting campaign of the entire CoD series. Also, the multiplayer is better than MW2's but not quite as god as the original MW.

  • It's basically GTA, but you play a cowboy. And that's AWESOME.

  • It's well-made and fun to play, but something about the franchise as a whole just doesn't do it for me. Still a solid 8/10.

  • Not only does everything just feel better than the original, but the mission editor has a rediculously massive amount of depth. I've spent about 2 hours in it working on my first mission.

  • Just started getting into this and it's pretty cool.